Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 133: Zhulong is helpless, Yuxu discusses matters

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Zhulong's expression became a little uncertain!

He looked at Yinglong and Qinglong, who were a little weak at the moment, and let out a sigh of relief.

"Are you really going to fight to the death with the Dragon Clan?"

Zhulong asked sharply.

"Haha, you think I'm afraid of you, Zhulong, don't forget, your Dragon Clan doesn't have Yinglong and Qinglong, I'm afraid it's hard for you to support it on your own. My father, the Emperor of the Demon Clan, Uncle Donghuang plus the ten demons Shuai, it’s more than enough to deal with your Dragon Clan, you should understand, right! By the way, there’s also the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation, tsk tsk, the destruction of the Dragon Clan is just around the corner!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Zhulong almost vomited blood.

So infuriating!

A naked threat.

Looking at Zhulong who was trembling all over, Liu Ming snorted coldly.

You ungrateful animal!

Who do you blame for committing suicide?

"Okay, what do you want, Prince of the Demon Clan, tell me!"

Zhulong suppressed his anger and had no choice but to ask again.

"It's not what I want to do, but what you want to do. Hum, I just want you to understand the situation clearly and stop being awesome every day. In addition, this time I am not here to represent the demon clan, but to represent the Heavenly Court established by Dao Ancestor and the Heavenly Emperor. It’s unreasonable for your dragon clan to bully my heavenly envoy like this!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he raised his hand and the two dragon beads flew directly towards Yinglong and Qinglong.

Yes, Liu Ming took the initiative to return it to them.

When Yinglong and Qinglong saw that the dragon ball was back, they hurriedly swallowed it.

This time I'm afraid there will be sequelae, and they won't dare to take it out again in the future even if I beat them to death.

Zhulong's face was solemn, his brows were furrowed, and he looked at Liu Ming with some confusion.

Handed over the Dragon Ball so easily?

Is it that simple?

If it was so simple, then why did you bother yourself just now?

"Thank you very much for your mercy, Prince of the Demon Clan, I don't know what you want!"

Zhulong asked.

In fact, he felt very aggrieved inside. Who did he not offend? He didn't offend anyone, he just stayed at home quietly, and then Liu Ming came and became rude.

You also have to say nice things to others in a low voice.

What kind of thing is this?

If people sit at home, disaster will come from heaven!

However, Zhulong didn't care about that anymore, because Liu Ming returned the dragon ball, which was considered to have given Yinglong and Qinglong a way out.

"Why, let's talk here!"

Liu Ming pointed to the surrounding deep sea.

Zhulong immediately understood and winked at Yinglong and Qinglong.

The two hurriedly separated from the deep sea and separated a curtain of water.

"Prince, please!"

Zhulong said.

Naturally, Liu Ming was not polite and went directly into the deep sea. Suddenly, the whole deep sea became calm.

Conlun Island!

Yuxu Palace!

It's been a long time since Yuanshi Tianzun came back, but he went into seclusion right after he came back.

On this day, everyone was practicing in Kunlun Mountain, and suddenly a loud voice sounded.

"Twelve Golden Immortals, come to Yuxu Palace quickly!"

Upon hearing this, the Twelve Golden Immortals quickly got up and rushed over.

At this moment in Yuxu Palace, Antarctic Immortal, Randen Taoist, and Yun Zhongzi were already standing there waiting.

Soon, Guang Chengzi, Chi Jingzi, and Ai Liusun came in.

Then came Master Yuding, Master Cihang, Master Samantabhadra, Master Taiyi, Master Manjusri Guangfa, and True Lord Daode.

Finally, Master Lingbao and Dao Xingtianzun walked in accompanied by Master Huang Long.

At this moment, Master Huanglong has recovered from his injuries.

But it could still be seen that he was seriously injured, his face was pale, and the magic power in his body was no longer as powerful.

However, Master Huang Long's eyes became even more sinister.

The thick hatred in his eyes was a little scary.

Seeing that all the Twelve Golden Immortals, including the Antarctic Immortal and Randen Taoist, had arrived, Yun Zhongzi nodded.

The three of them knelt directly on the ground, followed by the Twelve Golden Immortals.

"Welcome Master to come out of seclusion!"

"Welcome Master to come out of seclusion!"

"Welcome Master to come out of seclusion!"

As everyone's voices fell, Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly appeared in the main hall of Yuxu Palace.

Sitting high on his throne.

"Everyone get up!"

Yuanshi Tianzun raised his hand.

Immediately everyone stood up and waited for Yuanshi Tianzun to speak.

"Huang Long, how are you injured?"

Yuanshi Tianzun suddenly looked at Master Huang Long beside him and asked.

Upon hearing this, Master Huang Long burst into tears. His master still cared about him very much!

"Master, my disciple is almost well. Thank you for your trouble, Master!"

Master Huanglong said hurriedly.

"Humph, what a blessing. The soul was almost broken up, and the cultivation level also dropped a bit. It will be even more difficult to understand the way of heaven in the future!"

Fearing to leave Sun behind, he muttered dissatisfiedly.

He has a good relationship with Master Huang Long, so naturally he feels dissatisfied when his friend looks like this.

The entire Yuxu Palace was extremely peaceful, so even though Zhenliu Sun's voice was very low, everyone still heard the truth.

Suddenly everyone felt a little aggrieved for Master Huang Long.

Yuanshi Tianzun, who was sitting above him, had already heard the complaints and dissatisfaction of Fear Liusun.

His expression became more gloomy and uncertain.

"Huang Long, this matter is not over yet. I will seek an explanation for you. You just have to cultivate yourself and wait!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, everyone regained their composure.

Since his master, Yuanshi Tianzun, has said so, he must seek an explanation for Huang Long.

Naturally, no one would doubt this.

After Yuanshi Tianzun saw that everyone had become silent, he spoke.

"This time we went to Zixiao Palace. Daozu left the three of us in seclusion for more than a million years. It was because Daozu was a little angry about the matter between us and Biyou Palace. Daozu hoped that we could maintain our relationship. So, at present, , we can’t break up with Biyou Palace yet!”

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, he paused and looked at everyone before continuing.

"But it is impossible for us and Biyou Palace to maintain this kind of harmony. Sooner or later, a disaster will come!"

After listening to Yuanshi Tianzun's words, everyone looked thoughtful!

Nowadays, Biyou Palace is the strongest. It can be seen that if there is a dispute, their Yuxu Palace does not seem to have the advantage!

"Master, there are so many people in Tongtian Sect, I'm afraid it will be difficult for us to deal with them! I wonder if Master has any clever plan!"

The Antarctic Immortal came forward to ask.

He already understood what Yuanshi Tianzun meant and naturally made his words clear.

"What Brother Nanji said is true. Biyou Palace is indeed powerful. We have to admit this, but sometimes great strength doesn't mean anything. Pangu fought with three thousand gods and demons, but didn't he die of exhaustion in the end?"

Yun Zhongzi said that he rarely spoke, and rarely cared about these things. Now it is really rare to take the initiative to speak.

"Well, this is naturally a fact. Daozu intends for the two of us to reconcile, haha, but Daozu is afraid that he will be disappointed. Tongtian is so unruly and unruly that he can't reconcile with his extraordinary strength, so we have to make some plans !”

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