Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 146: Disciple understands the method of flying in the clouds and riding in the mist

After solving Yuan Feng's worries, Liu Ming was not in a hurry to leave.

He planned to stay some time, firstly to prepare for the visit of Yuxu Palace, and secondly, Liu Ming wondered if he could learn one or two of Tiangang's thirty-six reforms.

Sun Wukong and the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle are both beside Liu Ming.

Since Liu Ming accepted Sun Wukong, he has never had any good skills to teach him.

Now that there is another golden-winged roc eagle, I can no longer teach nothing.

At least be a qualified master.

"I'm going to evolve my own technique later. You two have to master it quickly. Remember, don't be careless. This technique is a bit profound for you. Do you understand?"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he directly raised his hands.

"The void is boundless, the body is light, the Tao is revered, and flying shadows cannot follow..."

Liu Ming gradually muttered something.

Sun Wukong and the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle were listening carefully.

Liu Ming kept changing his figure, coming and going without a trace!

"This is the body technique of stepping through the void, huh? I understand, haha, it is also the foundation of flying in the clouds and riding in the mist!"

Suddenly, white clouds appeared under Liu Ming and lifted him up.

When he was teaching the two people the technique of stepping through the void, Liu Ming himself suddenly understood the technique of soaring into the clouds and riding the mist in the thirty-six transformations.

Soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist is also the result of flying.

Liu Ming looked at the two of them practicing and smiled slightly.

Not bad, they are all very understanding!

It seems that there is still one more person who can put pressure on Sun Wukong.

Only then can you practice meditation!

There is no way to keep track of time since ancient times, and nearly millions of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Suddenly, one day, Sun Wukong opened his eyes and shouted.

"Come somersault cloud!"

In an instant, a white cloud with a hint of gray fell from the sky.

I saw Sun Wukong rolling directly and arriving on the somersault cloud.

With a swish sound, he disappeared.

And then the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle also opened its eyes.

His leopard eyes shot out a ray of light that instantly penetrated the sky.

"The roc spreads its wings!"

Hearing a loud roar, the golden-winged roc eagle soared straight up, spread its golden wings, and immediately took off into the sky.

Watching the two of them fly away in the clouds, Liu Ming opened his eyes.

Both apprentices have learned the magical power of soaring into the clouds and riding on the mist, so how can the master be inferior?

"Step through the void!"

Liu Ming turned into a stream of light and flashed out.

As a result, when he showed up, he didn't see the two of them.

Liu Ming was unwilling to give in and chased them out through the void.

Still haven’t seen it!

"I'm really confused. My Step Through the Void can only move three thousand miles in an instant at most, while Sun Wukong's Somersault Cloud can move up to one hundred and eight thousand miles!"

Liu Ming secretly said and returned directly to the Feng Clan.

Competing with the two apprentices, he seemed to be no match.

Soon, Sun Wukong came back, and then the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle came back.

"Hey, Big Bird, you can't catch up with me!"

Sun Wukong looked at the golden-winged roc eagle proudly.

The golden-winged roc eagle had a gloomy expression and said nothing.

He spreads his wings and flies up to ninety thousand miles.

Naturally, he is no match for Sun Wukong's Somersault Cloud.

"Ahem, you two are now brothers. You must not hurt each other, but love each other. Do you understand? Otherwise, be careful as I deal with you!"

Liu Ming gave a cold warning.

"Master, we all understand how to fly in the clouds and ride in the mist. I don't know how far you can run now, Master!"

Sun Wukong asked proudly.

I saw Liu Ming's murderous eyes shooting directly at Sun Wukong.

This is not a matter of which pot should not be opened and lifted!

How could I compare with Sun Wukong in just three thousand miles?

He just ran far away, but he was fast when he stepped through the void.

One thought is three thousand miles away.

The somersault cloud needs to be summoned before it can be used. If he had this skill, he would have already run out.

"Hmph, in the prehistoric world, strength is respected, not distance. No matter how far you run, what's the use? I'll lock you in a space, so why don't you just let me take care of you!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Sun Wukong curled his lips, but did not dare to refute.

Now that they have realized a magical power, it's time to leave.

Yuan Feng felt relieved when he saw that the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle now had a backer.

"By the way, Yuan Feng, there's something I want to ask you. Does that peacock, that guy with the five-color divine light, have anything to do with your Phoenix clan?"

Liu Ming looked at Yuan Feng and asked suddenly.

Yuan Feng was stunned for a moment and looked at Liu Ming with some surprise.

"Peacock? Have you seen him?"

Yuan Feng's expression became a little weird.

Liu Ming understood from Yuan Feng's expression.

Yuan Feng is indeed related to Peacock.

Liu Ming nodded.

Yuan Feng sighed.

"I was seriously injured during the Longhan Tribulation, and when I was about to rush back to the Eternal Volcano to heal my injuries, the spiritual energy of the Five Elements entered my body, and I gave birth to a bird's egg from my origin. Then the peacock was born. I have only seen it once. , named Kong Xuan, I haven’t seen him for tens of millions of years!”

Yuan Feng fell into memories of the past.

Liu Ming nodded, showing a hint of understanding.

So it turns out that Kong Xuan is really a descendant of Yuan Feng!

"Hey, now that Kong Xuan, Jie Yin, and Zhunti are mixed together, I think you should meet him if possible. At least you can't let him help others!"

Liu Ming said.

After hearing this, Yuan Feng nodded.

"I also want to meet him, but I have never had the chance. If I have the chance, I will definitely talk to him carefully!"

After Yuan Feng finished speaking, Liu Ming said goodbye to her!

Although he was reluctant to part with the Golden Winged Dapeng Eagle, Yuan Feng didn't say much.

Liu Ming sat on the back of the golden-winged roc eagle, with Sun Wukong following behind.

Liu Ming couldn't help but feel comfortable watching himself shuttle through the clouds and mist.

No wonder so many people are looking for a mount, it’s really cool!

Although flying in the clouds by yourself is not necessarily slower than your mount, the problem is that you don’t feel this way!

When Taotie was used as a mount by him at first, he really disliked Taotie's ugly appearance, so Liu Ming became the weapon spirit of the God-killing Spear after only riding it a few times.

Now riding on the golden-winged roc eagle, it is really comfortable!

Suddenly, Liu Ming's body shook as he closed his eyes to rest.

He opened his eyes hastily.

"Jinpeng, what are you doing!"

The golden-winged roc eagle directly turned its wings upward.

Sun Wukong behind him also came directly to the back of the golden-winged roc eagle.

"Master, someone just attacked us!"

Sun Wukong said hurriedly.

"That's right, Master, what just flew over is none other than Old Taiyi's Universe Circle!"

The golden-winged roc eagle said something and then concentrated on flying.

When Liu Ming heard this, he looked around, Qiankun Circle?

Could it be that Master Taiyi is getting impatient?

Do you dare to come and die?

If I had known earlier I wouldn’t have been intoxicated!

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