Being able to glimpse a power as terrifying as Taihao in the nearly infinite vastness of the wilderness, the Dongwang Duke's luck can be said to be either good or bad.

Why do you say that?

Because Dong Wanggong’s spiritual thought happened to hit Taihao who was coming out across the void.

From this perspective, his luck is indeed bad.

When Taihao crossed the void and used his spiritual teleportation, he did not restrain his strength at all, because he not only wanted to reach the East China Sea as soon as possible, but also wanted to know how fast he was now.

Therefore, the aura unique to Half-step Hunyuan was revealed almost without reservation.

Under such circumstances, Prince Dong used his spiritual thoughts to observe Taihao. What if that wasn't seeking death?

And those with lower cultivation levels than him can only feel an aura as deep as the ocean, but cannot look directly at it, nor dare to look directly at it. However, as long as they are in awe, they will not be greatly affected, and at most they will feel shocked. Unspeakable.

As for someone whose cultivation level is much higher than that of Prince Dong, he is not so close to"overturning" after using his spiritual sense to detect it.

Therefore, it can be said that Duke Dongwang was the one most affected by Taihao's momentum.

At least Taihao's power at this moment had left an extremely deep impression on him, so much so that he had problems estimating Zhongsheng's strength.

Therefore, it makes sense to say that he has bad luck.

But his luck is good.

Because the Great Desolate World is too vast, so vast that even with the strength of Daluo Jinxian, he cannot reach anywhere at will.

If you want to reach somewhere far away, you can only spend time.

This was no exception even when Taihao first transformed.

Not to mention, the first time he wanted to go to Mount Buzhou, his realm was still at the peak of Da Luo!

In comparison, Dong Wangong was only comparable to the early stage of Daluo...

Therefore, let alone now, even if we only compare the strength during the transformation, the two are not on the same level.

Dongwang has too many tolerances!

But precisely because of this, he is said to be lucky.


Therefore, in the vast wilderness, it is already quite difficult to meet a monk of the same level, let alone one whose strength is far superior to his.

What should I do if I meet a powerful person?

Then you must"hold the thigh"!

If you can listen to a few of his words or receive some of his teachings, you will definitely benefit a lot and be of great help to your practice.

Even if you go one step further, you will be favored by him and become a disciple...

Then you still need to worry about difficulties on the way to practice?

So this is not an opportunity, what is an opportunity?

This isn't good luck, so what is good luck?

"Based on my base, looking at the entire prehistoric period, I should be ranked high!"

"As long as I show some talent and some understanding, I think I will be accepted as a disciple by this great master!"

"No matter how bad it is, I will stop and chat for a few words and discuss the truth!"

Thinking of this, Prince Dong became uneasy.

"It doesn’t matter whether you accept him as a disciple or discuss the Tao. Even if you only get a few words of advice from him, you will definitely benefit from it!"

"Great opportunity, great good fortune!"

"no! I must catch it!"

Just do it when you think of it. Prince Dong acted very quickly. He quickly used his magical power and fled towards Taihao. At the same time, he shouted hurriedly.

"senior! Seniors, please stay!"

Taihao glanced at Prince Dong casually, with an indifferent expression.


Stay as close as a hammer!

Are you okay with me?

The fragments of the jade dish are much more important than you, Prince Dong?

So Taihao didn't express the slightest, not even a single sentence. Without wanting to say any more, he used his magical power again and disappeared.

Only Duke Dong was left standing there.


Prince Dong was completely stunned. What about stopping and chatting as promised? What about sitting down and discussing the truth? Did you agree to accept him as a disciple?

No, not at all!

That powerful man didn't even bother to take a second look and just drifted away, let alone preaching.

"Is this the Quasi-Saint Power?"

" and at ease!"

"One day, I, Prince Dong, will also reach this level!"

Of course, Duke Dong was resentful of Taihao's actions. He felt that Taihao had underestimated him, but he did not dare or could not directly express his dissatisfaction.

That would be too stupid and would also bring disaster.

After all, it was a great time. Yes, every thought and movement can be felt.

In fact, Taihao felt it at the moment, but he didn't take it to heart and just smiled.

"Duke Mugong of Zifu, Emperor Donghua, Master Chunyang... Should we say that Duke Dongwang has died so many times that he has been reincarnated into countless identities, or should we say that he is really strong and strong, even though he has been reincarnated so many times, he is still alive. Can Jean still exist?"

"Maybe it's just good luck that I haven't encountered a being who can extinguish the true spirit."

"However, after so many lifetimes of re-cultivation, instead of getting better, it has taken a turn for the worse. Each life has been worse than the last, and luck cannot be said to be good. In some respects, it can even be said to be bad."

After all, every time you are reincarnated, you have to die once.

Every time you die, you have to be beaten once.

Dong Wangong has been reborn so many times, how many times will he be beaten?

It is unimaginable.

"How many reincarnations you have had has nothing to do with me. As long as you don't offend me, otherwise, you won't even have a chance to be reincarnated! Taihao thought this, and then put this little disturbance aside.

Instead, he concentrated his thoughts on the hiding place of the fragments of the jade disc of creation.

The fragments of the jade disc of creation were hidden extremely deep, and they had been hidden since the beginning of the world. , unlike the Qiankun Cauldron, which is always active and has obvious causal lines, so even though some fragments may be innate spiritual treasures, their mining difficulty is still higher than that of the Qiankun Cauldron.

Therefore, it takes a long time to dig out each fragment. Calculation.

Even though Taihao had already determined the approximate location!

Tens of thousands of years passed in the blink of an eye.

When Taihao stopped his movements, a fragment of the jade disk with a Taoist charm appeared in his hand.

"It took thousands of years to collect three pieces, and the speed was pretty good."

"As for the grade of this jade dish of good fortune?……"

"It's not that high either, it's the best innate spiritual treasure."

In this regard, Taihao was not disappointed, but looked in the direction where the fragments had the strongest sensitivity.

He had a hunch that if the fragments in that position could be found and fused, not to mention the one in Hongjun's hand. , and will at least be promoted to an innate treasure!……

"In addition, there may be other opportunities!"

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