The more you go, the more you will be.


Yuan Lian's words of breaking through the barrier, accompanied by the looming auspicious light, gradually emerged in the void of the northern land of the prehistoric world, as if it contained supreme power, turning into an indescribable mysterious sound of Taoism, faintly echoing in the void of the northern land, giving people a mysterious feeling of enlightenment.

Many ordinary living beings and cultivators have good luck and fortune. Under the mysterious feeling of enlightenment brought by Yuan Lian's words of breaking through the barrier, they suddenly made a breakthrough and were overjoyed.

And those living beings and cultivators who did not make a breakthrough also gained something, which was not bad.

However, in the minds of some of the few great powers and masters in the northern land of the prehistoric world, they have already understood that this is the mysterious phenomenon that Yuanlian is breaking through himself and heading towards the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, or it is basically a sure thing, and the aura is naturally generated.

Once it is completely accomplished, it will surely alarm the entire prehistoric world and become a pioneer of the Tao again!

Somewhere in the northern land of the prehistoric world, in a hall on Qiongding Mountain, Tianqiong, who is already in the middle stage of the Great Dao Daluo Dao Fruit, slowly opened his eyes, with divine light flashing in his eyes, and looked in the direction of Tianlian Mountain.

"Daoyou Yuanlian could have impacted the Hunyuan Golden Immortal a long time ago. This impact is not surprising at all. It's a pity that for the same generation of cultivators, the invisible pressure brought by this is also very huge!"

Although Tianqiong said so, he didn't have too many thoughts, but turned the pressure into power, silently practicing hard, while quietly looking at the direction of Tianlian Mountain, as if expecting something.

At the same time, the Wuji Patriarch of the Wuji Dynasty, who was already in the early stage of the Great Dao Daluo Dao Fruit, slowly opened his eyes in the palace in Wuji Mountain and looked towards the direction of Tianlian Mountain, but his expression was much more complicated than that of the sky, and he was obviously jealous and unwilling.

After experiencing the events in the western land of the prehistoric world, the Wuji Patriarch and Yuanlian basically lost contact, and some of the usual secret methods of voice transmission were no longer used, and they really became strangers.

The reasons for this are very complicated, but more of them are about interests.

The foundation of the Wuji Dynasty of the Wuji Patriarch was ultimately the fierce beasts.

The fierce beast dynasty, where the fate of the fierce beasts was located, was driven out of the northern land of the prehistoric world by Yuanlian, causing the number of fierce beasts in the northern land of the prehistoric world to drop sharply, which was considered to have destroyed the foundation of the Wuji Dynasty and caused great losses to the interests of the Wuji Dynasty.

Now, because of the decisive battle with the fierce beasts, it is equivalent to destroying the foundation and interests of all the dynasties of heaven and earth in advance, and the Wuji Dynasty is no exception.

With all these things, how can Wuji Patriarch go back to the past with Yuanlian!

"Alas... Never mind! The establishment of the Wuji Dynasty was also due to his reminder. Now it is like this, it can be regarded as the beginning and end of fate!"

"And since it has come to this, the existence of the Wuji Dynasty is no longer meaningful. It can be disbanded and get away."

"As for the complex cause and effect and karma with the sentient beings of heaven and earth that must be borne because of the Tiandi Dynasty, they can be completely washed away in the decisive battle with the fierce beast lineage with the killing aura of the world catastrophe..."

"If it can't be washed away, then I estimate that it will be difficult to get out of this world catastrophe unscathed. Cause and effect, karma or not, it is no longer so important, alas..."

Wuji Patriarch looked at the direction of Tianlian Mountain, his mind turned thousands of times, and he had already made up his mind.

With a final sigh, he slowly retracted his gaze.

Then, while Wuji Patriarch used a secret method to separate himself from the Wuji Dynasty and dissolve the Wuji Dynasty, he continued to practice hard, and at the same time seemed to be waiting for something.

In the current prehistoric world, it is not only Wuji Patriarch who is a little discouraged and began to dissolve his Tiandi Dynasty.

Basically, all the great powers of the world who have established their own Tiandi Dynasty have begun to slowly dissolve the Tiandi Dynasty that they have established for countless years.

Even if they have to bear some of the karma that the Tiandi Dynasty must bring, they will not hesitate.

In addition to the basic reason that the decisive battle is imminent, the existence of the Tiandi Dynasty is no longer meaningful and there is no need for it to exist.

The most important reason is that these great powers who established the Tiandi Dynasty are selfish and want to quickly get rid of the burden of the Tiandi Dynasty.

This sounds like a contradiction. How can the Tiandi Dynasty, which gathers endless living beings and cultivators to earn luck, accelerate cultivation, and fight for itself, become a burden?

And this is actually very good

Understand, if the Tiandi Dynasty is not dissolved, not to mention that the Tiandi Dynasty has little meaning, the cultivation effect it brings is not very good.

Just say that these great powers who established the Tiandi Dynasty can mobilize thousands of troops and use all the living beings in the Tiandi Dynasty for their own use, which seems very impressive, but in this way, when the decisive battle comes, they must maintain the Tiandi Dynasty in all aspects, which is easy to involve their own mind and distract.

After all, the oath of heaven and earth to protect the living beings of the Tiandi Dynasty made when the Tiandi Dynasty was established is not a joke, nor is it just a casual talk.

If they really sneak around and deliberately do nothing without any intention of protecting, the punishment they bring in the dark will not be worse than death.

In this way, the approaching decisive battle will naturally make it easy for the Tiandi Dynasty to distract their minds and distract themselves.

Therefore, it is natural that the Tiandi Dynasty they established may become a disguised burden for them, which prevents them from fully exerting their power and loses flexibility and adaptability.

Therefore, in their view, all these things are basically more disadvantageous than beneficial, so they naturally disband the Tiandi Dynasty decisively.

At this time, Yuanlian naturally did not know and did not want to know about the ups and downs of the outside world.

Yuanlian only knew that at the moment when he shouted the words of breaking through the barrier, all the strange phenomena transformed by the four-color law light of blue, white, gold and black disappeared, and only the four-color law light returned to the Yuanchu Purple Lotus, on which many mysterious and indescribable mysterious Dao marks evolved.

In the end, these mysterious Dao marks were completely integrated with the Yuanchu Purple Lotus, making the Yuanchu Purple Lotus only appear as a purple lotus with a pale purple body, and the purple air of the Great Dao and the chaotic air lingering endlessly, showing a kind of ancient and natural, returning to the original.


Almost at the same time, a strange and subtle sound came from the depths of Yuanlian's soul, resonating with the heaven and earth, and once again attracted endless innate spiritual energy to Yuanlian.

If you look at the depths of Yuanlian's soul at this time, you can find that the Daluo Dao Lotus that has been nurturing the Great Dao Daluo Dao Fruit is rapidly withering at this moment, and a stream of mysterious vitality is constantly flowing towards Yuanlian's Great Dao Daluo Dao Fruit.

The subtle sound just now was born because of this.

The Daluo Dao Lotus withered and withered to help the Dao, paving the way for vitality, and the Dao Fruit Catastrophe, whether it will succeed or not, only depends on today!


A shocking sound shook the prehistoric world, and even more mysterious changes occurred, shocking all living beings in the world!

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