The more you know about the world, the more you will know about it.

"Although I knew how dangerous and strange the Heaven and Earth Tribulation was before, I only read it as a mythological novel. I didn't have much experience with it myself."

"I didn't expect that I could really feel it now. It is indeed very powerful and extremely dangerous and strange!"

Seeing that he couldn't calculate the mysteries of heaven and earth, Yuan Lian could only sigh secretly for a while, and then gave up completely, still frowning and thinking.

At this time, Wangshu stopped frowning and thinking. He first glanced at Yuanlian, and then said to Hongjun: "I heard clearly what you said before. You just want to call on some powerful people in the world to set rules for the sentient beings in the world and kill the beasts together, right?"

"Well, that's basically what you mean. What do you two Taoists think?" Hongjun put down the teacup and nodded.

Yuanlian remained silent, still frowning and thinking!

Wangshu nodded first, then shook his head and said: "Killing the beasts is the great cause of the prehistoric world. We, the prehistoric cultivators, should do our duty and return the world to peace!"

"But even if Yuanlian and I agree, what can we do? Many powerful people in the world may not listen to us!"

"Especially those who established the Tiandi Dynasty, they will definitely not listen to us. After all, the Tiandi Dynasty they established was established on the basis of the ferocious beasts wreaking havoc in the prehistoric world, so as to protect and educate the sentient beings in the prehistoric world."

"And they just enjoyed the luck of the Tiandi Dynasty If they are given more benefits, then even if they will not go along with the Fierce Beast Dynasty like the Starry Sky Dynasty, they certainly don't want the Fierce Beasts to perish in a short time. "

"Because by that time, the Heaven and Earth Dynasty they established will no longer have the necessity and meaning to exist, so before they earn enough benefits to satisfy them, these Heaven and Earth Dynasties may be the biggest obstacle to killing the Fierce Beasts!"

"Since it is an obstacle, then force them to obey, and if they don't obey, beat them until they obey!" Yuanlian, who had been frowning and thinking, suddenly said murderously and extremely coldly.

"Do you agree, fellow Daoist?" Hongjun asked with some joy after hearing Yuanlian's murderous and cold words.

"It is my duty to kill the beast. I have no reason and I don't want to refuse. But if it's just the three of us, we are really weak!"

"Fellow Daoist Yuanlian, I don't have the strength to convince others with force like you do now, so I can only be powerless. At most, I can only persuade some Daoists I know." Wangshu looked at the two Daluo Jinxian in front of him and smiled bitterly.

If Yuanlian was not here, Wangshu would never agree to Hongjun and wade into this muddy water.

This is a very easy and thankless task, even if it is just to persuade some fellow cultivators!

And even if you succeed in convincing others with force, it is just the beginning. There are still many things to do later. Just a hypocritical act can make some things difficult to carry out!

Will I really have to shed blood on the earth and kill others? Impossible!

However, although Wangshu had this idea, he did not say anything more about this matter. He just smiled bitterly for a while and then said, "My two Taoist friends, I understand your desire to kill the beasts and restore peace to the world. I am willing to do something about this matter."

"But I also want to remind you that the existence of beasts is inevitable. It is the cause and effect of the continuation of the opening of the world, and it vents the endless evil resentment hidden in the deep source of the prehistoric land and between heaven and earth. This is also the fundamental reason why beasts are still growing."

"To put it simply, the beasts are causing chaos in the prehistoric land and setting off a catastrophe of heaven and earth. It looks bad, but in fact it will be good for the prehistoric land. To put it more deeply, this is the basic catastrophe before the future heavenly way is born. It is the general trend, and it is also a sign that the beasts have not yet exhausted their fate. Don't mess around!"

"Haha! What fellow Taoist Wangshu said is very reasonable, and I know all this, but I didn't say that I have to take action against the beasts now!" Hongjun nodded first, then shook his head and said with a smile.

"This old guy really has the potential to be a "sly old man". It seems that he is so enthusiastic about dealing with the beasts, and his purpose must be a little bit impure!" Yuanlian glanced at Hongjun, and a strange light flashed in his eyes.

At this time, Hongjun continued: "I am only in the stage of looking for like-minded people. I am not going to take action against the beasts immediately, at least not during this period of time."

"And when this period of time ends,

By the time of the eighth calamity, this calamity of heaven and earth should have just erupted to its peak, and the speed of the reproduction of fierce beasts will also slow down. Then, like-minded people like us will gather together again, bring many powerful people, gather the great power of heaven and earth, and command all living beings in heaven and earth to fight against fierce beasts, kill the fierce beast king, and return heaven and earth to peace! "

"If so, that's great!" Wangshu was relieved after hearing this, and then gave Hongjun a special sound transmission jade talisman for future contact.

"Daoyou Hongjun, I agree with what you said, but you should also know that my dojo is in the northern land of Honghuang, and it is also adjacent to the fierce and evil Tianyuan, so I am afraid I can't wait that long. "

"Therefore, after returning to the dojo, I may look for opportunities to directly attack Shen Ni and Lunhui and kill them. In this way, although the fierce beasts are there, there is no king sitting in charge, so there is no need to worry, and this will not change the great power of heaven and earth, which is the best of both worlds! "

Yuan Lian said lightly while throwing a special sound transmission jade talisman to Hong Jun.

However, when Hong Jun took the sound transmission jade talisman, his expression changed slightly. His calm and indifferent demeanor gradually disappeared, and he was slightly anxious. His calm eyes also had some fluctuations, and a slight ripple appeared.

These changes in Hong Jun were very subtle and almost unnoticeable, at least Wang Shu did not see them.

But when Yuan Lian was talking, he was very concerned about Hong Jun, so Hong Jun's almost imperceptible subtle changes were still captured by Yuan Lian!

Therefore, Yuan Lian, with a slightly upturned corner of his mouth, did not continue to speak, but slowly drank the osmanthus tea, with a face full of enjoyment!

At the same time, after listening to what Yuan Lian had just said, Wang Shu looked at Yuan Lian with some surprise and worry, and asked: "Daoyou Yuan Lian, are you sure? Do you want my help?"

Yuan Lian smiled and shook his head when he heard this: "No need! I am now a Daluo Jinxian mid-stage cultivator with both the Earth Flower and the Sky Flower in the twelfth grade. The fierce sky abyss is no longer a threat to me and I can break through it at any time. "

"And even if Shen Ni and Lun Hui rely on the Fierce Beast Dynasty to make rapid progress, they are probably only in the early stage of Daluo Jinxian at most."

"Therefore, as long as I refine the restrictions of many treasures a little more, and combine with the ability of Hongmeng's measuring ruler, then finding a suitable time to take the heads of Shen Ni and Lun Hui from the endless army of ferocious beasts is not too wishful thinking!"

After Yuan Lian finished speaking, he looked at Hongjun and asked with a faint smile: "Daoyou Hongjun, do you think this is wishful thinking?"

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