The blood was flowing, and the blood was flowing.


A lot of blood!

Endless blood!

At some point, a stream of blood, enough to dye the deep waters of the North Sea completely red, came from some directions of the North Sea.

In just a few breaths, because of the increasing amount of blood and its thickening, it had turned red to black and quickly extended to the vicinity of the North Sea Cave.

It seemed that because of the excessive amount of blood and its thickening, the huge waves that kept rolling near the North Sea Cave were almost suppressed and calmed down. It was very strange and terrifying!

Moreover, the thick blood seemed to contain a lot of evil spirits and resentful obsessions, and waves of ghostly howlings emanated from it, which not only disturbed the laws of heaven and earth, but also disturbed people's peace.

The reason why Hongjun and Hunkun suddenly stopped discussing the Dao was that they were disturbed and felt something, and then quickly observed it with the Dharma Eye.

Now seeing this situation, the tall and thin Hun Kun, who was old and thin, wearing a black feathered robe and showing a carefree demeanor, suddenly stood up from his seat and said in a deep and deep voice: "What's going on? Where did all this blood come from?"

Hongjun also stood up, looked at some of the situations outside, stroked his short beard, pondered for a moment, and then said: "From the situation that the blood contains the evil spirit, it should be done by the evil beast. As for where the blood came from, it's hard to say, but the area is very wide, otherwise it wouldn't reach this level now!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he looked at the blood that was so thick that it was red and black, felt the evil spirit contained in it, and listened to the faint and disturbing ghost howling, and his brows could not help but frowned tightly.

Hongjun now had a vague feeling that it was not good, and even guessed something.

But Hongjun still didn't quite believe his guess, because in Hongjun's opinion, it was a little unlikely, but...

Just when Hongjun was thinking, Hunkun was obviously stunned after listening to Hongjun's words, and then said: "Did the ferocious beast do it? But although the ferocious beasts are still breeding in the North Sea, after countless years of killing, the powerful ferocious beasts have basically been killed, how could they cause such a big storm in the North Sea!"

"What's more, the dragon clan is also unified in the North Sea, and even unified the four seas, becoming the overlord of the four seas, with great strength Not bad, the fierce beasts in the North Sea can't possibly stir up such a big storm! "(The dragon clan that unified the four seas, in addition to the dragon clan, also includes many scaled water creatures. All of them have the opportunity to transform into dragons, which is the dragon's way.)

"I'm afraid it's not the fierce beasts in the North Sea, but..."

"Daoyou, are you talking about the Fierce Beast Dynasty? But isn't the Fierce Beast Dynasty tossing around in the northern land? How did it come to the North Sea?" Before Hongjun finished speaking, Hunkun had roughly understood something, and while he was puzzled, his face was full of shock and solemnity.

"It's meaningless to talk about these things now, let's go out and see the specific situation first!" Hongjun walked out of the Beiming Cave Heaven and continued: "But if this is the case, Daoyou'd better not act on impulse, or give up this Beihai Daochang and plan for big things!"

"This..." Hunkun listened to Hongjun's words. Obviously very hesitant, not knowing how to speak for a while.

Although Hunkun had been persuaded by Hongjun on some matters, Hunkun always considered himself a cultivator from the North Sea and had never thought of abandoning his dojo.

Now that the North Sea might be facing an unprecedented catastrophe, even if the dragon clan should indeed make great efforts, it was indeed difficult for Hunkun to abandon his dojo and ignore the North Sea, but...

"Alas... let's see first!" Hunkun sighed, and left the North Sea Cave Heaven with Hongjun, following the blood and exploring all the way.


In the Honghuang North Sea, there is a huge and wonderful palace on the seabed near the coast of the North Sea. It is the North Sea Crystal Palace, also known as the North Sea Dragon Palace.

It is a relatively good top-level acquired spiritual treasure refined by the dragon clan after unifying the four seas, guided by the dragon clan's luck and combined with the means of refining. It is the base for the North Sea dragon clan's high-level to gather, live, and rule the North Sea.

When the North Sea Dragon Palace was first established, Yinglong was in charge and led the dragon clan to rule the North Sea. Later, when the situation stabilized, Yinglong followed the order of the Zulong and established the position of the North Sea Dragon King. Then he returned to the East Sea and practiced in seclusion.

This original North Sea Dragon King was quite powerful, a mid-stage Daluo Jinxian cultivator.

The clan is well managed, and the dragon clan and the scattered cultivators living on the islands of the North Sea live in harmony, and jointly deal with the fierce beasts in the North Sea.

After countless years, although there are still many fierce beasts in the North Sea, there are not many powerful ones, which can be regarded as a merit.

However, the North Sea Dragon King is dead now, and even the huge dragon body has been swallowed up by the endless fierce beasts, not even the bones are left.

Even more accurately, the high-level dragons in the entire North Sea Dragon Palace are basically dead, and they have been swallowed up by the endless fierce beasts.

And the cause of all this is naturally the fierce beast dynasty army led by Shen Ni and Lun Hui.

With Shen Ni and Lun Hui using some special secret methods to rush to the North Sea, the fierce beast dynasty army arrived in the North Sea at a relatively fast speed, and arrived about a hundred years ago.

Then there is no conspiracy, just after integrating some scattered fierce beasts in the North Sea, it is a burst of killing.

That's where the blood that flowed to the depths of the North Sea came from!

And because the army of the Fierce Beast Dynasty was led by Shen Ni and Samsara, its overall strength was so strong that the North Sea monks could not resist it at all!

So the North Sea monks were either killed or fled the North Sea.

In the end, only the North Sea Dragon Clan was a slightly tough bone to chew.

But it was only a slightly tough bone to chew after all, so the ending can be imagined. The North Sea Dragon Clan was no match for the Fierce Beast Dynasty. The Fierce Beast Dynasty directly attacked Huanglong and basically slaughtered all the high-level monks of the North Sea Dragon Clan.

The reason why it is basically, not all, is because at the last moment, the Dragon Clan Chief Zulong, led Zhulong, Yinglong, Huanglong, and a large number of countless dragon elites, through some special means of the dragon clan, quickly arrived at the North Sea Dragon Palace, protected some remaining dragons, and confronted the Fierce Beast Dynasty.

Otherwise, the North Sea Dragon Clan would really be completely wiped out.

"Shen Ni! Samsara! You really bully our dragon clan too much! This feud will not end until one dies..."

"It will not end until one dies..."

"It will not end until one dies..."


The tall Zulong, wearing a purple-gold dragon crown and a purple-gold dragon robe, with a strong and domineering middle-aged appearance, stood on the sea. There was no corpse of the dragon monks, only the red to black sea water, and he could not help but shed tears silently. There was wind, rain, thunder and lightning.

He roared loudly with a domineering and powerful voice, and the thunder and rain were heavy, and the wind and waves were boundless!

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