At this moment, if Hongjun knew what Taihao was thinking, he would be so angry that he would spit out a mouthful of old blood.

The most virtuous person in the world?

Then why do you still need Lingbao?

Don’t do it if you can!

Unfortunately, Hongjun didn't know.

In other words, he was lucky not to know, otherwise he might have been so angry.

On the other side, after Taihao accepted the Lingbao, he was not in a hurry to refine the Lingbao or go into retreat, but focused on business.

Speaking of which, cheating Hongjun... helping Hongjun, reaching a consensus with him, and obtaining the spiritual treasure were not the purpose of his trip.

This is just incidental.

The reason why he came to the Dragon Clan was actually to see if he could resolve the conflicts between the three clans, that is, to fundamentally dismantle Luo Hu's conspiracy.

Taihao knows the general trend of Honghuang.

Naturally, he has some understanding of Luo Hu's conspiracy.

In the history of the ancient world, Luo Hu instigated a war between the three clans, intending to make the evil spirit of the ancient world stronger and stronger, so that he could practice his evil spirit and magic skills and refine his unique fierce formation.

Throughout the process, his conspiracy was not discovered by anyone. For example, Hong��

With his sophisticated methods, his level of caution, and his understanding of Luo Hu, it was impossible not to notice it at all. Maybe he also made a lot of efforts to resolve Rahu's conspiracy.

It's a pity that the result is not satisfactory at all.

After the calamity, Hongjun did become a saint of heaven, but the prehistoric period also left wounds that are difficult to repair.

The spiritual veins of most of the western world were completely destroyed in this calamity, so that compared with other places in the wilderness, it is basically a barren land. Not only are there no spiritual treasures, but there are even fewer spiritual plants.

It's no wonder that shameless monks like Zhunti are born. There is really no way.

After all, there are few opportunities in the West. If you still care about face, compared with other places in the wilderness, can you still survive?

From this perspective, although Zhunti is shameless, his behavior is still understandable.

Therefore, Taihao couldn't help but think,"If I could prevent this catastrophe, wouldn't Zhunti be like this?"

Soon, Taihao put this idea aside.

Because that's not the point

"If we can prevent the Western Spiritual Veins from being destroyed, or reduce the losses to some extent, if nothing else, the merits will definitely be great!"

Tahao made a rough estimate. He is at least on the same level as Nuwa Mending the Sky. He has accumulated more merit than Taihao who can transform evil spirits countless times!

Don't look at the fact that he now has the Jade Disk of Good Fortune, and his skills are no longer deduced. is a problem, but he still needs merit, and the demand is only increasing!

Because he has another big"merit", and it is a bottomless pit, even if it is compared with the deduction method, it is no less. The golden lotus of merit!

The moment he accepted the golden lotus of merit, the golden wheel of merit that Taihao had already cultivated trembled slightly. Taihao was so blessed that he immediately discovered a piece of information that surprised him.


"Can the Golden Lotus of Merit be advanced by absorbing merit?"

"And after advancing, it will not become a treasure of merit, but an innate treasure!"

"That is...the twenty-fourth grade lotus platform?"

Taihao was a little surprised.

Because in the ancient history, there was no saying that the Golden Lotus of Merit could advance after absorbing merit. Jieyin never did this, and he didn't even release any news.

So how could it be different?

Taihao Hao frowned slightly, but soon relaxed it

"The golden lotus of merit would definitely not be able to advance to the next level. He wished that the golden lotus could feed him merits in return!"


Because the reason why Jie Yin was able to attain enlightenment was that he made forty-eight great aspirations to Heaven, and Heaven sent down merits, and then he attained the Path.

In other words, he borrowed a large sum of merits from Heaven on credit. How big is it? How big is it?

It’s unimaginable!

It’s enough to make Jie Yin become a saint!

"Perhaps it was because Jie Yin extracted the origin of Jin Lian to make up for his losses, that's why Jin Lian was so easily sucked up by the Mosquito Taoist to the third level, causing the quality to drop."

"Otherwise, how could the treasure of a religion that suppresses luck be destroyed so easily? The lotus platform is not made of paper!"

In an instant, Taihao figured everything out.

But he soon faced a new problem, that is, the merits required to advance to the lotus platform were extremely exaggerated!

It almost caught up with the amount of merits required to become a saint.

So many Even Taihao couldn't produce any merits for a while, because most of the merits he accumulated before were used to build the golden wheel and deduce the method.

"But it doesn’t matter, I am the greatest good person in the world, and merit and other things are not difficult at all!"

Besides, isn't there a great merit that can be planned right now?

"No, if you calculate carefully, it should be two!"

One is to protect the spiritual veins of the West as much as possible!

The other is to defeat Luo Hu and bring clarity to the prehistoric era!

"As long as you can complete these two things, even if you still can't advance, it should be about the same!"

In fact, even if there was no matter about the Golden Lotus of Merit, Taihao would still consider whether to save the Western Spiritual Vein.

It wasn't his Holy Mother, but he had a vague premonition.

There seems to be another hidden story in the battle between demons, and it is not as simple as he imagined. If If possible, he hoped to find some clues to verify his guess.

With this thought, Taihao no longer hesitated to tell Zulong and Hongjun about Long Han's calamity. ?

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