The battle was over, and Yuan Lian knew that all the powerful monks were watching the battle secretly. Yuan Lian originally thought that the fierce beasts were the cancer of the prehistoric world and the mortal enemy of the prehistoric creatures. This was a basic consensus. With her relatively large advantage, no matter how unfamiliar these powerful monks were to her and how afraid they were of death, they should show up and help her under the consensus. If she was lucky enough to kill a fierce beast king, it would be a huge benefit for the entire prehistoric world. Do we have to wait until the fierce beast king develops, and then kills and occupies the northern land of the prehistoric world, before all the prehistoric creatures will learn from their mistakes and unite to deal with the fierce beasts? Yuan Lian couldn't understand this point, and she really didn't know what these people were thinking, and what kind of great way of heaven and earth they were cultivating!

Yuan Lian was just showing a sneer on her face now, because she was already giving Tianqiong a lot of face, and also because these people showed up now and chased the beasts.

Otherwise, Yuan Lian would have scolded these short-sighted people!

After a hundred or two hundred years of fierce fighting, Yuan Lian's self-confused and complex emotions had long been dissipated with the endless killing.

The madness no longer existed, and she had regained her sanity. She saw some things very clearly and understood that she could not kill Shen Ni and Samsara alone.

Yuan Lian knew very well that even though she had been showing great power for a hundred or two hundred years, as if she led the monks of Tianlian Mountain to fight against endless beasts, it seemed that the beasts were really nothing.

But the actual situation is that the reason why he can be so powerful is entirely because after swallowing the origin of the twenty-fourth-grade Creation Green Lotus and transforming into the twenty-fourth-grade Pure World White Lotus, his overall strength has leaped too much.

It is no longer possible to judge his strength solely from the level of the late Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Anyway, after one or two hundred years of crazy killing, Yuanlian gradually felt that although his cultivation realm was at the peak of the late Taiyi Golden Immortal, his actual combat power was estimated to have reached the peak of the Taiyi Golden Immortal Great Perfection, and Yuanlian even felt that he could touch the combat power range of the Daluo Golden Immortal.

To put it bluntly, it is not that Shen Ni and Lun Hui are too weak, nor that the endless beasts have no effect.

This can be fully seen from the fact that when Tianqiong and various powerful cultivators were chasing the retreating beasts all the way, they were also led by Shen Ni and Lun Hui to lead the beast army to counterattack from time to time, which made them very embarrassed and dangerous.

Therefore, the overall strength of the fierce beasts is really not weak, and even very strong. It's just that Yuanlian's strength is too advanced and too beyond the scope at the current time.

Coupled with several powerful treasures and some means, it has formed a certain degree of crushing and ignoring. This is the fundamental factor for facing the fierce beast king leading the fierce beast army to siege and not be defeated in the past one or two hundred years.

However, the degree of this crushing and ignoring is limited after all. It is difficult for Yuanlian alone to convert this crushing and ignoring into an absolute victory.

So now that Shen Ni and Lunhui have retreated all the way, Yuanlian has lost the geographical advantage of Shanhe Shejitu in disguise, and the degree of crushing and ignoring has been greatly weakened, and there is no possibility of killing Shen Ni and Lunhui.

If you miss this great opportunity, there will be basically no good opportunities in the future, and it will be difficult for Yuanlian to crush and ignore the fierce beasts again.

It was because with the establishment of the Fierce Beast Dynasty, the main force of the Fierce Beast Army gradually became the Fierce Beasts with the strength of Taiyi Jinxian, so everything was not easy to say. No matter how strong Yuanlian was, it was impossible to crush and ignore them.

With all these things, how could Yuanlian give a good face to these cultivators who were completely short-sighted in his eyes!

So when Shen Ni and Lunhui led the Fierce Beast Army to retreat quickly, returned to the Fierce Evil Abyss, and disappeared, Yuanlian's mood was extremely bad. Looking at those powerful cultivators who were annoyed and embarrassed, he said in a weird way: "It seems that everyone will have to live in fear in the future, and even one day they will have to consider withdrawing from the entire prehistoric northern land! Haha..."

The powerful cultivators listened to Yuanlian's weird words, although they felt a little uncomfortable, but at the same time they became more annoyed and embarrassed.

Some cultivators who were far away from the central area of ​​the north, or even not in the northern land, were just a little annoyed and embarrassed.

But from the north

The cultivators who were closer to the heart area and whose dojo was on the northern land, besides being annoyed and embarrassed, also had strong regrets at this time.

They did want to help Yuan Lian originally, and even secretly prepared to take action at any time.

But with the extremely terrifying strength shown by Yuan Lian, some strange and selfish thoughts occupied their minds, causing the original intention to take action to become weaker and weaker, and they kept dragging their feet without taking action.

If it weren't for the appearance of Tianqiong, they would probably be able to drag it on.

Now, as Shen Ni and Lun Hui led the army of fierce beasts to retreat into the fierce and evil sky abyss, they realized that they might have missed an excellent opportunity to kill the fierce beast king.

Even though they also knew that this opportunity was actually quite slim, it was much better than having no chance and being more dangerous in the future, but in the end...

"Alas! What a pity!"

All the powerful cultivators sighed in their hearts.

But they would not show their true thoughts in front of Yuan Lian, but just kept silent.

Some of them felt uncomfortable because of Yuanlian's sarcastic words, so they said lightly: "I see that fellow Daoist Yuanlian is quite powerful. I think he can deal with the beasts alone. Why do we need to take action!"

"Since you are now in this fierce and evil abyss, fellow Daoist Yuanlian might as well go in and show off your power in this fierce and evil abyss, kill the two beast kings, and get rid of two great disasters for the prehistoric world!"

"Hahaha... For short-sighted people like you, I will not risk my death. It's not worth it!" Yuanlian laughed in anger and sneered.

Yuanlian is not crazy or stupid at all now, so he will not enter the fierce and evil abyss to die.

The fierce and evil abyss is a huge tiankeng in the central area of ​​the northern land of the prehistoric world. It covers a very large area and is difficult to estimate. It is estimated that the area is nearly the size of nine great worlds.

Its origin is also very terrifying. It is the result of the death of 3,000 Chaos Gods and Demons and 129,600 Chaos Creatures, which released a large amount of resentment, murderous aura, death, fighting spirit, obsession, and other dangerous and strange existences. It slowly accumulated in the prehistoric world. It is extremely dangerous inside. Even if Yuanlian has the 24th-grade Pure World White Lotus, he dare not set foot in it.

If you don’t have enough cultivation, entering is tantamount to suicide!

The person who said that wanted Yuan Lian to die by letting him enter the fierce abyss now, which made Yuan Lian particularly angry. So he looked at the person who said that and said coldly: "Since you are chasing the beast, I will not bother with you for the time being, but dare you tell me your name, so that I can remember you and see how you will be killed by the beast in the future!"

"I am..."

"Boom boom..."

Before the person's name was spoken, there were inexplicable noises coming from the prehistoric world, like the wrath of heaven and earth, and the fear of heaven and earth!

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