Liu Ming looked at Haotian's expression and said again.

"Heavenly Emperor, actually this time is a good thing. At least the Heavenly Emperor understands clearly who the Sanqing disciples are. It also makes the Heavenly Emperor understand that it is no longer feasible to rely on help from others for the current situation in the Heavenly Court!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Haotian glared at him directly.

"Humph, you don't need to talk about this matter, I naturally know it!"

Liu Ming wasn't angry either, he just laughed.

"Celestial Emperor, in fact, it may not be a bad thing if some things are exposed. Now you already know the attitude of Biyou Palace and Yuxu Palace towards Heavenly Court and the Emperor of Heaven. In the future, you should also understand that you can only rely on yourself to become stronger.

Others are unreliable. If you want to be strong, you must firmly control the life and death of everyone in heaven, so that they dare not rebel or disobey! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Haotian's expression finally changed slightly.

"I don't know what you're talking about. It's not easy to control the life and death of these people. I can kill a few of them!"

Haotian became even more angry as he spoke.

"You are wrong, Heavenly Emperor. I let you control life and death, not to let you kill them. Moreover, as a deterrent, no one in my demon clan dared to disobey my father. It was all because of my demon clan's demon-beckoning banner.

The souls of all demon clans are in the demon summoning flag. Anyone who dares to disobey can destroy them with just a thought! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking, a glimmer of light flashed in Haotian's eyes.

Yes, the demon tribe has demon-calling banners!

"Prince of the demon clan, can you, the demon clan, lend me the demon summoning flag for my use?"

Haotian asked.


The demon summoning flag is a fatal magic weapon for controlling the demon clan, how can it be borrowed!

With the demon summoning flag in hand, you, Haotian, can control the entire demon clan. Huh, what a good plan!

I have good intentions to help you analyze the current situation, but you are actually thinking about my demon clan's magic weapon.

"Emperor Heaven, it's not that I don't want to lend it to you. In fact, the demon-beckoning flag is the treasure of the demon clan. In addition, the demon-beckoning flag is only useful to the demon clan and has no effect on other people!"

Liu Ming said.

After hearing this, Haotian couldn't help but frown.

"What if the demon-recruiting banner can only recruit the souls of demons, but it won't work on others?"

Haotian asked still unwilling to give up.

"That's right, Emperor of Heaven, the demon summoning flag is indeed only effective for the demon clan. If not, our demon clan would have already controlled everyone when we took charge of the ancient world. How can we let it go!"

Liu Ming said again.

Haotian is really unwilling to give up! He actually thought about leaving with the Demon Summoning Banner!

"Hey, you are right, but if the problem is really like this, you just said that you want me to control the people in heaven. Isn't it just empty talk? How can I control it?"

Haotian looked decadent!

"Emperor of Heaven, you should go to Dao Ancestor about this matter. Dao Ancestor controls the way of heaven, so naturally he has a way to deal with everything in the prehistoric times. I believe, Emperor of Heaven, if you go to Dao Ancestor, you will naturally have a solution!"

Liu Ming said.

After hearing this, Haotian's eyes suddenly showed a glimmer of light, but it soon turned pale.

"I also know that Dao Ancestor must have a way, but now that the Heavenly Court is like this, as the Emperor of Heaven who was proclaimed by Dao Ancestor, how can I have the face to see Dao Ancestor? I am afraid that Dao Ancestor will be extremely disappointed in me!"

After Haotian finished speaking, he shook his head.

"Haha, Heavenly Emperor, you are actually wrong. Dao Ancestor has great supernatural powers, so naturally he will not be unaware of your current confusion and predicament. Besides, there are some things that you can't do anything about. You can't afford to offend Sanqing. Even their disciples are like this. What can you do if I bully you, Daozu will understand you!"

Liu Ming tried to persuade him.

"You really don't blame me for being incompetent? On the contrary, you will help me!"

Haotian asked with some disbelief.

"That's natural, Emperor of Heaven. You don't have to worry. Maybe Dao Ancestor is waiting for you to go! You can go boldly. Since Dao Ancestor has personally proclaimed you the Emperor of Heaven and asked you to rebuild the heaven, he will naturally not stand by and watch you let Xiao Xiao. Seniors bullied me like this!"

Liu Ming said firmly.

Haotian looked at Yaochi.

"Emperor of Heaven, what the Demon Clan Prince said is not unreasonable. Now, neither Huang Long nor Zhao Gongming takes you seriously, let alone Heavenly Court, so we can only go to Dao Ancestor for help!"

Yaochi also tried to persuade him.

When Haotian heard this, he felt much more at ease.

Liu Ming and Yaochi's words made him put aside his worries!

"Okay, in that case, Yaochi, you and I are going to Yujing Mountain together to ask for an audience with Dao Ancestor and ask him to provide us with justice. By the way, Prince of the Demon Clan, since you have such a strategy, come with me to see Dao Ancestor!"

Haotian looked at Liu Ming and said.

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

I'm afraid it's impossible to meet Daozu Hongjun by myself.

There is still a question as to whether Hongjun will see him. Besides, he won’t, at least not now.

After all, Hongjun is the spokesperson of the way of heaven. He has extremely clear predictions of the direction and trend of the ancient times and even the way of heaven.

I was afraid that going there would arouse Hongjun's suspicion.

"Emperor, you are joking. I am just a prince of the demon clan. How can I meet the Taoist ancestor? I am afraid that the Taoist ancestor will not see me, and may even be dissatisfied because the Emperor of Heaven took me to see him privately, and finally blame the Emperor of Heaven. Isn't that right? It’s dragging down the Emperor of Heaven!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Haotian nodded slowly.

In fact, he also knew that as a boy of Daozu, it was natural for him to go to see Daozu, but Liu Ming was indeed wrong. Even if Sanqing wanted to see Daozu, he had to ask for permission at Yujing Mountain.

"Well, that's it, that's it. Prince of the Demon Clan, you are very good. Now in the whole world, you are probably the only one who can relieve my worries. How about you come to heaven and help me?"

Haotian directly recruited Liu Ming to go to heaven.

"Haha, Emperor of Heaven, now I am in charge of the sun star, lunar star, alternating black and white, the prehistoric sun and moon, it is really difficult to separate. After all, this is a major event in the prehistoric times, and we cannot make any mistakes. In addition, Heavenly Emperor, if you have any doubts, but the summons When I come, I will definitely share the worries of the Emperor of Heaven!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Haotian could only give up.

He really wanted Liu Ming to come to heaven to help him, because he increasingly felt that Liu Ming was very strategic and respected him.

Of course, what's more important is that behind Liu Ming is the entire Monster Clan. Although the Monster Clan has now retreated to the 33rd Heaven, it is still very helpful to him because he was once the master of the ancient world.

"Okay, then it's settled. Come on, I and the Queen Mother are going out for a trip. You will guard the heavenly palace and make plans after we come back!"

After Haotian finished speaking, he and Yaochi went directly towards Yujing Mountain.

Liu Ming saw that Haotian and Yaochi had left, and there was nothing wrong with him staying in Heaven.

After greeting Sun Wukong, he left the heaven.

Everything has been laid out and we are just waiting for reactions from all parties!

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