There are two places to go in Taihao, one is Sun Star and the other is Buzhou Mountain.

The reason for going is simple.

Because he has two apprentices here!

It's interesting to say that although his two disciples have extraordinary abilities, they still haven't transformed even after dozens of Yuanhui passed since they were accepted as disciples!

Fusang failed to transform, which Taihao could understand.

After all, it is an innate spiritual root, so it is normal for it to be difficult to transform.

But Nuwa is a bit unreasonable.

Mingming had made an apprenticeship agreement with her before, that is, if Taihao came down from Buzhou Mountain, if Nuwa could transform, she would accept her as her disciple. If she couldn't, she would become her disciple.……

"I don’t think I said what will happen if I can’t?"

"Forget it, go over and have a look!"

Actually, Taihao can guess the reason why Nuwa failed to transform.

The first reason is that Nuwa wanted to accumulate more. Innate gods transform early, which has the advantage of transforming early, but there are also benefits of transforming late. The advantage of late transformation is that starting from the birth of consciousness, the later the transformation time means the longer the accumulation time.

���After transforming, the higher the realm you can reach.

However, the birth of consciousness takes a long time to gestate. how long?

Time is not measured in dollars, but in calamities!

Taihao is not the Chaos Demon God, but he was able to transform at the beginning of Long Han's calamity because he skipped the process of birth of consciousness.

Otherwise, even if Haoran's Qi can transform, it won't be possible much earlier than Sanqing.

Because of this, it can be said that Taihao has been accumulating foundation since the fall of Pangu. Even compared with the Chaos Demon God who possesses the immortal soul and is reborn in the ancient world, he is no worse.

Therefore, when he transformed, he had the peak strength of Da Luo!

Nuwa may not have thought about reaching the pinnacle of Daluo in one step, but it is obviously what she hopes to transcend from the two rivers of time and destiny, and transform into the Daluo state.

But besides that, there was another reason why she couldn't transform.

The other innate gods in the prehistoric times who failed to take form, whether it was Sanqing or Taiyi Emperor Jun, were more or less related to this reason.

Then God's warning!

Why warn?

Because of calamity!

To use an inappropriate metaphor, once an innate god takes form, it is like the game has passed its novice protection period. Even if they have great luck, they are still at risk of falling into disaster when calamity comes, and the risk is still very high!

After all, when the calamity comes, not even Taihao can escape, let alone them?

Under the catastrophe, if you can survive, everything is easy to say, and your strength, realm, and fortune will leap forward.

But if he doesn't survive... won't the hidden arrangement of Heaven's will be disrupted?

Therefore, Heaven will send a warning to prevent the innate gods from appearing during the calamity period.

This is true for Nuwa, and so is Sanqing.

If he had not realized the great rivers and discovered the disputes between the great ways, Taihao would definitely have doubts.

I wonder why Heaven does not control the calamity to protect these powers that have not yet grown up. But now he understands that it's not that Tiandao doesn't want to do it, but that he can't do it.

Because measuring calamity is a battle between great ways!

The prehistoric heaven is even burdened by it, let alone controlled.

In other words, if an innate god is born in advance and enters a calamity, even heaven may not be able to save him!

"Therefore, after the calamity of Long Han, it is the general trend that all the innate gods will take form!"

Taihao couldn't help but sigh.

In the time he was thinking, Taihao had already arrived at the Sun Star.

Because he was many times faster than before.

As for the Sun Essence Fire on the Sun Star, there was nothing he could do about it. He didn't know anything.

At the same time, there was an exclamation from inside the Sun Star.

It was the two brothers Di Jun and Tai Yi.

"The magic power is vast and the momentum is like an abyss! The essence fire retreats and all the stars sing together! Brother, this almighty strength is even more terrifying than the one that came dozens of yuan ago!"Taiyi was horrified.

"Shh! Condensed the divine fire, kept silent and concentrated! What if you are discovered!"Di Jun's divine fire converged until it was almost extinguished, as if he was afraid of being noticed.

But after he finished speaking, he couldn't help but have some doubts in his heart.

The power of this sudden arrival was indeed terrifying. Even a wisp of breath made Di Jun feel Frightened.

But for some reason, he always felt that this breath was very familiar, as if he had seen it before, but there had never been any great power on the Sun Star?

"Could it be... that he was the powerful one who came last time?"

Thinking about it, Di Jun was even more shocked.

Last time he could still vaguely feel the presence, but this time it was completely chaotic and hazy? If this powerful person didn't want to hide it, wouldn't it be impossible to find it at all?

No matter what Di Jun did I think Taihao didn't care at all.

Taihao came here to check on his first apprentice, Fusang Shu, because Taihao would be in seclusion for a long time to understand and digest what he had learned in the long river. , but it was difficult for the hibiscus tree to take shape, so in order to prevent accidents, Taihao prepared to come here and give it another blessing.

When he saw the hibiscus tree again, it became more spiritual and even expressed his intimacy to Taihao. The movements were much more flexible and rounded, and even"bending down" no longer seemed like it was about to break.

Taihao nodded, expressing his satisfaction, because with the roots of a hibiscus tree, it was not easy to do this.

"The teacher decided to give another lecture, not only about transformation, but also about laws, the soul, the physical body, Qi and blood, as well as the teacher's Taoist tradition of"freedom visualization"’!"

After hearing Taihao's words, the divine fire on the fusang tree became three points stronger, obviously very excited.

Taihao didn't care, Tianyin came out when he opened his mouth, and his words had a Taoist rhyme, and he began to preach.

This lecture took a full thirty thousand years to stop.

When he stopped, the vision dissipated little by little, and a voice came from the hibiscus tree.

"Disciple, thank you Master���sermon!"

"good! Although he hasn't transformed yet, it's not far away." Taihao nodded.

The difficulty of spiritual transformation is reflected in all aspects, even when transmitting thoughts through consciousness.

But when it can"speak", it is very close to transformation.

"My master will be in retreat next, and it will take a long time. I may not be able to spare the time to look after you, so you must seize the time to transform! Now that the calamity has passed, if you don't change your form again, there may be a great calamity coming!"

"Disciple, remember!"

Taihao nodded and said no more, but directly used his magical power to go to Buzhou Mountain.

Similarly, he was also preparing to pass down the Taoism in Buzhou Mountain, that is, to Nuwa.

But the method was different from the Fusang Tree. He did not Instead of preaching, he secretly entered the Taoism into the Monument of Enlightenment and placed restrictions only for Nuwa to understand.

As for why he didn't preach directly... Although the agreement was just a joke, Nuwa still had to take it seriously.

For the time being, they can only be regarded as registered disciples.

In fact, it is not that Taihao treats direct disciples and registered disciples differently, but that it is not that difficult for Nuwa to transform.

After doing all this, Taihao no longer hesitates. , after finding a paradise in the cave, all the treasures were revealed and restricted, and then he entered a state of retreat.

This time, his retreat time would be long.

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