After the Hongmeng Heavenly Measurement Ruler advanced, the remaining innate merits could actually give birth to a merit treasure, which surprised Taihao.

He just thought that he would have to give away a lot of innate merit anyway, and the rest would be of little use, so he might as well give it all to his descendants.

Unexpectedly, it actually directly contributed to the birth of a treasure of merit!

At this time, Hou Tu’s voice sounded

"Taoist Master Taihao, Houtu has not only proved Hunyuan today, but also obtained the most precious treasure. He wants to use the Six Paths of Reincarnation to suppress the fate of the underworld, and use himself to forever determine the three talents of Taixuan heaven, earth, and people. Even if the chaos is shattered and the avenue dries up, Houtu's intention will not be lost. Change it by one point and go to Tahoe Road to honor it!"

Big oath?

Taihao sensed something was wrong when Houtu opened his mouth.

Because the big oath she made was not only related to him, but the witness was Taihao himself!

The ancestral witches did not respect heaven and earth, and Houtu naturally could not respect the way of heaven. Make an oath.

Not to mention that Taihao is still the creator of heaven in this world. In this case, it is even more impossible.

But when Hou Tu makes a certain oath, the witness should be, even if it is not Pangu. Dao?

How could he become Taihao?

Doesn't this mean that in Hou Tu's heart, Taihao's status is higher than that of Pangu and Dao?

What's more, she made such an oath. Yu plans to give everything he has to Taihao!

"Houtu, why are you doing this? Innate merit is deserved! I am giving this to you not because I want to gain anything from you."

Tahao sighed and said this.

But he didn't know what Hou Tu was thinking.

Tai Hao didn't want anything, but Hou Tu wanted it!

For this, she was ready to give up everything, such as... her identity as an ancestral witch ?

"Senior, after the earth is called, the name is fair, senior, please don't call me wrong again!"

"Peace of mind?"

Tahao was stunned for a moment. Even if he was extremely skilled, it would be difficult for him to understand the thoughts of another Hunyuan.

So he didn't know what Pingxin meant. He could only vaguely guess why she wanted to change her name.

Because of this The era no longer belongs to the ancestral witch, let alone the witch clan.

If she retains her previous identity, it will be difficult to improve her cultivation in the future.

In other words, she has used the identity of the witch clan to become a hybrid.

In Taihao's opinion, Houtu changed his name because of this.

In fact, cultivation only accounts for a small part.

Taihao had no way of knowing, and now, Pingxin obviously didn't mean to say anything.

However, Taihao still felt a little change from Pingxin.

"Is this the effect of making a big oath to me? Even the look in my eyes!"

Taihao couldn't help but sigh.

It wasn't that he was slow to react, but he really didn't think about it and subconsciously ignored the possibility.

At this time, Pingxin had almost taken care of the underworld.

She first In the underworld, she opened up the Shifang Ghost City, and then allowed the true spirits of the ancestral witches to enter it and become the Ten Palaces of Yama to assist her in managing the affairs of the underworld.

Then, she transformed the true spirits of Xuan Ming into her body. The Xuan Ming River was also put into the underworld.

Taihao knew what she was going to do with a little awareness.

"The water of this river is bone-chillingly cold, and endless ghosts and ghosts are floating in it, dyeing it blood red!"

"Xuanming River? Forget the river water?"

"In this case, Xuan Ming's true spirit should be Po Meng!"

Just as Taihao thought, Ping Xin did turn Xuan Ming's true spirit into Meng Po, the last key priest on the road to reincarnation.

This is somewhat inconsistent with history.

In the prehistoric history, Meng Po was Ping Po. The incarnation of the heart is not the true spirit of Xuan Ming, but there is not much difference between the two. After all, if it really exists, it is not the strength of Hunyuan to fight all the way to the reincarnation, and it is not enough for the surviving Wu clan. They were also put into the underworld by Ping Xin and assigned positions.

Although these surviving Wu clans were all the best among the elite, Ping Xin did not let them become Yin soldiers, but let them go to the underworld to open up new places. The eighteen middle-thousand worlds that came out were hells! Of course, Pingxin couldn't let her tribe suffer. On the contrary, they brought misery to them!

They are born with deficiencies, are aggressive by nature, and are violent and uneasy. If they are placed in many places, they can easily cause karma. Then simply find a place where they can vent their anger.

Hell is just the right place to inflict pain on those who have committed extremely evil crimes and have amazing karma. Being punished, not only will there be no consequences, but over time, there may be merit rewards!

When Ping Xin finished everything, the"earth" of the three talents of heaven, earth, and people suddenly changed.!

The speed of countless lonely ghosts rushing to the underworld was more than ten times faster!

In an instant, the existence of evil spirits, wronged souls, etc. in Taixuan Realm was reduced by 90%

, and even the speed of spiritual energy was reduced! It's much faster. Reincarnation is turnover.

People and things that have been solidified for countless years can flow again, not only the real soul, but also the spiritual energy between heaven and earth!

To open up, but to leave everything to time to evolve, it will take at least dozens more Yuanhui before Taixuan can regain its vitality!

For this reason alone, opening up reincarnation is a beneficial thing. Taixuan's great deeds, therefore, all sentient beings shouted in the name of Pingxin and wanted to express their gratitude.

"Thank you, Empress Pingxin, for your mercy! Let me have a place to go after death!"

In this regard, Pingxin just smiled slightly and didn't take it to heart.

The reason why she opened up reincarnation was not for the sake of sentient beings.

But... thinking about it, Pingxin glanced at the sun quietly, and then said again before turning back. She moved away, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

But her action was obviously unnecessary. With Taihao's cultivation, how could he not notice it?

It's just that he had already focused on another thing, so for the time being. I didn't think about it deeply.

This matter is extremely important and involves Xiao Honghuang! Just when Ping Xin was opening up reincarnation, there was a Hunyuan world in the infinitely distant depths of chaos, and there was a sea of blood in this world, and it was filled with filth.

Above it, there was a Hunyuan monk who ignored the filth and had an indifferent expression.

This monk was none other than Hongjun!

At this moment, he was looking at the sea of blood below, thoughtfully.

Fei Lu reminds you. :Three Things to Do in Reading-Collection and Recommendation

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