Although the Jade Disk's attack is not obvious, it is perfect for the current situation. After all, what is trapping the three of them at this moment is a peerless fierce formation, isn't it?

It is only natural to try to break the formation with the jade disc of good fortune, which has a strong deduction ability.

But neither the ancestor of Qiankun nor the Taoist Yin and Yang knew why Hongjun didn't use the jade plate of creation.

Do you want to die like this?

They would never have imagined that Hongjun, who regarded the jade dish as his life, would actually lend the jade dish to others!

Not only Qiankun and Yinyang did not expect this, but also Luo Hu!

"Hongjun, although your cultivation has improved a lot over the years, your brain seems to be getting harder and harder! It’s already this time, why don’t you take out the jade plate of creation?"

Outside the formation, Luo Hu laughed while mobilizing his evil energy.

His tone was full of pleasure and ridicule.

Then he continued without waiting for Hongjun's answer.

"However, I suggest you give up the struggle and accept the slaughter! Because my Immortal-killing Sword Formation can kill all the immortals and demons in the world, and can cut down all the worlds in the world. Even if you, Hongjun, take out the jade plate of creation now, you can't even think of changing the situation of the battle!"

"Rahu! You secretly instigated a war between the three clans, causing the destruction of all living beings in the wild, and now you have used immeasurable evil energy to refine a peerless weapon. You are already burdened with karma! If you can attain enlightenment, no living thing in the ancient world will be able to rest in peace!"

Hongjun sacrificed the Pangu flag, raised the God-killing Spear again, and then said to Luo Hu

"Hahaha, close your eyes? Is this what you Hongjun would say? Luo Hu said with a mocking tone,"Hongjun!" In fact, you and I are the same type of people, but I practice destruction and killing, so I have to kill people, but you, Hongjun, don’t need that! But when you look at those creatures below Daluo, aren't you looking at ants? If you and I were of the same identity, you might be more ruthless than me!"

Hongjun was silent and did not refute Luo Hu's words.

In fact, just as Luo Hu said, in the eyes of powerful people like them, all living beings are really no different from ants.

One trillion dead, one thousand trillion dead, dead Is one trillion trillion just a bunch of numbers?

If it weren't for the resentment that lingers after the death of a living being, the evil spirit would become even stronger.

In fact, it's not just him, Hongjun, Qiankun, Yin and Yang. Isn't it true?

Or other powerful people, who are not like this?

Because as long as the calamity does not come, the life span will be endless, and the number of living beings in the unit will be trillions. During this period, people died of old age, war, and illness, and then new creatures were born, continuing a new cycle, just like the plants in the spiritual field of the ashram, one crop was cut and another grew. Now, the spiritual field has become a primitive place, and the plants have become... living things?

In this case, how can the quasi-sage not regard the living beings as ants?

Hongjun, who is well versed in the laws of fate, does not want to delve into whether there is any truth in this. What a secret, at least not now.

But he still thought about it.

If it were him, would it be different?

Otherwise, why would he do so many incredible"good things"?"?

"Perhaps the old Taoist should imitate him and accumulate more merits in the ancient times.……"

Hongjun couldn't help but think about it, but then his Taoist heart became firm.

After all, he is the Taoist ancestor in the future, and his Taoist heart is so firm. His regrets were wiped away in an instant, and then he returned to his calm demeanor and his tone was calm.

"Time is also fate! Rahu, even if the old Taoist is defeated here and the true spirit is completely destroyed, you may not be able to get what you want!"

"Hahaha! Luo Hu laughed loudly with a disdainful tone.

"You know, what you are saying right now is very much like the reluctance of a loser before he dies! I didn’t expect that you, Hongjun, would say such a thing one day? It seems that you really have no other options! In this case, I will send you back to the great road!"

"All the evil spirits in the heavens, listen to my command and kill!"

In an instant, the evil aura in the Zhuxian Sword Formation doubled in intensity, and the murderous aura and sword aura intertwined repeatedly, as if endlessly, attacking Hongjun and the others.

At this moment, Luo Hu's Law of Killing and the Law of Destruction were activated at the same time!

The power of the Zhuxian Sword Formation It was also pushed to the extreme by Luo Hu.

Not only were many objects erased from existence, but even time and space lost their meaning under the Zhuxian Sword Formation. Everything was destroyed into nothingness, even the innate treasures were under its power! Underneath, it turned out to be somewhat unstoppable!

You know, this is not one innate treasure, but three!

"My life is at an end!"Yin Yang Taoist sighed.

"Hate it! I have not yet attained the Hunyuan Dao, I have not yet attained the Great Dao, and yet I am about to perish here?"The ancestor of Qiankun was stunned.

Under Luo Hu's full urging, the Zhuxian Sword Formation has left them with Tao wounds!

What is Tao wounds?

They are indelible, irreparable, and unrecoverable!

Once they appear, there is no hope of realizing the Tao in this life!

At least in this life. There is no way to heal in the ancient world, so the two of them look crazy and stunned, and there is no look like a quasi-sage power!

"It’s you next, Hongjun!"

"You lost!"

"The person who achieves Hunyuan and realizes the Dao successfully will be neither the founder of the three clans nor you, Hongjun, but……"

Luo Hu was about to continue talking when suddenly a vast and incomparable breath came directly through time and space.

What was broken along with it was the evil aura of the Zhuxian Sword Formation and a voice that sounded like the voice of heaven.

"It won’t be you who achieves Hunyuan, but me, Taihao!"

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