There is naturally a monument to enlightenment in the Sun Star, but before Di Jun and Tai Yi could see it, they were taken away by a monk who also came from the Sun Star.

Why take it away?

Of course, it was to sense the Qi of the stone tablet in order to find traces of the master...

But Di Jun didn't know all this.

At this moment, he could only look around with Taiyi in confusion, not understanding what they were talking about, let alone discussing the Tao.

On the Road?

Talk about the way of a hammer!

Di Jun now wished he could listen to the sermon so as to make up for the missed opportunity of the stone monument.

Then, while listening, he was puzzled in his mind.

Since the Heavenly Monument of Enlightenment is so confusing and seems to be the work of Heaven, why is it not on their Sun Star?

After hundreds of years of"eavesdropping", Di Jun gained something, but it also became more uncomfortable.

He discovered that the two goddesses he saw a long time ago actually came from the Taiyin Star!

Since Di Jun already had a suitable Taoist companion in mind, this was nothing. But what made Di Jun unhappy was why there was a Tao Enlightenment Monument on the Taiyin Star but not on their Sun Star?

At this time, the two goddesses from the Taiyin Star were digesting what they had learned from thousands of years of discussion with other fellow Taoists.

At the same time...

I also yearn for the refiner of the Enlightenment Monument.

"Sister, this Enlightenment Monument is so powerful! If it weren't for this, maybe I wouldn't be able to achieve the level of Daluo Jinxian when I transformed!"

Changxi smiled as brightly as a flower and marveled at the stele of enlightenment.

"That's natural!

Xihe also nodded in praise,"Not only you, but even I can't get infinitely close to the middle stage of Da Luo!""

Xi He knows her roots well.

Although she is an innate god, she cannot be called the top among the innate gods.

For example, of the six innate gods sitting in the front, she has four. Especially when she learned that three of them were Pangu Yuan Shen's incarnations, she was even more shocked.

Although she didn't understand the little girl in the first seat, the three pure incarnations were only in the middle stage of Da Luo. It was pretty good that she was close to the middle stage of Da Luo.

At least she was very satisfied with it, so she felt even more grateful and yearned for the refiner of the Enlightenment Monument.

"I really don’t know what kind of power can refine such a powerful Enlightenment Monument, so that so many of our Taoist friends here can benefit from it! Is it really the way of heaven?"

Changxi longed for and guessed at the same time.

"It couldn't be Heavenly Dao. If Heavenly Dao took action, it would be impossible for anyone to have never seen the Enlightenment Monument. Xihe shook his head and said

" a saint?"

Saint, that is, Hongjun.

Since he is the only saint in the world now, there is no problem in using it to refer to him.

After Chang Xi asked, Xi and Dai frowned slightly, then shook their heads.

"He shouldn't be a saint. When the Enlightenment Monument appeared, my consciousness was clear. I remembered that powerful qi machine very clearly. It was definitely different from a saint!"

If you are not a saint, then there is only one possibility.

"Could it be that he was the one when the shackles of heaven appeared?"Changxi guessed again.


"Doesn’t that mean that... that powerful person attained enlightenment earlier than the saint, and that he couldn’t even do anything about the way of heaven?"Chang Xi's eyes shone, she suppressed the fluctuations of her thoughts as much as possible, and conveyed words to Xi He.

Why so cautious?

Because these words may offend the saints and heaven at the same time.

Even if it is true.

And in this case, it turned out that Hundreds and thousands of years passed before there was any change in Zixiao Palace, that is, another monk arrived.

They were two extremely embarrassed figures. They clearly had the cultivation of Da Luo Jinxian, but at this moment they were unkempt and ragged, as if they had been tortured. What a disaster.

Especially the monk who was born with a miserable face, his face was even more miserable, as if everyone else owed him some cause and effect. Speaking of which, these two people were none other than Jie Yin and Zhunti.

I don’t know how many difficulties and obstacles people have experienced along the way.

Although other monks have also encountered difficulties, they mostly started on the thirty-third day, when they went to Chaos.

But the two brothers are different. After going there for thirty-three days, the boss's strength was exhausted.

After finally arriving, they discovered that the real ordeal had just begun. First, it was difficult to find the entrance, then they couldn't sense the direction, and they even wandered deeper into the chaos. How many circles!

Why how many circles?

For some unknown reason, they always appear in the chaos. It takes tens of thousands of years to go around, and even the Taoism has been damaged a lot. They have gone through a lot of hardships on their journey.

If Taihao knew what the two were complaining about at this moment, he would probably be tempted to laugh.

Perhaps these two guys were traveling to the West because the journey to Zixiao Palace was too difficult. , making it difficult.

After all, it is so difficult to seek the Dao, but if it is easy for others to obtain the Scripture, then the mentality must not be unbalanced?

I heard the discussion in Zixiao Palace in Zhunti. At this moment, he couldn't help but feel"thumping" in his heart. He missed two beats. Is the sermon already over?

He and Jieyin were already late. Not to mention"eating meat", they couldn't even drink"soup"

? As soon as he thought about it, Zhunti, who already had a grimace on his face, became even more distressed, and even burst into tears, crying and shouting.

"Senior brother, you and I came all the way from the West and went through ninety-nine and eighty-one hardships. We wanted to find a way for all sentient beings in the West so that the West could recover from poverty. I didn’t even hear Dao’s last words! What should I do?"

I have to say that Zhunti is very talented in acting, and he has indeed experienced a lot of hardships, so what he said at this moment is even more tragic than in the prehistoric history.

Although the vast majority of monks have no feelings, There are exceptions.

When Hongyun heard this, she felt like a holy mother. She even felt the same and said.

"Taoist friends, don’t panic, the saint has not appeared yet, and the sermon has not started yet. You still have the opportunity to seek the great path for the West!"


A hint of surprise flashed in Zhunti's eyes, and he asked again

"So what were you discussing just now?"

"Enlightenment Monument! A quasi-sage is still unclear about a spiritual treasure of merits and virtues that seems to be made in heaven. Anyway, even a Da Luo monk can gain a lot of insights from it!"

"There is such a spiritual treasure in ancient times?"

Zhunti's eyes suddenly widened, with a look of disbelief on his face, and then he became miserable again.

"Why! Is the West really so poor? Not even a tablet of enlightenment can be found! Forget it, it's much further away from Zixiao Palace than anywhere else, so it's so late that I can't even find a location! It seems that Heaven really does not favor me in the West! In this case, it is better to die!"

As he said that, Zhunti actually had the idea of causing the Great Heavenly Being to decline and abolish his Taoism!

Seeing this scene, Hongyun's face kept changing. Finally, he gritted his teeth and stood up from the futon.

"I consider myself inferior to fellow Taoist, and I don’t have your great wisdom and perseverance. Since you are seeking the great road for the West, what’s the problem if this seat is given to you?"

"Thank you fellow Taoist!"

Zhunti thanked him quickly, and then sat in Hongyun's seat as quickly as possible.

At this point, Hongyun lost his seat.

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