Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 124: Retreat and retreat, Liu Ming settles the score

Nuwa looked at Jie Yin in disbelief and did not explain.

She walked directly in front of Liu Ming, and injected a ball of spiritual energy directly into Liu Ming's body in her palm. Liu Ming instantly felt the restoration of strength.

"Thank you so much, Saint Nuwa!"

Liu Ming finally had the strength to speak.

"Brother Zhao Ying, I have said everything that needs to be said. This spirit monkey is from the Wa Palace. He just worshiped the demon prince as his teacher to practice Taoism. If you insist on taking him away, I have nothing to say. , but if the demon clan comes to you to ask for an explanation, our Wa Palace will definitely not stand idly by, you can think about it yourself!"

Nuwa looked back at Jieyin and said calmly.

This made Jie Yin's face instantly turn ugly.

Nuwa's meaning is very clear. If he takes away this monkey, he will face the revenge of the demon clan and Nuwa in the future.

Nuwa and he are both saints, so needless to say, the demon clan is not a master who gives up easily. Under the star formation in the sky, there will probably be another fierce fight.

"Fellow Taoist Nuwa, it's not that I have to snatch this monkey away. It's actually because I found that I have a destiny with this monkey. If he can come to my west and practice my western teachings, his achievements in the future will be limitless!"

Jie Yin said hurriedly.

Nuwa did not speak after hearing this, but just looked at Liu Ming calmly.

"Jie Ying, you'd better put him down for me, otherwise, if you think about the consequences, if you dare to take him away, my demon clan will definitely visit the West, Mount Sumeru again!"

Liu Ming looked at Jieyin coldly, and the expression on his face revealed his inner perseverance and determination.

"If the demon clan moves, Wa Palace will definitely help!"

Nuwa added.

When Jieyin heard this, his face turned ugly. He thought again and again, and slowly lowered the palm that restrained Sun Wukong.

Sun Wukong felt his freedom and ran directly towards Liu Ming.

"Master, Master!"

Sun Wukong came to Liu Ming's side, almost crying.

Liu Ming touched his head and hid him behind his back.

"Haotian, Yaochi, I have nothing to do, so I just want to say goodbye!"

After Jie Yin watched the two of them finish speaking, he turned around and disappeared into the heavenly hall with a cold snort.

Watching Jie Yin leave, Haotian and Yaochi looked at each other. Nuwa was still there, so they couldn't say anything.

"Are you okay? Be careful in the future and don't be pushy in anything!"

Seeing that Liu Ming had regained his spiritual energy, Nuwa whispered.

"Well, I understand. Thank you very much this time, Saint Nuwa. If it weren't for you, I'm afraid that the guide would have taken away the monkey!"

Liu Ming looked at Nuwa with some gratitude.

Nuwa waved her hand, "It doesn't matter. After all, this monkey was conceived by my colorful stone. You can adjust your breathing well, I'll go back first!"

Nuwa's cold face showed a faint smile, then she raised her hand and disappeared into a stream of light.

Now Haotian and Yaochi were truly relieved. Jieyin and Nuwa were gone, the two saints were gone, and they no longer had to be respectful.

"Queen Mother, the monkey eating your peach tree cannot be changed, and I can't compensate you, but he destroyed your peach tree, so I think I might give you a try and restore it to you, which can be regarded as an explanation for you!"

Liu Ming looked back at Yaochi and said.

Yaochi was already a little angry, but after hearing Liu Ming's words, his face finally became anxious.

If you eat the flat peach, you can eat it without letting Sun Wukong spit it out.

But it is a blessing that the flat peach tree can recover. After all, as long as there are trees, flat peaches can still grow.

"Can you really restore my peach tree?"

Looking at Yaochi who seemed a little unconvinced, Liu Ming nodded heavily.

In the peach garden, Yaochi couldn't help feeling excited as he looked at the peach trees that were gradually recovering.

The destroyed peach trees actually recovered and even grew some.

This made Yaochi slowly let go of his hatred for Sun Wukong.

After all, this is already the case, and being able to restore the peach tree is considered the best result.

Liu Ming finally breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the peach trees that had recovered.

The only drop of Nine Ning Jade Dew he had left had been used on the peach tree.

The result did not disappoint him. As expected, the peach tree recovered quickly.

It can be considered that the hatred in Yaochi's heart has been settled.

However, the hatred in Yaochi's heart weakened, but there was still one unresolved matter in Liu Ming's heart.

Liu Ming turned around and looked around coldly at the people watching the excitement.

"Whoever did this, come forward to me. Maybe I can consider reincarnation for you, otherwise you will be destroyed by ashes!"

Liu Ming suddenly shouted loudly.

This made everyone feel surprised.

Haotian frowned, a little puzzled to see Liu Ming being so murderous.

"What do you mean? Who did this?"

"Emperor Heaven, although the monkey is a spiritual monkey, it is bred from colorful stones after all. Whether it is talent or luck, it is probably of the best. In addition, with the cultivation level of Daluo Jinxian, how can a few cups of jade liquid be so big? I’m drunk, I’m afraid even if I drink a few bottles, nothing will happen. Obviously, someone has done something to it!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the entire heaven was in an uproar.

However, when everyone thought about it carefully, what Liu Ming said was not unreasonable. It was indeed a bit suspicious!

With Monkey Daluo Jinxian's cultivation, even if he wanted to get drunk, he wouldn't get drunk like this!

"You said someone plotted against the monkey? Who?"

After hearing what Liu Ming said, Haotian thought for a while and figured out what Liu Ming meant.

But who in heaven today would do this?

After Haotian finished speaking, he looked at everyone.

"What the prince of the demon clan said is true. Who can stand up for me like this? Hey, he is simply a bastard!"

Yaochi shouted angrily, because if someone hadn't plotted against her, her flat peaches would not have been eaten by monkeys, and so many flat peach trees would not have been destroyed.

Although Liu Ming recovered, Yaochi hated this scheming person even more.

Liu Ming walked slowly in front of everyone and looked at the people in heaven one by one.

Suddenly, Liu Ming reached out and pointed, "Cao Bao, why don't you get out of here?"

Liu Ming's loud shout shocked everyone.

They all looked at Cao Bao.

Haotian and Yaochi also looked over, and they looked at each other with some understanding in their eyes.

Because Cao Bao is possible!

They were the only two people who had a grudge against Liu Ming.

"No, it wasn't me who did your bloody mouthing!"

Cao Bao quickly denied it.

A smile appeared on Liu Ming's lips.

"Cao Bao, who else but you would dare to deny it to me? Huh, why don't you recruit me? Do you want me to do it myself?"

Liu Ming said and directly released his power.

In an instant, the spatial confinement has restrained Cao Bao, and the God-killing Spear in his hand has been released.

"It's not me! The Emperor of Heaven makes the decision, it's not me who did it!"

Cao Bao shouted hurriedly.

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