What is the true spirit?

This is a bit of immortal light that can only be born after transcending the two long rivers of time and destiny.

In other words, only Daluo can give birth to a true spirit!

Why is it said that Daluo is immortal?

Endless longevity is only one aspect, and it is still not an important factor.

Because not to mention Daluo Jinxian, even if it is just a Jinxian, it can be said that he has the same life span as heaven and earth and will live forever.

But Jinxian has to go through disasters, and even if the calamity cannot come, there are still small gods and five degenerates waiting for them, so it is far from being detached. Although Daluo Jinxian will not escape the calamity, they have true spirits and have the same relationship with Jinxian. Essential difference.


Because you can be reborn by relying on the true spirit!

And he was reborn before reincarnation began!

Although rebirth is difficult, and there is a high probability that you will lose the memory of your previous life after rebirth, it can even be said that you will be a different person.

But in essence, the monk who attained Daluo is not dead, he is still alive!

Just in another form, or another person?

Possessing this immortal spiritual light, which is the true spirit, can ensure its long-term existence even in the reincarnation that will only appear in later generations.

Unless there is a powerful person at the Hunyuan level who can take action, or there is a heavy treasure that can extinguish the aura, there will be no change whether it is reincarnated a thousand times, ten thousand times, or more.

In ancient history, Duke Dongwang and Emperor Jun had a conflict and were defeated.

But the true spirit has not dissipated, so it can be reborn again and again, and reincarnated again and again, so that even Emperor Jun and Taiyi could not die anymore, but he still lived in another form and became the future Lu Dongbin, a real person from Chunyang.

In ancient history, such existence and such instances were common.

Not only Duke Dong, but also Fuxi.

Therefore, we can also see how great the sacrifice of the ancestors of the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn was.

By sacrificing the true spirit, they gave up the chance of eternal life.

But for the continuation of the race, they chose to do this.

However, from this perspective, although the true spirit is said to be immortal, it still has its time to perish.

Maybe in the prehistoric times, or even in the chaos, there was nothing truly immortal. It was just a matter of how quickly it died. After all, even Pangu had fallen.

Even so, if given the chance to transform a true spirit into a Yuan Spirit, almost any monk would go crazy.

Because Yuan Ling can only transform when he breaks through to the Hunyuan realm!

And it’s not necessarily the case!

If there is no opportunity, no matter how strong the strength is, it may not be born.

For example, other Chaos Demon Gods who master the top laws, the Karma Demon God, the Creation Demon God, etc. Since they were not born in the ancient times, it means that they are still true spirits, not Yuanling.

And when the opportunity comes, it doesn't necessarily mean you can't have it if you don't have enough strength.

For example, Qiankun...

Although he is not weak among the Chaos Demon Gods, he is far from the top.

But he has Yuanling, so he has the opportunity to live again in the wilderness.

Therefore, even among the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, not many can sublimate the true spirit into the Yuan Spirit!

This can be seen from the number of demon gods reborn in the wilderness.

Even if you include the hours, you can count them with two hands.

Therefore, this immortal spirit can be said to be a truly immortal spiritual light, which can enable existences such as Qiankun, Yinyang, Hongjun, Yangmei, etc. to survive the countless tribulations of the opening of the sky!

Whether one can live twice is unclear.

But at least once is ok!

At this moment, just to prevent his realm from rising to Hunyuan, Taihao ignited his cultivation, burned his Taoism, and burned his magic power, and actually transformed the true spirit into a Yuanling!

This is absolutely amazing!

Even in chaos, it is extremely rare!

And when Taihao's immortal aura transformed into Yuanling, he felt that he was closer to the"Tao" than ever before. All the previous confusions and incomprehensions about the"Tao" changed at this moment. clear.

He entered a special state that resembled Hunyuan but was not Hunyuan.


I was able to get a glimpse of the avenue!

This is a strange sight that cannot be found in the entire chaos. It has no records and has never appeared before.

Not to mention that Taihao is still in the realm of quasi-sage at this moment!

What does it mean to understand Hunyuan?

What does it mean to understand the way of heaven?

Only by understanding the great road can we have the real opportunity!

At this moment, time and space, fate and cause and effect, creation and destruction... all lost their meaning.

Taihao didn't know how long he had been in this state.

It seemed like just a moment, and it seemed like a billion yuan had passed.

When he recovered from this mysterious and mysterious state, his Law of Fire was perfected. The Law of Time and the Law of Cause and Effect were in the later stage. Even the Law of Force, which had been difficult to understand and difficult to make progress, actually broke through to the Law of Time and Time. The laws of cause and effect are almost the same!

"Is this the great road? Even a small glimpse can be so rewarding for me! If you can immerse yourself in it and practice for dozens of kalpas, or even longer……"

"Not only can my supreme law and top law be fulfilled quickly, but the other three thousand avenues and endless heresy may also be able to be fulfilled!"

"But it’s possible to get lost in it!"

Taihao couldn't help but think.

Because compared with the avenue, he is too small.

Even the law of force is just a slightly thick"water flow" in the"long river" of the avenue.

Special, but yet Not that special.

Suddenly, Taihao frowned.

At the last moment when the enlightenment of the avenue gradually dissipated, he seemed to see a slightly thick"water flow", but this"water flow" was not the law of force, but the law of force.……


At this moment, Taihao was indescribably shocked. He felt as if he had touched a secret that was difficult to reach even in chaos.

Since there is a law of time that is as strong as the law of force"water flow", does that mean that , someone traveled through time and reached a height similar to that of Pangu?

"How can this be!"

"The Great God Pangu is the strongest man in Chaos, who else can……"


Suddenly, an extremely shocking conjecture appeared in his mind.

Even he couldn't help but take a breath at this moment.


"There is chaos beyond chaos!"

"chaos! Not the only one!"

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