Yang Mei's gift was both unexpected and reasonable.

Yang Mei fell in love with Taihao at first sight, and did not even pursue Taihao's offense against him, and gave Taihao the opportunity he needed most.

Because Yang Mei's body is an innate spiritual root, Taihao happened to have helped Fusang and Huangzhongli a lot.

So, this is all a matter of chance.

Just when Taihao was thinking about this, Hongjun suddenly spoke

"I don’t know, friends, what are your plans for the future?"


After what?

After the enlightenment?

Taihao, who had already doubted Hongjun, couldn't help but ask three questions in his heart.

Obviously, if Hongjun's motives were impure as he guessed, then Taihao would be the biggest The obstacles must be removed!

Taihao's heart froze and he said calmly,"Retreat to realize enlightenment, that's all."

"Then I wish fellow Taoists that they will realize their wish as soon as possible! Hongjun won’t bother you anymore. If we are destined, we can discuss Tao together someday!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he made a gesture to leave.

Taihao raised his eyebrows, a little surprised.


He didn't say anything, and he was ready to leave?

Could it be that all his previous guesses were wrong?

Hongjun became the spokesperson of Tiandao, maybe Have other thoughts, but they are not as exaggerated as you guessed?

"It is indeed possible that I guessed wrong, but in this case, the question returns to the original point, that is, what is the use of his incense and vows?"

At this time, Hongjun seemed to have thought of something, stopped and said

"A long time ago, when the old Taoist was comprehending the way of heaven, he accidentally realized an opportunity deep in the chaos. Unfortunately, the old Taoist had become the spokesperson of the way of heaven and could not leave the ancient world too far. Even if he sensed it, he could not take it."

"If fellow Taoist is interested, I will give this opportunity to you!"

"It can be regarded as a way to repay fellow Taoists for their help to the old Taoist when he was measuring the calamity in Longhan!"

Chaos opportunity?

There is indeed something wrong with Hongjun!

Taihao's thoughts are like lightning. If before, he was only 30 to 40% sure about whether Hongjun had a problem, then now it is 50%!

It's not that he doubts Hongjun's ability to understand, but also It's not that there may be something wrong with the opportunity. It's just that the timing is wrong!

He said this at this time and said that there is an opportunity in the depths of chaos. Doesn't he mean that he wants Taihao to leave the prehistoric world like Yang Mei?

"There may not be anything wrong with this opportunity, and it may actually be ridiculously big!"

"But if you want to find it, it will definitely take an extremely long time!"

"This time is long enough for Hongjun to complete the preparation, or even... much longer!"

Combined with the previous guesses and what Hongjun said at the moment,

Taihao's heart sank slightly.

If he hadn't roughly known the situation of the prehistoric future, he would not have been suspicious at this moment.

What will happen to the prehistoric future?

When he thought of this, Taihao was extremely worried It's a pity, and even a little sad.

You want to know what level the Great Desolate is?

It is a whole level higher than the Great Thousand World! If you really want to compare it, it can cover any world outside the Great Thousand.

It can be called chance or destiny!

Even if it is just a piece of soil! But in the future, not only will the world be torn apart, but the spiritual energy will be thin, and it will even enter the end of the law!

It's even worse than any other place!

It's simply unbelievable!

Although there is a reason for this, if there is no human intervention, Taihao doesn't believe it.

So, he changed his mind and nodded.

"In this case, I won’t refuse!"

Tahao didn't refuse. Anyway, it was up to him whether to go or not. There was no need to worry at all.

After hearing the answer, Hongjun's expression did not change at all, and he could not see any sadness or joy. He just nodded lightly, and then said a The mysterious induction waved towards Taihao.

Obviously, this was the so-called Chaos Chance.

The approximate location of the chance was recorded in it. After all, whether Hongjun was really preparing to join the Tao or his motives were impure. , then he will behave even more indifferently in the future, just like the real Tiandao, without joy or sorrow, but the former is forced, and the latter is performed


He could deceive all sentient beings and deceive the ancient world!

In the blink of an eye, Hongjun had already said hello and left. However,

Taihao did not start immediately, but was deducing the power of incense.

He became more and more certain about his guess.

"After several calamities, not only the Great Desolation itself, but also the Eastern Dao Sect, or Xuan Sect, will weaken. However, one force is growing against the trend! That is……"

"Western Buddhism!"

"But the strange thing is that Hongjun, as the ancestor of Xuanmen and the master of Taoism, not only did not intervene in this, but also acquiesced!"

"Is it because he was already in harmony at that time? No more need for luck?"


"I'm afraid it has something to do with the power of incense!"

"And when it comes to the ability to collect incense alone, all the forces in the East combined, even if the two Lich clans are included, are far inferior to Western Buddhism!"

At this moment, Taihao's past life experiences and clues from this life corroborated and matched each other, gradually forming a closed loop. He felt that he might have found the truth!

"If this is really the case, apart from cause and effect, then the West really can't even think about achieving great prosperity!"

"Because Tiandao Hongjun needs it!"

"In other words, the Western duo work for Tiandao Hongjun?"

"It can only be so! Maybe even they themselves don’t know the final direction of the incense, and they think that what they are fighting for is luck!"

"So, this so-called battle over luck completely changed after the Lich Tribulation and turned into a battle over incense?"

"It's just that it's not the saints from the ancient world who are fighting, but the great master of heaven!"

"Then everything makes sense!"

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