Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 126: Liu Ming enlightens, Hongjun is disturbed

He gradually understood a hint of Taoism from Chaos Slash.

He clearly knew that this method actually wanted to break through the current restrictions of heaven.

You must know that the current Heavenly Dao is the supreme master of the ancient world.

Even Hongjun, who is the spokesperson of Heavenly Dao, does not dare to have such thoughts and can only act according to the will of Heavenly Dao.

But Liu Ming faintly felt that there was a powerful force emanating from the Chaos Slash. It was a powerful, majestic, and even disdainful aura that was forbidden by today's law.

Liu Ming hurriedly waved his hand and placed a ban around himself.

His whole body transformed into Chaos Slash, feeling the baptism of the power of Chaos Slash.

The powerful force was too much for Liu Ming to bear. Suddenly, his body emitted bursts of glow.

Liu Ming took a closer look and saw that this was the physical technique he practiced, and Hongmeng Overlord appeared.

The Hongmeng Overlord actually protected him around him, allowing Chaos Slash to invade continuously.

Gradually, Chaos Zhan stopped as if he had seen an old friend.

No more attacks on Liu Ming.

And Liu Ming suddenly saw a figure from Chaos Slash, which gradually transformed into countless figures.

The illusory figure raises his hand to represent the laws of Taoism, and his move is earth-shaking!

But there was indeed chaos all around.

Dark, lifeless, lifeless!

Liu Ming closed his eyes and felt the changes in the phantom.

Then a huge figure appeared, holding a giant axe, and chopped down directly.

Many illusory figures used their own Taoism to resist.

But how could they succeed under the giant axe? A sharp white light shot out directly.

Suddenly the sky and the earth showed a glimmer of light.

And Liu Ming was breaking out in cold sweat at this moment. The power emitted by the white light he just received was so familiar.

That is the power of Chaos Slash!

That's right, it's Chaos Slash!

Liu Ming stared with wide eyes as Chaos Slash kept flashing under the giant axe.

The sky split open and the earth split, and the entire chaos was immediately divided.

And the countless Tao spells of the illusory figure all hit the huge figure holding the giant axe.

After a burst of dazzling glow, the huge figure actually used his body to receive all the attacks without any damage.

After the creation of the world, many illusory figures disappeared directly.

Liu Ming watched with shock as the huge figure wielded the giant ax again.

"He, he is going to destroy the world!"

After Chaos cuts through the world, it will destroy the world.


The huge figure had just condensed the destruction of heaven and earth from Chaos Slash, and then fell directly between heaven and earth!

The giant ax in his hand disappeared.

The body has also disappeared!

And heaven and earth are indeed becoming clearer and clearer.



Suddenly, Liu Ming, who was silent in his own evolution, was awakened by a burst of thunder.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky!

At this moment, Sun Wukong stood next to Liu Ming with a nervous look on his face.

Liu Ming looked at Tianlei calmly, motionless!

After the thunder rolled, it gradually disappeared.


Tiandao actually caught a trace of his breath.

Liu Ming thought to himself.

Only now did he understand where the Hongmeng Hegemony and Chaos Slash in him came from?

It’s from Pangu!

As we all know, Pangu created the world and killed three thousand gods and demons!

And the scene just now was when Pangu created the world and fought against three thousand gods and demons!

And Hongmeng Hegemony and Chaos Slash were actually owned by Pangu.

No wonder there are no levels after the system rewards.

Because there is no way to classify grades at all.

The reason why the Heavenly Thunder appeared just now was because at the last moment Liu Ming actually understood the secret of Chaos Slash from Pangu.

Now Liu Ming understands a trace of Chaos Slash's laws.

That is the simplicity of the road. There is no need to be fancy, you just need to concentrate your greatest strength on your strongest attack in every move.

Before, Liu Ming knew that he had made the wrong move regarding Chaos Slayer.

The next time he suffered a loss and had another chance to take action, Liu Ming believed that all he needed to do was move his mind and Chaos Slash would take action.

But in order not to let Heavenly Dao notice, it is better to be careful and take less action.

Liu Ming patted Sun Wukong's arm, indicating that he didn't need to be nervous.

Liu Ming now understood a lot in his heart and directly restored his spiritual power and strength.

Yujing Mountain.

Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun was on his futon and suddenly opened his eyes, watching Tianlei leave, and then watching Tianlei return in an instant.

Nothing changes!

Hongjun kept wondering, what does this mean?

The Heavenly Thunder represents the Heavenly Way to punish everything in the prehistoric times, but now it goes out and comes back?

Could it be that he was going out to scare others?

When did Tianlei become so boring?

Hongjun was confused at this moment, and naturally he could no longer meditate in seclusion.

Hongjun's actions caused Sanqing, who was imprisoned here, to end their Qing cultivation.

They were all looking at Hongjun.

"Hey, it's really elusive. That's all. Everything is chance and cause and effect. You three, get up!"

Hongjun shook his head. This time, his plan to let Sanqing Qingxiu failed.

Because Hongjun's own heart was already in chaos, and it was even more impossible for Sanqing to be able to cultivate again.

Sanqing got up in a hurry and finally waited until Hongjun spoke.

Especially Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Master, they have many things to do, and they are worried about their own sect, so how can they be in such a mood to cultivate here.

If it weren't for Yu Hongjun's majesty, he wouldn't have been able to stay here for nearly a hundred years!

"Master, can we come out of seclusion?"

Leader Tongtian asked directly, his face full of hope.

Yuanshi Tianzun also looked at Hongjun expectantly.

Hongjun looked at the two of them and shook his head!

"This Qing Dynasty is just to resolve the hatred in your hearts. Do you two understand it?"

Hongjun asked.

Leader Tongtian and Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other.

"Master, the two disciples have understood the master's painstaking efforts, so they naturally understand the master's intention!"

Leader Tongtian hurriedly stepped forward and said.

"Master, I also understand this. Master, please rest assured. The two of you will get along well and won't let Master worry about you anymore!"

Yuanshi Tianzun also hurriedly continued what Master Tongtian said.

After hearing the two people's statements, Hongjun's face gradually showed a hint of helplessness.

"That's all, since you two already know each other like this, it's considered worthy of all my hard work. Go ahead and remember what you said today!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he opened the door of Zixiao Palace with a wave of his hand.

Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader saluted directly and walked outside.

After leaving the Zixiao Palace, Tongtian Cult Leader and Yuanshi Tianzun looked at each other, snorted coldly at each other, and headed towards their respective dojos.

Hongjun is sitting in Zixiao Palace, how could he not be aware of their every move?

"Hey, it's really destiny, karma, retribution, and the will of heaven. It's impossible to figure it out!"

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