Although the human race is the destined protagonist of heaven and earth, the process of becoming the protagonist of heaven and earth has not been smooth sailing, but has experienced countless disasters.

There is no need to mention the small tribulations because they are countless.

In addition, there is another big disaster!

A catastrophe that nearly wiped out the entire clan!

Under this catastrophe, not even one human race will survive, and it is almost on the verge of extinction!

Because they suffered massacre from the demon clan!

The demon clan accidentally discovered that the human souls had miraculous effects on the witch body, so they massacred the humans to collect the souls so that they could make a weapon that could restrain the demon clan!

That is, the Witch-Slaying Sword!

In Tahoe's opinion, this incident could have been avoided.

Let’s not talk about the prehistoric history. Now that the human tribe is in Buzhou Mountain, and he himself is not well-positioned, where can any demon tribe dare to come and run wild?

But at this moment, in order to reduce the luck of the human race, Hongjun did not hesitate to advance the matter and change the destiny of the demon race, so that they could receive a mysterious feeling!

What feeling?

The soul of the human race, restrain the witch race!

With this feeling, the demon army, which has already sent troops without warning, will definitely take action against the human race!

This means that this will be no different from history!

Even if Taihao used the Chaos Spirit Treasure to cut away a lot of the dim light that could bring them enlightenment, it would only delay the discovery of the demon clan!

As long as one demon clan discovers the specialness of the soul of the human race, that will be the beginning of the tragedy of the human race!

It's impossible for the Wu clan to stop it, not because they don't want to, but because they can't take action.

After all, the human race is too weak.

Nuwa couldn't take action either, because she was held back by me and was also in chaos.

The only ones who can still take action and have the ability to rescue part of the human race from the hands of the demon clan in heaven are Huo Ling'er and the three girls.

But the problem is that the three of them are also the targets of heaven!

How many humans can be saved when they still have to worry about themselves?

On the other hand, Taihao also knew very well why Hongjun did what he did, that is, why he wanted to reduce the luck of the human race.

This matter seems to be related to him.

Because he wants to change the general situation and completely control the world and the people, so that he can eliminate Taiqing and me. This is equivalent to ousting Hongjun!

Hongjun naturally cannot sit idly by and ignore this.

At the same time, after seeing Taihao sacrifice the Chaos Spiritual Treasure level lotus platform, Hongjun knew that neither of his two plans could be completed.

Whether it is erasing Taihao or letting him go away into chaos, it is not something he can do even if he is half-stepped.

So I came up with the idea of reducing the luck of the human race.

As long as the human race's luck is reduced to close to zero, even if Taihao really controls the three talents of heaven, earth and man, its impact will be much smaller.

And even if the human race disappears in the process, Hongjun still has many ways to make the human race reappear!

But the premise is that Taihao disappears first!

"Taihao, although the outcome of this battle has not yet been determined, you have already lost!"

Hongjun's tone was indifferent, as if he had everything under control.

Because this battle until now has not been beyond his control.

Even if Taihao used a trump card, which was the Chaos Spirit Treasure, Hongjun did not lose his position because of this, but After a slight change of fate, he took the initiative again.

But in the next moment, Taihao, who was still angry, suddenly laughed.

After the laughter stopped, there was a slightly joking voice.

"According to your calculations, the fate of both my disciple and the human race is a foregone conclusion?"

"Isn't it so? As long as the old Taoist holds you here and prevents you from returning to the wild world for the time being, nothing can be changed! It may not be able to delay as long as one calamity, but a dozen Yuanhui is still possible!"

Hongjun said this.

Although his tone was very calm, the meaning behind his words was that he wanted Taihao to stay in the chaos for more than a dozen Yuanhui!

A dozen Yuanhui, even for Taihao, was nothing. Not a short time, let alone a quasi-sage.

This time is long enough for the lich dispute to end, for the human race to end, and for Hongjun's planned heavenly marriage to become a reality!

, even if Taihao returns to the prehistoric times, everything is irreversible, but at this moment, Taihao not only does not panic, but his tone is even relaxed.

"Fellow Taoist Hongjun, do you think that everything is under your control until now?"

"‘It's all out of the question, but it's still okay to stay inseparable, but the lotus platform of Taoist friends makes it easy for experienced Taoists to have accidents!"

Hongjun's expression has always been indifferent, but now he has changed, and there is a smile.

Obviously, he is full of confidence in the overall situation.

But at this moment, Taihao spoke again, and a different kind of momentum followed him.

In an instant, the smile on Hongjun's face disappeared, and he even became horrified.

"Fellow Daoist Hongjun, didn’t you notice that there is one missing person among the ancestral witches?"

"One person is missing from the ancestral witch?"

Of course Hongjun knew that Houtu was not in the Wu clan, but the strange thing was that he had never been able to calculate Houtu's location, and he couldn't find even a trace of clues!

But at this moment, following the momentum released by Taihao, he suddenly Knowing Hou Tu's whereabouts is not in the prehistoric world, but in another world!

But this is not the reason for Hongjun's horror. What really scares him is the completeness of this vast world. And the way of heaven that has been born in this world!

This world actually has the way of heaven!

At this moment, Hongjun could no longer maintain the indifference on his face, but said in horror.

"Is your method of enlightenment the creation of heaven and earth?"

"Fellow Taoist, that's fine, but since you've discovered this before, why don't you continue to observe? Maybe you can discover more!"

Taihao's tone was joking, and he suddenly accelerated Taixuantian's return.

Where did it come from?

From the prehistoric era!

Before Taihao left for chaos, or before he took action against me, he placed Taixuantian in the void of the prehistoric world. It is precisely because of this that he cannot use the law unscrupulously and his strength is limited, so he is temporarily suppressed by Hongjun.

However, the benefits in return are unimaginable because Hongjun is not in Honghuang and is separated. He has the power of Heaven, so when Tai Xuantian appeared in the prehistoric era, he could unscrupulously peek at Heaven and imitate it to create the last touch of charm, and then gestate it!

In addition, the small reincarnation that Hou Tu has already opened up... The three talents of heaven, earth and man actually achieved it first in Taixuantian!

The next moment, Taihao's realm of cultivation suddenly rose! At this moment, Taihao reached the late stage of Hunyuan!

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