In ancient history, there were five gods, divided into southeast, northwest, and middle.

However, they were born relatively late, and they had to wait until the end of the Lich Calamity and Haotian to re-establish the heaven and become a new generation of heavenly emperors, that is, after Haotian God, the five gods will appear.

As for the Five Elements God... there is no such thing in ancient history.

But in Taihao's view, the Five Elements God is much more important than the Five Directions God!

Just as Taihao said to Huo Ling'er, while she reaps luck, she must also assume certain obligations, which is to stabilize the source of fire, one of the five elements.

If there are really four other five-element gods, they will do the same thing as Huo Ling'er, that is, stabilize the origins of their own domains.

Doing so is not only beneficial to the ancient world, but also to the five innate gods.

In addition to gaining luck and merit, they can also deepen their understanding of the laws while stabilizing and calming the origin of the five elements.

Take Huo Ling'er as an example. Regardless of her Law of Fire, she is already in the advanced stage.

In fact, this is because she is uniquely endowed with abilities and is naturally close to the path of fire, so she can comprehend it faster than before.

But even so, after she understood the Law of Fire to the later stage, her progress became much slower.

If she practiced normally, if she wanted to practice the Law of Fire to perfection, it would be impossible without dozens or even hundreds of Yuanhui!

But if she were to sort out the origin of fire that constituted the prehistoric world, the situation would be different. The speed of her comprehension would definitely be several times faster, not to mention ten times faster.

More importantly, becoming the Five Elements God is equivalent to having an identity recognized by Heaven in the ancient world.

With this level of status, even if a monk higher than her wants to touch her, they have to consider whether they will bear the consequences!

Originally, these five emperors did not exist.

At least not in prehistoric history.

But now Taihao is here, and with his status as a base, he is enough to make changes in this matter!

As for the reason……

"Master, why can you be crowned emperor on behalf of heaven?"

After a while, Huo Ling'er recovered from the shock, and then she was filled with admiration in her mind, leaving only this doubt.


"Because, my master was the person closest to the way of heaven in the prehistoric times!"

Tahao said casually.

However, when hearing these words in Huo Ling'er's ears, she was even more shocked and of course more respectful.

But what Huo Ling'er didn't know was that this was not all of Tai Hao. It's just the tip of the iceberg.

If she knew that not only was Taihao extremely close to Tiandao, but that Tiandao even"begged" him to be the spokesperson for Tiandao, and was rejected by Taihao, she would be even more shocked.

At this time, Taihao spoke again.

"You will be enlightened as a teacher soon, and you may have to retreat again soon. This time, in addition to testing your cultivation, there are two things to do when you come here."


Enlightenment is about to happen?

Huo Ling'er couldn't help but be even more shocked at the moment.

She was still thinking about how powerful the master was, but after thinking about it, she realized that she had underestimated it, and it was a huge underestimate.

This kind of shock made Huo Ling'er even more shocked. Ling'er didn't come back to her senses until she heard the second thing Taihao said.

What was the first? The Ancestral

Dragon Ball made a soft sound when Taihao appeared. A sense of presence.

Taihao was not polite and put it away with a single move.

However, he did not check it for the time being, but planned to save it for refining in retreat, because he still had one thing to complete. This is also the second thing Taihao wants to say to Huo Ling'er.

"In addition to you, there is another successor to the master, but she started later than you, and she is still a registered disciple. You can call her junior sister."

Master also has a disciple?

After hearing what Taihao said, Huo Ling'er went from one shock to another.

She thought she was the only disciple.

But fortunately, that disciple started It was later than her, and it was just a registration, so my originally tense heart suddenly relaxed.

Is this what it is? Just when Huo Ling'er thought this, Taihao continued.

"The second thing I do as a master is to take you and your junior sister to the master’s dojo to identify the door. Otherwise, you would have traveled all the way to your home that day, and you might not even be able to find the door!"

After saying that, Taihao used his magical power again and disappeared from the place with Huo Ling'er.

With his cultivation, let alone one person, even if there were millions of them, his speed would not slow down at all.

So almost instantly, Taihao and Huo Ling'er appeared in Buzhou Mountain.

However, when he arrived at Buzhou Mountain, Taihao couldn't help but be a little surprised. In today's world, there were not many things that could make him suspicious. , it can even be said to be quite few, but if there is one, it must be an earth-shattering event that can affect the world!

At this moment, Taihao was so focused on Mount Buzhou that he even forgot to release Huo Ling'er. , His mind couldn't move away at all, because he found that the pressure of Buzhou Mountain had actually weakened!

Although he still couldn't climb the main peak of Daluo, couldn't reach Quan Sheng, and couldn't climb the mountainside, he couldn't climb it like countless Yuan Hui. Zhou Shan was weaker not just a little bit, but a lot!

"what happened?"

Tai Hao frowned and looked attentive.

There was a nervousness that had never appeared since he transformed. Even when he was wrapped in the fate of heaven and might not be able to go to Chaos to attain enlightenment, he was not like this.

"In ancient history, Buzhou Mountain would collapse, and it was during this calamity!"

"As an authentic Pangu sect, I have gained so much Pangu legacy, so I should prevent this from happening!"

"And the weakening of the prehistoric era seems to have started with the collapse of Buzhou Mountain?"

Obviously, whether it is the ferocious beast's calamity, the dragon's calamity, or the lich's calamity that has not yet begun, the overall combat power of the prehistoric world is rising step by step.

But after the lich's calamity , except for the six saints, the combat power has dropped by more than one level!

The quasi -sage is a powerful person when he is measuring the tribulation.

If the journey to the west is also considered as a tribulation, then it will be too late to wait until this period.

B, even the Golden Immortal can dominate one side!

It has to be said that this is a setback.

What's more important is that not only the living beings have become weaker, but also the prehistoric ones!

There can be no problems!

At this moment, after realizing that there was a change in Buzhou Mountain, Taihao was a little nervous, but his belief was as firm as his desire to seek truth.

What are these six words?

"If you don’t Zhoushan, you can’t fall!"

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