Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 136: Zhulong is stingy and becomes the Dragon King of the Four Seas

There are really four of them!

"The four of you will follow me later!"

Liu Ming waved his hand and said.

After hearing this, Ao Guang and the others glanced at Zhulong, who nodded gently.

"By the way, Zhulong, I forgot to tell you something!"

Liu Ming suddenly turned around and said.

Zhulong was a little confused, but he had a bad feeling in his heart.

This guy Liu Ming has no good intentions!

"What else do you have? Humph, I've already promised you what I should have promised you!"

Zhulong looked at Liu Ming with a wary look on his face.

Liu Ming laughed, this Zhulong was really alert!

Even before he mentioned it, he was already on guard.

"It's a trivial matter. By the way, Zhulong, I just returned the dragon beads of Yinglong and Qinglong to them. Tell me, how much affection this has. You don't express it!"

Liu Ming blinked and looked at Zhulong and asked.

Zhulong understood as soon as he heard it, there really was nothing good going on!

"Haha, how could I not express my gratitude to the Demon Clan Prince? I, Zhulong, will remember this sentiment!"

Zhulong simply saluted Liu Ming and expressed his gratitude.

Liu Ming waited for a while and found that Zhulong had stopped talking, and couldn't help scratching his head.


"No! How about asking Yinglong and Qinglong to thank you?"

Liu Ming's face suddenly turned gloomy. This Zhulong didn't play according to the routine!

Thank you for being useless, I want the treasure.

"Ahem, that Zhulong, you don't have to be so stingy. After all, I saved two masters of the dragon clan. You said you didn't mean to express your gratitude. For example, you invited me to the dragon clan's treasure house to select a few spiritual treasures?"

Liu Ming saw Zhulong as a loser and took the initiative to make the request.

"No, you don't want to, don't you think the lives of your two dragon masters are not worth a few spiritual treasures? Hey, if that's the case, I didn't say anything!"

Seeing that Zhulong was not moved at all, Liu Ming said again.

Zhulong's closed eyes slowly opened, and he looked at Liu Ming with a sneer.

"Ying Long, go to the Dragon Clan's treasure house to pick out two spiritual treasures for the Demon Clan Prince. This can be our reward!"

Zhulong finally compromised, and now he just wants to get rid of Liu Ming quickly.

When Liu Ming heard that he was not allowed to go, he did not insist anymore and had to give up!

Wait for another chance!

Last time, he got a treasure from here that no one wanted, the origin of space, which allowed him to perfect the law of space.

I also thought I could find some treasures this time.

It seems that this time the plan failed.

Soon, Ying Long came back and threw two spiritual treasures directly to Liu Ming.

The innate spiritual treasures, a low-grade Sankun Hammer and a medium-grade glazed talisman, are not bad, at least they are better than nothing!

After succeeding, Liu Ming took Ao Guang and four others and left the Dragon Clan directly.

After Liu Ming left, Zhulong let out a sigh of relief subconsciously. This demon prince was really difficult to deal with, and he was really shameless!

"Lord Zhulong, why should we agree to him? Huh, now that the four guardians have left the deep sea, if they are reused by Haotian, these four people may be a little difficult to control! Wouldn't we have lost my wife and lost our troops? ah!"

Yinglong asked hurriedly.

After Zhulong heard this, he sneered.

"It doesn't matter, these four people are the elites of our dragon clan. Their going to heaven can be regarded as our dragon clan's participation in the great wilderness. However, we have to be on guard, Yinglong, just pay more attention in the future!"

After Zhulong finished speaking, Yinglong hurriedly agreed.

After Liu Ming left with Ao Guang and the others, they headed towards the heaven.

If it was a trivial matter, Liu Ming would naturally not go there in person. The four of them were the future Dragon Kings of the Four Seas, so this had to be arranged in person.

Because Liu Ming still expected them to bow to him and Chen Chen.

"Ao Guang, the four of you are here to serve the Heavenly Court. If there is any trouble in the Heavenly Court in the future, you can come to me and I will provide you with justice. After all, you were brought out from the Dragon Clan by me, and you are considered my people. No need. polite!"

Liu Ming looked at Ao Guang and the four of them and said.

After hearing this, the four people were dumbfounded.

How come the four of him have become his people?

Seeing that the four of them didn't seem to be very interested in him, Liu Ming didn't say anything else.

You will find out when you go to heaven!

Thirty-sixth level, heaven!

Liu Ming came back with Ao Guang and the other four.

Soon, Haotian learned the news and rushed out.

No matter what, at least Liu Ming, the prince of the demon clan, should not be too disrespectful.

Liu Ming went up to the Nantian Gate, entered the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, and walked directly towards Haotian.

"To the Emperor of Heaven, I am bringing four people from the Dragon Clan up here this time. The Dragon Clan hopes to contribute to the great wilderness and share the worries of the Heavenly Court. In addition, I am visiting the Great Immortal Yuanzi of Wuzhuangguan Town, and I am also willing to obey the will of the Heavenly Court for Yuanzi of the Tianting Town!"

Liu Ming directly stated the credit for his trip without any nonsense.

Everyone in the Tianting Hall was surprised, and Haotian stared at Liu Ming with wide eyes, and then looked at the four Dragon Clan Ao Guang behind him.

"Is what you said true?"

He was a little excited now, because if what Liu Ming said was true, it would be good news to Heaven!

Zhen Yuanzi, Dragon Clan!

It is not easy for these two major forces to recognize their own Emperor of Heaven!

"It's absolutely true, Ao Guang, why don't the four of you still pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven?"

Liu Ming whispered.

When the four heard this, Ao Guang led the three of them to salute Haotian.

"Ao Guang of the dragon clan pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven!"

"Ao Qin of the Dragon Clan pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The Dragon Clan will pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven!"

"The Dragon Clan Ao Shun pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven!"

The four of them saluted Haotian respectfully.

Haotian was already feeling a little carried away at this moment.

I didn’t expect it to be true!

It seems that Liu Ming did not lie to himself.

"Okay, okay, okay, four of you, please get up!"

Haotian said hurriedly.

These four people are masters of the Dragon Clan!

Four dragon elites with Daluo Jinxian cultivation.

"You have made great contributions this time, and you must be well rewarded!"

The more Haotian looks at Liu Ming, the more he likes him.

"Emperor of Heaven, I don't need it. These four people left the Dragon Clan and came to Heaven. I also ask the Emperor of Heaven to grant them the title of in charge of the four seas and protect the sea areas for our prehistoric creatures. In addition, I ask the Emperor of Heaven to grant the four of them the title of the Water God under his command. Bit!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he looked at Haotian.

Upon hearing this, Haotian nodded directly.

The Dragon Clan is originally a strong player in the sea area, so it is indeed the most suitable to control the four seas.

"Okay, it's all up to you. Tell me how to canonize him?"

After Haotian finished speaking, he directly took out the power of the Emperor that symbolized his own Emperor.

"Please ask the Emperor of Heaven to confer Ao Guang as the Dragon King of the East Sea, Ao Qin as the Dragon King of the South Sea, Ao Run as the Dragon King of the West Sea, and Ao Shun as the Dragon King of the North Sea!"

Liu Ming said calmly.

"Okay, do the four of you hear it clearly? Ao Guang controls the East China Sea, Ao Qin controls the South China Sea, Ao Run controls the West Sea, and Ao Shun controls the North Sea. These four people are granted the title of Dragon King and are in charge of the four seas for my heaven. Do you understand? "

After Haotian finished speaking, he waved his hand, and four golden lights fell directly on the four people.

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