Buzhou Mountain has always been deserted.

Even though the three clans have been fighting here for tens of thousands of years, they still can't make this place lively. Because compared with the vast Buzhou Mountain, the strong men sent by the three tribes are not even a drop in the ocean.

However, for the three tribes, no matter how towering Buzhou Mountain is, it has nothing to do with them.

Because they don't want to conquer Mount Buzhou now.

Rather, we are looking for an opportunity here!

A great opportunity related to the development of the race!

"When will the great power of the clan arrive? If it doesn't come again, the Phoenix clan may be the first to seize this opportunity!"

At this moment, a conversation was coming from a place countless miles away from the foot of Buzhou Mountain.

The conversation was not disguised at all, as if it was not afraid of beings eavesdropping, and it seemed very presumptuous.

But they do have the confidence.

Because they It is the Dragon Clan, one of the three major races in the prehistoric times!

"Phoenix clan? Impossible for them! How powerful that ferocious beast is, it’s not like you haven’t seen it before! Taiyi Peak used to give him food! Even Da Luo may be buried in his belly!"

"What! Is even Da Luo in danger of falling? Are you not mistaken?"

Another voice was obviously surprised, because in his opinion, Da Luo is the pinnacle of all sentient beings in the ancient world, and is the strongest existence. He no longer has to experience the terrifying five declines of heaven and man, and does not have to worry that one day his energy and blood will dry up. He is free and carefree. , the eternal and supreme existence!

And even such a powerful person is in danger of falling?

The beast is so terrifying?

No matter how this dragon monk feels, he is destined not to see the beast, or to live to see it. Even if he already has the Taiyi Dao Fruit and is one level stronger than the immortal Golden Immortal, he has no chance of surviving when facing a ferocious beast that even Da Luo must be extremely wary of. With just one breath, he will disappear forever!

That's right!

The beast is such a terrifying existence!

"Swallow the sky!"

In Buzhou Mountain, Little Taotie once again used her devouring magical power to repel the Feng Clan monks who wanted to rush into the cave repeatedly.

Then she waved her hands, her little face puffed up, and she put on a super fierce posture, and said angrily

"No, stop coming! Otherwise I will eat you all!"

The three tribes competed for the Dao Monument together. The Qilin tribe relied on itself as the master of the earth, so it had an advantage in the snatching process.

Like the Dragon tribe, the Phoenix tribe was also very unwilling.

Therefore, they were doing the same thing.

That is, in They were looking for the stone tablet on Buzhou Mountain. They had no clue at first, but luckily they got clues from the Dragon Clan. Then this powerful man from the Feng Clan came over alone without thinking much.

In the middle stage of Luo's life, her cultivation was ten times stronger than that of Daluo monks from the Dragon Clan. Even if she couldn't break into the cave, she should be able to escape unscathed. Therefore, after hearing Xiao Taotie's words, instead of retreating, she looked happy.


She's dying?

If we don't take action now, how long will it take?

"Nanming Lihuo! go!"

A flame that seemed to be able to burn all things formed in the palm of the Phoenix Clan strongman, and then suddenly flew out in the next moment, hitting Taotie, as if it was going to burn her to ashes!

For this flame, this Phoenix Clan strongman I am very confident.

Because this is one of the most terrifying flames in the ancient world, second only to the true fire of the sun, and it is the natal magical power unique to the Phoenix clan!

"Enlightenment Monument! We, the Phoenix Clan, are determined!"

However, just when she was confident that Taotie would be burned to death, something strange happened.

The next moment, her phoenix eyes could not help but widen, with disbelief written on her face.

Was Nanming Lihuo eaten?

However, she was obviously surprised because She immediately heard something from Taotie's mouth that shocked her even more

"so spicy! Worse than evil spirit! If I had known earlier, I wouldn’t have eaten it!"


How dare she cross the evil spirit?

This Phoenix Clan monk couldn't help but look a little dull. He even doubted whether he heard wrongly.

But Taotie didn't look like he was lying at the moment, and he didn't feel anything. It seems that swallowing evil spirits is a trivial matter.

But it doesn't make sense!

Because evil spirits are the most likely thing in the world to make people lose consciousness. If she really eats them, why can she still stay awake?

"Wuwuwu~Why hasn’t the master come back~"

In the past, Taotie swallowed the evil spirit while Taotie melted it, so no matter how spicy it was, she could bear it. But this time it was different. Without Taihao, she could eat it. It was too spicy to eat.

So she thought of her master for the first time in the Five Multidimensional Meeting.

Well, after she couldn't stand it, the Phoenix monk on the other side heard her words. , the reaction was so great that his pupils shrank.

Master! This ferocious beast actually has a master!

No wonder this ferocious beast appears here. No wonder this ferocious beast can transform. No wonder she can still be sane after swallowing the evil spirit...

All the monk's doubts were solved, and she understood why.

Then an unspeakable fear began to spread in her heart.

How terrifying would it be to become the master of such a ferocious beast? What kind of magical power is this to transform a ferocious beast?

No! Quasi


At this moment, this Phoenix monk's feathers stood on end and he was frightened back into his true form.


In the void, Taihao was stunned for a while, a little dumbfounded.

"The Phoenix Clan is so powerful! Are you so timid?"

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