Establish a religion?

Regardless of the name of the sect, this move alone greatly puzzled the three thousand Zixiao disciples. What also puzzled them was the powerful man named Taihao.


Is that a realm stronger than that of a quasi-sage?

What is the difference between a saint and a saint?

At this moment, even Nuwa was confused.

The same is naturally true for Sanqing.

In the end, it was Taiqing Laozi who took the lead in asking the doubts.

"Dare I ask the saint, what does"establishing a religion" mean?"

As soon as I finished asking, everyone's eyes were focused on Hongjun, hoping that he could give an answer.

Does Hongjun know?

He must know.

But he didn't know how to answer, which made him speechless. What is the name of the sect established by Taihao


"I, the old Taoist, am known as the ancestor of Xuanmen, and you established the Taoxuan religion. Is it a coincidence?"

Tai means extreme.

It means higher and greater.

So isn't Taixuanmen more mysterious and profound than Xuanmen?

"No! This is definitely no coincidence!"

Hongjun never expected that Taihao would actually establish a religion at this time, and the time was still stuck in the second sermon!

How could he preach?

Originally, Zixiao's three thousand guests, would they still be prepared for Honghuang ? There was a second saint-level existence, and they were a little uncertain, but looking at Hongjun's reaction at this moment, they knew that their guess was most likely correct! Hunyuan was almost equal to a saint!

For a moment, Zi was ready to listen to the Dao. Xiaoke became a little impetuous.

But in this case, Hongjun couldn't explain it.

Because the establishment of the religion involved several Tianding saints!

He was responsible for the deviation in the explanation or the wrong hint.

So after thinking for a while, Hongjun slowly spoke.

"To establish a religion is to set the intention to educate all living beings. The same is true when an old Taoist lectures on the Great Dao in Zixiao Palace. If you have the opportunity in the future and your soul is blessed, you can also establish a religion! Now that good fortune has arrived, there is no telling that Heaven will send down great merits as a result!"

Educate all living beings!

There will be great merits!

At this moment, Zixiao Ke understood clearly.

Not only that, they even had some small thoughts.

Since Saint Hongjun can preach, what about the great Taihao who has achieved Hunyuan?

Isn't it the same?

If that's the case, wouldn't it be nice to go to Hunyuan Dagong's place and listen to the sermon again after this sermon is over?

The only thing I still don't understand is the difference between Hunyuan and the saint. Where did Taihao come from?

Or I, he spoke again.

"Dare I ask the saint, who is this great power named Taihao?"

When this question was asked, Zi Xiaoke became the same as before. Everyone was waiting for Hongjun

's answer attentively. Although they didn't know the relationship between Hongjun and Taihao, judging from the impact of both sermons, the relationship was It shouldn't be very good. But it is often this kind of subtle hostile relationship that can give a more objective judgment. After all, if the relationship is too good, it is easy to praise, and if the relationship is too bad, it is easy to slander. Under this situation, Hongjun slowly spoke

"Taihao... is a Taoist friend of Lao Tao. He transformed later than Lao Tao, but his enlightenment started before Lao Tao. He also has great courage and great perseverance that Lao Tao does not possess! If you have the opportunity to see him, you will know that he is a great supernatural power user who is not weaker than the old Taoist!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, a look of understanding appeared on Zixiaoke's face.

Sure enough!

Since he is a fellow Taoist, he must be an existence that is not weaker than a saint.

Then the question is, since he is not weaker than a saint, What is Hunyuan?

He is still Lao Tzu, and he has become the leader among the Zixiao guests.

"Dare I ask the saint, what is Hunyuan and what is a saint? If we have the opportunity to attain enlightenment, how should we choose?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole place fell into silence.

Although Zixiao Ke, the one with the highest cultivation level is only at the Daluo Peak, or Daluo Peak is a little higher, but this does not prevent them from setting their goals further. In case of enlightenment What?

After this question was asked, Hongjun's expression became even more indifferent.

Obviously, because of Taihao, his sermon plan was originally planned to be discussed in the third lecture. But now that the second lecture was just beginning, it was still far from the end, but I was the first to ask.

He answered no, and it was no if he didn't answer, so he was in a dilemma.

But Hongjun had seen big scenes. , he quickly calmed down, but felt a little sigh in his heart

"It is said that the general trend is difficult to change, but a Hunyuan detached person, coupled with a spokesperson for Heaven, can, to a certain extent, manipulate the general trend!"

"That’s it for now, let’s combine the two lectures and the three lectures into one lecture!"

In an instant, Hongjun made a decision.

The reason for this was not entirely because Taihao leaked the"secret", but also because he felt a sense of urgency.

Taihao established a religion at this time, clearly wanting to get rid of him. The arena is a good showdown.

In other words, it's a showdown.

"In this case, let’s get together as soon as possible!"

On the high platform, Hongjun's expression was neither sad nor happy.

No one knew his inner thoughts. In the eyes of Sanqianke, he just pondered for a short while and then gave the answer.

"Hunyuan is the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the same is true for saints!"

"But the saint is Hunyuan, but Hunyuan is not a saint! The saint is the fruit of heaven, but his soul rests on the void of heaven. The heaven is immortal, and the saint is immortal!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, I quickly asked

"Hunyuan can't entrust his soul to heaven?"


Hongjun nodded expressionlessly.

"I would like to thank the saint for clarifying my doubts!"

I quickly saluted, and then I couldn't help but have an idea in my mind.

"In this case, you should become a saint after attaining enlightenment! Don’t be a Hunyuan!

Yuanshi and Tongtian also had the same idea as him.

Including most Zixiao guests, in their opinion, a saint who can place his soul on the way of heaven must be more powerful than a simple Hunyuan.

But they don't know that the status of a saint is limited and there are many constraints. It is not as beautiful as imagined.

But then again, for the vast majority of Zixiao guests, as long as they can attain enlightenment, there is no difference between a saint and a Hunyuan.

In this case, Hongjun ignored any further inquiries and started preaching directly.

This time, he not only wanted to teach the Three Corpses the quasi-sage method, but also taught the saint the way of Hunyuan, and at the same time, he also wanted to distribute the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

As for the impact of combining two sermons into one……

"After the old ways are reconciled, you should smooth them out one by one!"

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