In addition, since Haotian sent himself there and had a purpose, he naturally would not send anyone else there.

After getting the things, Liu Ming and Haotian said goodbye and left the heaven directly.

After the two people left, Haotian let out a sigh of relief.

He now felt that Liu Ming had given him a lot of relief after leaving.

Liu Ming was under too much pressure to stay in Heaven.

Liu Ming's aura had already faintly overwhelmed him.

In today's heaven, everyone is afraid and respectful of Liu Ming.

If Liu Ming had stayed here, Haotian would know that everyone in Heaven would probably only know that Heaven was the prince of the demon clan, but not the Emperor of Heaven.

Haotian looked back when he heard the voice behind him.

Cao Bao walked over respectfully step by step.

"The Emperor of Heaven is gone?"

After hearing this, Haotian nodded.


Cao Bao also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Emperor of Heaven, it would be a disaster to keep the demon clan prince!"

Cao Bao suddenly looked at Haotian and said.

The hatred on his face was already very obvious.

After hearing this, Haotian snorted disdainfully.

"I know what you said, but today's heaven is employing people. You said, if he is not used, who will be used? You? Do you have the ability to give me the ability to suppress the powerful people in the ancient times, or can you recruit me? Centaur!"

After Haotian finished speaking, Cao Bao's face turned a little ugly for a moment, but he quickly regained his flattery.

"In the opinion of the Emperor of Heaven, of course I can't do it. The Prince of the Demon Race just needs to serve the Emperor of Heaven properly, and I will stay in the Heavenly Court to serve the Emperor of Heaven."

Cao Bao smiled brightly.

Haotian glanced at Cao Bao and left directly.

And Cao Bao followed closely!

The wild land!

Liu Ming let out a sigh of relief. It had been a long time since he had been to Honghuang.

It’s finally out this time.

It's still fun to stay in the ancient land, free and comfortable. If he were in heaven, Liu Ming was really afraid that he would not be able to control himself and cause trouble in heaven like a monkey.

Stay away from intrigues. It's better to let yourself go.

"Master, we really need to find helpers for the Emperor of Heaven! Doesn't that give him an advantage?"

Sun Wukong said with some disdain.

Liu Ming laughed.

Recruiting people for heaven is false, but planning for the future is true.

Taking advantage of Heavenly Court's opportunity, Liu Ming's plan was to weaken Heavenly Court, so how could Haotian really develop.

After all, my demon clan is just retreating now, not really giving up.

The demon clan will still make a comeback in the future.

How could Haotian be made so comfortable.

However, these words could only be understood but not expressed in words, so Liu Ming did not explain it.

"Okay, let's go, why do you care so much!"

Liu Ming said angrily.

Liu Ming was about to leave when he suddenly stopped.

He glanced up into the void.

A figure was waiting for him there.

"Wait for me to come back!"

He dropped Sun Wukong and flew away directly.

In the void, Liu Ming looked at Nuwa who was deep in thought and walked over.

"Sage Nuwa, how did you know that I had fallen into the wilderness!"

Liu Ming asked curiously.

Nuwa glanced at him and then looked directly at Sun Wukong.

Liu Ming looked down and became even more confused.

"Did you know that monkey is in danger?"

Nuwa suddenly asked.

Liu Ming was greatly surprised. Of course he knew about this, if not for the fact that he knew it would be impossible to fight to the death.

But how could Nuwa know!

"I know, but I don't know if the disaster you are talking about is the same thing as what I am thinking!"

Liu Ming asked.

Nuwa's cold expression gradually softened.

"Maybe so. That's why you didn't let Jie Yin take him away, and that's why I was able to go to heaven!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming understood why Nuwa could appear in time.

It seems that Nuwa also understands something!

It will appear in time when something is sensed.

"I don't want him to survive the disaster!"

Liu Ming said directly.

He didn't have anything to hide from Nuwa, and Liu Ming himself didn't understand why he trusted her so much!

But when facing Nuwa, I felt very relieved.

"It's impossible. Everything is cause and effect. You can't stop it. It's just that now is not the time, so you can act according to your ideas. But once the real disaster comes, you can't stop it, and I can't stop it. The intention of heaven, We can’t compete!”

Nuwa sighed.

"Appreciate further details!"

Liu Ming asked directly.

He still doesn't know how much Jie Yin and Nu Wa know.

As heavenly saints, they naturally have more understanding of heavenly ways than themselves.

And I just learned the plot in advance because of time travel.

But everything is changing rapidly, and since he has changed the direction of the prehistoric times, the situation has become even more bizarre.

"Hey, you don't have to be too obsessed. Compared with the lich's calamity, the calamity of the monkey is just a small will of heaven. Why bother? He has some cause and effect with the West. I'm not sure about this. After all, He was conceived by colorful stones, so I can only sense so much, but for him, it’s not a bad thing!”

After Nuwa finished speaking, Liu Ming frowned.

He didn't know what Nuwa said, but the problem was that he didn't want Sun Wukong to go!

It's not a good deal to give those two guys from the West free of charge!

"You don't have to be so stubborn. Instead of being unable to stop it, why not let nature take its course and plan it secretly!"

Nuwa saw through what Liu Ming was thinking and said.

Let nature take its course? Secret plan?

Liu Ming suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment.


If you can't stop it yourself, then it's a secret arrangement. Wouldn't it be enough to cause chaos?

When the Lich faced such a huge disaster, he also saved the demon clan.

"I understand, I'm taught!"

Liu Ming saluted Nuwa directly.

Nuwa actually smiled, which made Liu Ming look mesmerized.

What a pretty smile!

"Actually, I also have some selfish motives. After all, this monkey was conceived by my Sky-Mending Colorful Stone, so it can be regarded as contaminated by my karma. If a disaster comes and I don't let him survive the catastrophe, I am afraid that I will also cause karma for no reason. However, I am afraid now. It’s still a long time before he can overcome the catastrophe!”

Nuwa shook her head.

When Liu Ming heard this, he understood that this was not only related to the West, but also to Nuwa. In this case, naturally he could not stop it forcefully.

That's all, let the monkeys give the West a hard time when the time comes.

"By the way, have you sensed that something big will happen in today's prehistoric times? For example, Sanqing!"

Liu Ming suddenly asked.

After Nuwa heard this, she frowned instantly. She looked at Liu Ming with some surprise and confusion.

"I don't know what you are talking about. Could it be that you have some feeling?"

Nuwa asked.

When Liu Ming heard this, he shook his head. It seemed that it was not time for the three Qings to separate their families yet!

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