It was not just the three old men who were restrained by Liu Ming.

Even Yuan Feng was a little stunned.

Where did this deity come from?

Taotie felt a little uneasy at this moment.

Master, it's almost done. If you let the three Taiyi Golden Immortals find out that you only have the Golden Immortal cultivation level, I'm afraid you won't get any good results!

"Hmph, you actually bullied a weak woman. Do you really think that no one cares about you?"

Liu Ming shouted angrily at this moment.

The three old men looked at each other!

This is not on your own territory, why is it related to the prehistoric times!

"Senior, this is a family matter of the Feng Clan, we are just dealing with family affairs!"

"Hmph, I don't care about this. Yuan Feng and I have a history, so I will intervene in this matter. If you don't stop, don't blame me. Taotie, haven't you eaten for a long time?"

Liu Ming was running the Sun Scripture desperately at this moment, and the brilliance around him was getting brighter and brighter.


Taotie slammed his hands on the ground!

"We'd better retreat first. This person's strength is unknown, but he can make Taotie a slave. I'm afraid he's not easy to mess with!"

"Well, that's right, let's make some plans for Yuan Feng!"

The three of them murmured and turned into a stream of light and disappeared.


Liu Ming let out a long breath. Fortunately, the star cover covered his breath.

Otherwise, the three of them could see through their own cultivation at a glance.

Not to mention saving Yuanfeng, neither he nor Taotie would survive.

"Thank you for your help, Yuanfeng, thank you!"

Yuanfeng took a step forward and saluted.

"Senior, you're welcome, I'm just trying to scare them!"

Liu Ming smiled bitterly. He hurriedly helped Yuan Feng up.

Yuan Feng was the chief of the Feng Clan, one of the three major clans in the ancient times. How could he bear such worship?

"Huh? What's your cultivation level?"

Yuan Feng was worthy of being one of the three giants in the past. After a close encounter, he immediately discovered clues about Liu Ming.

【Get the Five Elements Pearl! 】

Liu Ming didn’t know what the Five Elements Pearl was used for after he got it, but he thought it had something to do with Yuan Feng!

"Senior, I am the son of Emperor Jun. In order to break the siege, I had to deceive them out of desperation!"

Liu Ming directly revealed his identity, and the star shield disappeared, revealing his true strength.

"Golden Immortal? Haha, you are so brave!"

When Yuan Feng saw it, he couldn't help but feel dumbfounded.

I thought that the innate power came from somewhere, but it turned out to be a little guy.

However, it is interesting and very courageous!

"Otherwise, I can't save my seniors! I really can't defeat them!"

Liu Ming said helplessly.

"Okay, you saved me, so I owe you a favor. Let's go, go back first, it's not safe here!"

Yuan Feng waved his hand and swept Liu Ming and Taotie away.


Kunpeng has been in his palace since he was punished a few days ago.

It's not that he doesn't want to go out, but that Di Jun has made it clear that he wants him to retreat.

To put it bluntly, he was put under house arrest!

"Haha, Di Jun, I can hand over all the power in my hand to you, but the son you rely on most may have turned into a remnant soul!"

Kunpeng felt a little fanatical inside at this moment.

Compared with killing Liu Ming, a demon genius, it doesn't matter if he feels a little wronged.

After all, once the Wu Clan invades, he, Emperor Jun, will still need him, and everything will be returned to him when the time comes.

"I'm sorry, eldest prince, your existence is a threat to me. I must get rid of you, because the heaven will definitely become my Kunpeng's possession in the future!"

In the heaven at this moment, it has been difficult for Di Jun to feel calm these past few days.

Not to mention that Liu Ming is his most valued son, the future of the demon clan is that the Hongmeng Purple Qi in him is a time bomb!

Once someone captures a trace of his aura, Liu Ming is finished.

Back then Hongyun Quasi-Sage was killed by him, and Liu Ming, a Golden Immortal, might have suffered an even worse death!

"Hey, if I had known earlier I wouldn't have given him the Hongmeng Purple Qi. At least I would have waited until he had the ability to protect himself before giving it to him. Now this is considered to be harming him!"

Di Jun slapped his dragon chair hard.

"How about I go down and look for it, otherwise I won't feel safe staying in heaven!"

Donghuang Taiyi said.

Di Jun shook his head.

Donghuang Taiyi can't go down. If the target is too big, it will cause trouble.

Now I can only pray that Liu Ming will be smart enough to avoid the disaster.

Witch clan!

In the Ancestral Witch Hall.

Di Jiang looked a little solemn.

It has been so long. If Liu Ming had not died, he would have returned to heaven long ago!

And when Emperor Jun learned that Zhu Rong and Ying Long were dealing with his son, how could he remain indifferent.

The current calm situation is a bit strange, something is wrong!

"Boss, the Wu Clan army is ready!"

Zhu Jiuyin walked in and said.

"I understand, is there still no movement in heaven?"

Di Jiang asked.

Zhu Jiuyin shook his head.

"By the way, I received the news from Yinglong, saying that Zhulong has agreed. Once there is a war with Heaven, Zhulong will lead the elite dragon guards of the dragon clan to assist us!"

Zhu Jiuyin said.

Di Jiang nodded, feeling a little uneasy in his heart. The calm behavior of Tianting Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi was too strange.

Immortal volcano!

After Yuan Fengping retreated from her subordinates, she took Liu Ming to her main hall.

"Little one, please sit down!"

Yuan Feng pointed to the side and said.

Liu Ming nodded and sat down.

"Senior, those three just now are all members of the Phoenix clan, why would they attack you!"

Liu Ming asked.

"They want my Phoenix bloodline. After all, they belong to the third generation of the Phoenix clan, and the power of their bloodline is very weak. As the first generation leader of the Phoenix clan, my bloodline power is the most powerful!"

Yuan Feng said with a hint of anger on his face.

During the conversation, Liu Ming finally understood.

During the Longhan Catastrophe, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn went to war under the instigation of the demon ancestor Luohu.

The entire prehistoric era fell into endless calamity.

The three major clans tried their best to attack each other, and in the end, all three were defeated.

The Dragon Clan dives into the bottom of the sea and controls the world without daring to appear in the world.

Zulong also died.

There is no news about the Qilin clan and their whereabouts are unknown.

Only Yuan Feng, the leader of the Phoenix clan, survived through Nirvana and rebirth with the help of his bloodline talent, but he could only stay in the Immortal Volcano.

Because even though she was in Nirvana, the damage caused by Zulong and Shi Qilin did not weaken.

"Senior, I have the Three Lights Divine Water here. I wonder if it can heal senior's injuries!"

Liu Ming took out three drops of Sanguang Divine Water.

Taotie couldn't help but curl his lips, okay, I'll take back myself and use it as your mount, and I'll only give you two drops!

Yuan Feng didn’t even say anything, and they were strangers to each other, so you just dropped three drops. How generous, isn’t it?

"I didn't expect you, little guy, to have such good things. Haha, thank you, but the Three Lights Divine Water has no effect on my injury!"

Yuan Feng said with a smile, the little guy in front of him is a bit cute!

"It's useless, then how can we cure senior!"

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