The two of them were very close, and the two sides were very close.

Qing Lianzi was not angry about Liu'er's denial of himself, but just looked at Liu'er quietly to see what different opinions this naturally intelligent Liu'er macaque had.

At this time, Liu'er was not timid or afraid, but thought that this might be an opportunity for him, and began to talk freely.

"Senior! I heard that countless years ago, although the prehistoric land was also divided into four parts, it was actually connected. There was no boundary river or sea like today, but..."

Liu Er had just started talking when Qing Lianzi smiled and interrupted him with a wave of his hand: "Haha! Little monkey, I know much more about these things than you do, and I vaguely know some of the reasons. You don't have to show off some unimportant information you got by using your innate instinctive magical powers in front of me."

"And in the future, don't use your innate instinctive magical powers to inquire about such secrets of heaven and earth. If you don't reach the realm of cultivation, the more you listen, the more karma you will cause. There will be disasters in the dark. No matter how strong your magical powers are, they will not be able to defeat destiny. You will be in the disaster without knowing it. The road will be difficult!"

In Qing Lianzi's words, the obvious warning and reminder, Liu Er naturally heard it clearly, and hurriedly nodded and thanked him.

After that, Liu Er sorted out his thoughts and continued, "Senior, it is said that since the emergence of the four continents and the order of heaven and earth, the cultivation of living beings is no longer the same as before. There have been many unknown changes in the invisible, and the most important of them is the more specific and detailed cultivation method, which is collectively referred to as the cultivation method."

"So what?" Qing Lianzi was too lazy to calculate, and just asked puzzled.

Because Qing Lianzi became a disciple of Yuan Lian, he naturally knew that the cultivation before and now was very different. Now he has become more particular about the way and method of cultivation.

It is basically impossible to observe the world and comprehend the laws of heaven and earth and cultivate himself like his master did before.

Unless he has reached the supreme realm like his master, or the realm of cultivation has reached a certain standard, he can cultivate like before.

Even if Qing Lianzi, one of the three flowers of Daluo, has the twelve grades of the earth flower and the sky flower, and is a strong man in the middle stage of Daluo Jinxian, he has not reached the so-called specific standard. Now he still has to practice the "Yuanlian Dao Zhenjing" to better cultivate.

However, Qinglianzi is a congenital god nurtured by the Heavenly Dao. He has practiced the congenital inheritance "Qinglian Creation Sutra" before, and now he is practicing the "Yuanlian Dao Zhenjing" created by Yuanlian. He doesn't have much feeling about this practice method. Qinglianzi really doesn't know what Liuer wants to say when he mentions the practice method.

At this time, Liuer also gave a specific answer.

"Nowadays, the quality of the practice method determines the speed of practice and even the future. If there is no practice method, it is basically impossible to practice with the Heaven and Earth Dao."

"But nowadays, the practice method is extremely rare, and even if there is a practice method in front of you, in most cases, there is no way to practice, just because there are Dao patterns in the world, but no universal characters..."

"Huhu... Boom..."

Before Liuer finished speaking, the world changed slightly. Suddenly, the wind and clouds moved around Liuer, and there was a thunder above his head. An invisible pressure went to Liuer, making Liuer feel uncomfortable, doubtful, and dared not continue.

"So that's it!" Qing Lianzi, who noticed the change, changed his expression slightly, and he vaguely understood something.

Before the Heavenly Dao came into being, the heaven and earth had their own innate Dao patterns. At the same time, the prehistoric creatures observed the natural evolution of the heaven and earth and comprehended the laws of the heaven and earth, so they could use their great cultivation, great magic power, and great wisdom to evolve the innate Dao patterns that directly point to the principles of the heaven and earth to express everything.

In a strict sense, the innate Dao patterns are the source of various talismans and the original writing system of the prehistoric world.

However, the innate Dao patterns, the original writing system of the prehistoric world, are too profound and too mysterious because they directly point to the principles of the heaven and earth. They are extremely unfriendly to ordinary creatures and cultivators, and this unfriendliness is constantly deepening with the continuous development of the prehistoric era.

Before the Heavenly Dao came into the world, the innate Dao patterns could barely hold on in the prehistoric world. However, with the coming of the Heavenly Dao, all aspects continued to develop, and powerful cultivators disappeared one after another. No one could personally analyze the innate Dao patterns, and the qualifications of the new creatures in the prehistoric world could no longer be as heaven-defying and powerful as they were at the beginning of the creation of the world.

Born knowing.

In this way, after a while, the innate Dao pattern is generally only spread within some races with strong foundations, and the high-level members of the tribe personally analyze the innate Dao pattern for the new creatures, and practice the cultivation method created by the various masters of the tribe.

This is also a major reason why the cultivation method is very rare in the prehistoric world now, because no one can understand it!

Even if there are some spells that directly transmit the Dao through spiritual consciousness, it is only a drop in the bucket, and it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause, and it cannot solve the fundamental problem of the innate Dao pattern.

Therefore, over the years, even the basic method "Daoti Xuanyuan Jing" that has been spread for endless years and spread throughout the prehistoric world has been facing the risk of being lost.

It is estimated that after some time, "Daoti Xuanyuan Jing" will completely withdraw from the prehistoric historical stage temporarily, and the prehistoric world will enter an era full of monsters and demons.

However, these have nothing to do with Qing Lianzi for the time being. Qing Lianzi only vaguely realized a merit opportunity from the mysterious changes caused by Liu Er's words just now, that is, to create a suitable practice text to improve the prehistoric world and benefit all living beings in the world.

However, this matter cannot be completed by just thinking about it. I am afraid that it still requires a lot of understanding and step by step. It is absolutely not urgent.

Therefore, Qing Lianzi just remembered this matter in his heart and stopped thinking about it for the time being. Instead, he gently swung the whisk to generate mysterious power, which made the doubtful Liu Er calm down instantly.

Then Qing Lianzi looked at Liu Er and smiled faintly: "I understand what you mean. In this case, the place you should go to the most is not Beijuluzhou, but Xiniuhezhou."

"The magic path is prosperous in Xiniuhezhou. Although the cultivation methods are rare, they are more numerous. As long as you devote yourself to the magic path, whether you worship a master or go to Mount Xumi to listen to the teachings of the Demon Ancestor, you can get the true meaning of the magic path and realize the cultivation methods by yourself. It is a great opportunity and good fortune..."

After Qing Lianzi finished speaking, he suddenly shook his head, knowing that he was still too presumptuous. With Liu Er's cultivation level, he couldn't even go through the boundary river and sea area. So whether he went north or west, there was actually not much difference and practical significance.

But Liu Er's next words made Qing Lianzi a little speechless, and even brought disaster.

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