Even if Taihao didn't look at the fragment of the Law of Power, he knew what it was.

Because he happens to have mastered this law!

And the reason why I can master it is because I got a piece of the same law fragment from the inheritance of the Great God Pangu.

It is precisely because of this that Taihao expressed shock at the first moment. The moment he felt the existence of the law fragments, he had only one thought in his mind

"If I absorb this fragment, my law of power will definitely be able to break through to the middle stage!"

The Law of Force is the first law that Taihao has mastered, but it is also the one with the slowest progress.

The reason why it is slow is not that he has insufficient understanding, but that the Law of Force is too difficult!

Taihao has estimated that with his Law of Force Judging from the level of mastery, if there are not hundreds of Yuanhui, there is no possibility of breakthrough.

In other words, as long as the fragments are absorbed... at least the hard work of hundreds of Yuanhui can be saved.

Of course, the law of force is nothing! Everyone can absorb it.

If you want to learn the law of power, you can start by opening the third level of energy!

That is, only those who have the appearance of saints can understand it! There won't be any gains in billions of years!

Of course, it's impossible to live for tens of billions of years without any gains at all. But Taihao can definitely absorb it, and it's easy!

The fragments of the law turned into a stream of light and sank directly into his body. Then, without Taihao's urging, it spontaneously merged with the law of power mastered by Taihao!

"At most a thousand years, my law of power will be able to break through!"

"If I push it, the speed can be increased!"

"In this way, the efficiency is more than ten thousand times higher!"

When your cultivation reaches Taihao's level, no matter what it is, it can be increased ten thousand times, which is a very scary value, let alone a law?

However, Taihao did not rush to activate it, but focused on another thing. Because compared to this thing, even the fragments of the Law of Power are not that important.

The fragments of the Law of Power are still comparable to treasures, but for Taihao who has mastered the Law of Power, they are not that important. It should be lower.

Because this is the mark of creation!

It records the supreme power of Pangu when he created the world!

Taihao has always had a regret that he traveled a little later in the timeline and did not witness the scene of Pangu's creation of the world.

I have never seen Yang Mei, who barely survived after countless calamities.

It’s not that I can’t look at it, but I don’t dare to look at it! Because if

I look at it, I will die!

, but no living being has seen it! In fact, not only Primordial, but also Chaos!

But now, Taihao has the opportunity to observe Kaitian in another form!

"My infinite method of freedom, even if it reaches the fourth level of Dzogchen, and all 1,296 million people turn into galaxies, it will still be at the pinnacle of the quasi-sage. If I want to realize the Hunyuan, I can only break through to the fifth level!"

What is the fifth realm?

It is the transformation of the galaxy into the star realm of the heavens!

The star realm of the heavens and the burning lamp use twenty-four Dinghai Divine Pearls. The twenty-four heavens evolved from the Dinghai Divine Pearls are not a concept.

The heavens evolved from the Dinghai Divine Pearls are, at best, It is just a small world. But the universe that Taihao wants to open is equivalent to the world of the world!

The two are not only not the same concept, but they are also not the same level! The difficulty of using particles to open up the world is naturally not comparable.

The Heavenly Star Territory is still somewhat insecure. It’s not that he is not confident, but that this method is unprecedented and difficult.

But now it is better. With the Seal of Opening Heaven, it will be much easier to open up the Heavenly Star Territory..

After all, no matter how difficult it is, it won’t make Kaitian sad!

Taihao has a clear idea and can’t help but laugh.

"In this way, the foundation for enlightenment is there, and so is the method for enlightenment!"

The so-called foundation of enlightenment naturally refers to the twelve-level essence, energy, spirit and three flowers.

As for the method of enlightenment, it is undoubtedly recorded in the Seal of Kaitian.

However, unlike Pangu, Pangu evolved in chaos. , to open the outer world. Taihao wants to evolve the heavens and open the inner world in his body!

Although there is a difference in power level between the two, they are essentially the same.

If Taihao can one day evolve all the particles in his body. The All-Heaven Star Territory may not be weaker than Pangu who has succeeded in enlightenment, and all the All-Heaven Star Territory together may not be inferior to Honghuang.

Of course, this is just Taihao's conjecture.

No one knows..

Because Pangu did not succeed, Taihao has not yet attained enlightenment.

"However, I can expect my enlightenment!"

Tahao laughed loudly and was filled with emotion.

The opportunity on Buzhou Mountain is really bigger than the sky!

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