On the surface, the Longhan Calamity Tribulation is about the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn competing for hegemony and luck. In fact, it is Hongjun and Luohu competing for who is the spokesperson of heaven.

That is the first holy throne in heaven and earth!

According to the history of the prehistoric era, after the calamity of Long Han, the prehistoric era was truly complete, and a new era ushered in.

And everything of the old age will be abandoned.

Not only the ferocious beasts, but also the remnant souls of the Chaos Demon God, and several powerful figures who appeared after the rebirth of the ancient world.

For example, Qian Kun, Yin Yang, Five Elements, Yang Mei...

Although these powerful powers are very powerful, they are still not worth mentioning compared with the will of heaven in the dark, unless they are still before rebirth.

So after the calamity ended, almost all of them died.

After all, compared to the real protagonist of the calamity, they are all supporting characters.

Except Yang Mei.

This is an extremely special existence. Compared with other reborn demon gods, he seems to have more memories of past lives, and his path is completely different from others.

It's a bit like the hour, but obviously more self-aware than the hour.

Yang Mei just wanted to go back to the path of the Chaos Demon God, and did not want to go back in time and fight Pangu again. And after the calamity was over, he immediately left Chaos and never returned.

Relative to the time, it is very harmless.

Perhaps this is also the reason why the will of heaven did not deliberately target him, so from this perspective, Yang Mei can be said to be an exception.

But now, there is one more exception in Honghuang.

That’s Tahoe!

And Tae Ho is not a supporting character, but the protagonist!

Because everything he has done from the time he transformed until now has been beneficial to the prehistoric times.

Whether it is the transformation of evil spirits, the spread of enlightenment tablets everywhere in the ancient world, or the act of killing the remaining souls of time ten years ago, each of them can be said to have great merit!

It is merit in the literal sense, the kind filled with golden clouds.

At the time of killing, Heaven actually sent down a lot of merit, but Taihao didn't take it to heart.

But having said that, Taihao has indeed done a lot of good things for Honghuang.

So in addition to merit, he also received a lot of luck! Although it is incomparable with the three clans, it is far better than other reborn demon gods. Even compared with Hongjun and Luo Hu, it is not far behind.

So much so that he was inadvertently selected as one of the spokesperson candidates by Tiandao!

This was something Taihao didn't expect at all.

And he has no interest in this kind of spokesperson for heaven.

After all, his goal is to attain the great truth and transcendence!

Therefore, Taihao couldn't help but have doubts in his heart.

That is……

"How can I reject this spokesperson candidate? Communicate the will of heaven? But why is there no reaction? Not to mention that I am still in the thirty-third heaven, the place closest to the way of heaven in the ancient world!"

I don't know why, but Taihao found that he couldn't seem to get an answer when communicating with Heaven, which made him quite puzzled.

"Why is this? Is it because the way of heaven has not yet been completed?"

"But I am a candidate, so why should I receive some special treatment?"

"Or does it mean that once you become a candidate, you cannot refuse?"

Thinking of this, Taihao couldn't help but frown.

He was a little embarrassed.

Because it meant that he had to participate in the calamity and have a big fight with these two ruthless men, Hongjun and Luo Hu, and it was a life-or-death kind of thing!

I don't want to. Fighting isn't enough, because those two guys won't give up targeting him just because he says"he is unintentionally the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao". They might even join forces to kill him as an uncertain factor first, and then the two of them can do it again. Fighting. The more he thought about it, the more he thought it was possible.

After all, Hongjun and Luo Hu knew each other very well. In comparison, Taihao was an uncertain factor! For a moment, if he were Hongjun and Luo Hu, they would definitely join forces without hesitation!


, who had always been calm, suddenly became excited and even exclaimed for more than a dozen times. , swear words that have never been used before, to show how uneasy he is inside.

"Damn it!"

"Sure enough, if you don’t enter the Hunyuan, you will end up like an ant! Even a good person like me, who has always been a good person since ancient times, can't stay out of the matter and is forced into disaster.……"

"How many people can escape in the whole prehistoric period?"

"Is this calamity measurement? horrible!"

Tahao couldn't help but sigh. He was confident that he would not fall behind any one of Hongjun and Luo Hu. If he was lucky, he might even have the upper hand, but if these two guys join forces... then Taihao would not be confident that he would be able to do so. Resist it.

Because whether it's chance or magical treasure, they are no worse than Taihao. But since they are in trouble, they must find a way to resolve it.

Yi, as long as it works well, disasters may not be turned into opportunities.

After thinking about it, Taihao decided to start by dismantling Luo Hu's conspiracy.

After all, he and Luo Hu were not compatible and had conflicts. No matter what, Hongjun could still communicate.. What’s more, Luohu’s defeat is still the trend of history!

"In this case, let's first see if we can resolve the conflict between the three races.……"

"Let’s make this first stop at the Dragon Clan!"


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