Yuxu Palace and Biyou Palace have already become enemies.

It just depends on when it breaks out.

Emperor Haotian and Queen Mother Yaochi also followed Liu Ming's suggestion and came to Yujing Mountain.

The two of them came from Yujing Mountain, so they were naturally very familiar with this place.

At this moment, the two of them were in different moods. First, he had become the Emperor of Heaven, exerting his power as the Tao Ancestor to control order in the ancient world.

He is no longer a boy from Zixiao Palace.

The key is that otherwise, they didn’t do a good job!

In their hands, the Heavenly Court did not play a role in controlling the prehistoric times, but it also caused the disciples of the Sanqing Dynasty to bring disaster to the whole place.

With anxiety in their hearts, the two of them waited for Zixiao Palace to appear.

But after waiting for a long time, there was still no sign of Zixiao Palace.

"Yaochi, wouldn't Dao Ancestor be angry already? It's our fault that we didn't manage the heaven well and refused to see us!"

Haotian asked worriedly.

Yaochi looked at Haotian's worried expression and felt helpless. It seemed that a series of things had hit Haotian hard!

The high-spirited Haotian boy in Zixiao Palace now became the mother-in-law's.

"Probably not, let's call our ancestors!"

After Yaochi finished speaking, he shouted directly to the sky above Yujing Mountain.

"Disciples Yaochi and Haotian have asked to see the Taoist Ancestor and ask for the Taoist Ancestor's decree. The two disciples have something to report!"

Yaochi shouted a few times!

Haotian also looked at the sky above Yujing Mountain with expectation.

As time passed little by little, a looming palace suddenly appeared over the entire Yujing Mountain.

Haotian and Yaochi were instantly surprised.

The appearance of Zixiao Palace means that Daozu has received their request and is ready to see them!

Sure enough, soon, Zixiao Palace gradually became clearer and clearer.

"You two enter the main hall!"

Hongjun's voice came from Zixiao Palace.

When the two heard this, they hurried towards Zixiao Palace.

After Haotian and Yaochi entered the Zixiao Palace, they saw Taoist Hongjun sitting on a futon looking at them.

"Disciple meets Dao Ancestor!"

The two of them hurriedly saluted Daozu Hongjun.

Hongjun waved his hand gently.

Hongjun looked at the two of them and sighed.

When Haotian heard this, he felt frightened. Was he dissatisfied with himself?

"You two came to see me for something?"

Hongjun asked.

"Taozu, my disciple asks Taozu to uphold justice!"

As soon as Hongjun finished speaking, Haotian knelt on the ground and cried loudly.

Hongjun suddenly felt unbearable.

"Get up and speak slowly if you have something to say. How unbecoming is this!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Haotian got up and told Hongjun about his current situation in Heaven and how the Sanqing disciples were fighting in Heaven.

The more Haotian talked about it, the more heartbroken he became. When he got to the emotional point, he couldn't help crying again.

Gradually, as Haotian cried, Hongjun understood that the heavenly court was now like this, which was beyond Hongjun's expectation.

It was originally thought that Sanqing and some other forces would help Tianting more or less, and then Haotian Yaochi and the two would control the order of the prehistoric world.

After all, this is what I personally told you.

Now it seems that I was too optimistic, and it was also because Haotian and Yaochi were inexperienced!

"They are really wrong about this matter. I will personally take care of it. Now, as the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother, you two should learn from the lesson and straighten out the order of the ancient world! Haotian, especially you, as the Emperor of Heaven, cannot be indecisive in your actions. Understand ?"

After Hongjun said something, Haotian nodded hurriedly.

"Okay, heaven cannot be left without a master for a day. You two should go back and I will handle this matter personally!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Haotian and Yaochi had no choice but to leave.

Haotian actually still felt a little regretful. He thought that Hongjun would be furious after hearing this, and then scolded Sanqing for venting his anger.

The result ended so peacefully.

"Hey, it seems that Daozu is still a little dissatisfied with you and me! Yaochi, what do you think we should do?"

Haotian said directly after leaving Zixiao Palace.

"Okay, let's go back first. Daozu also said that as the Emperor of Heaven, you must not be indecisive!"

Yaochi said.

When Haotian heard this, he thought, that's all. He also wanted to be tough, but his strength didn't allow it!

Take one step at a time!

After the two left, Hongjun in Zixiao Palace suddenly stretched out his hand and punched a law on the jade plate of creation.

Gradually, the jade dish of good fortune became dazzling. Hongjun took a closer look, but found that it was in chaos and he could not see clearly.


Hongjun was a little puzzled for a moment.

And he closed his eyes and twirled his fingers lightly, and the way of heaven gradually changed, becoming impermanent!

But after a long time, Hongjun opened his eyes, his face full of solemnity.

Hongjun, who frowned, couldn't help but sigh softly.

"It seems that the time has not come yet, and there is no hint from the way of heaven. Or maybe I haven't fully understood the way of heaven, so I can't evolve into the prehistoric direction. It's strange!"

Hongjun muttered to himself.

He stared at Tiandao for a long time, and gradually a trace of doubt appeared in Hongjun's eyes.

The way of heaven is completely chaotic at this moment, without any change.

It's like the way of heaven is covered by something.

I think he Hongjun achieved the status of a saint, killed three corpses and fought against Luohu, became a saint in one battle, and then sensed the call of Heaven and became the spokesperson of Heaven.

Three sermons, sharing the opportunity of holy status!

Along the way, Hongjun felt that he had become a god.

Especially after the last incarnation of Hedao, Hongjun felt that he was getting closer and closer to the way of heaven.

There was even a time when Hongjun felt that he might have become the incarnation of heaven and fulfilled the will of heaven.

But now I can't even see through the will of heaven.

It seems that I am too confident and too proud.

Come to think of it, I am still far away from the way of heaven.

"Thanks to the prehistoric will, I have been enlightened for thousands of years, and now I understand that there is still a long way to go before the way of heaven! Haha, it is really ridiculous, it is ridiculous!"

Hongjun laughed as he spoke.

He stood up directly from his futon.

After leaving Zixiao Palace and looking at Yujing Mountain, I suddenly had a realization in my heart!

At this moment, Hongjun was just staring at Tiandao without moving.

And the way of heaven suddenly became unpredictable. If an outsider came, he would have been dazzled, but Hongjun became more and more interested.

His eyes shine!

Gradually, Hongjun's body turned into nothingness!

After a while, Hongjun condensed again!

"False and real, real and fictitious, I have thought about the intention of heaven a little bit, haha, so that's it, that's it!"

Suddenly, Hongjun said loudly.

Hongjun's voice was heard throughout Yujing Mountain.

As for what Hongjun saw from the Heavenly Dao just now, only he himself knows!

No one else can understand!

"The Three Qing Dynasties are both Pangu Orthodox and Xuanmen Orthodox. Now it's time to beat them!"

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