Liu Ming looked at Hongjun, suddenly confused.

"Dao Ancestor, there seems to be so much luck in this prehistoric period, so how can I practice? It has been robbed of all by others a long time ago!"

Liu Ming asked anxiously.

"Haha, you, you, I just said that cultivation is a battle between luck, don't you understand? Today's prehistoric pattern has been set, although there is not much luck, if you want to practice, then naturally I figured it out myself!"

Hongjun looked at Liu Ming amusedly.

Liu Ming couldn't help curling his lips after hearing this.

"What Daozu means is that I need to rob him, right? But Daozu, the Sanqing, and the Second Sage of the West are all powerful people, and I can't rob them!"

After hearing Liu Ming's somewhat discouraged words, Hongjun shook his head.

"Practice is to change your destiny against the will of heaven. How easy is it? If you have the ability, why not snatch the luck of a poor Taoist!"

Hongjun said.

"I understand, Dao Ancestor, I will definitely snatch it well. Since Dao Ancestor has spoken, I can snatch luck according to Dao Ancestor's will. Haha, let me see who dares not to give it to him!"

Liu Ming suddenly said with high spirits.

"Ahem, no!"

Hongjun suddenly choked and looked at Liu Ming in disbelief.

As a Taoist ancestor, when did I tell you to seize luck according to your own will?

I learned this luck by chance. As a Taoist ancestor, how could I interfere in the fight for luck in the wild?

The distribution of great luck is determined by the calamity of heaven, and I also act in accordance with the will of heaven.

"Remember, cultivation is your own opportunity, not relying on others. In addition, as the Taoist ancestor, Pindao cannot and will not intervene in your fate dispute, unless you cause calamity, do you understand?"

Hongjun was still a little worried and reminded Liu Ming again.

In case Liu Ming really goes out to use his name to snatch luck in the future, he will be involved in the cause and effect. As if being tainted by the cause and effect is the endorsement of heaven, the Taoist ancestor is also difficult to eliminate!

Liu Ming nodded reluctantly.

It doesn’t even work if the fox pretends to be the tiger’s power!

It's really boring to have to snatch it yourself.

Just when Liu Ming was daydreaming about whose luck he would rob, Hongjun suddenly came to him.

"Haha, Pindao has already told you so much, it's time for you to say something to Pindao!"

Hongjun looked at Liu Ming with a playful look on his face.

Liu Ming glanced at Hongjun and sighed in his heart.

There really is no such thing as a free dinner!

And here is Hongjun’s real purpose!

Liu Ming finally understood what Hongjun wanted.

"What do you want, Daozu? If I have it, I will definitely give it to you!"

Liu Ming looked at him blankly, "If you want it, I won't give it to you. Just say it yourself!"

Don't think about being a bitch again and trying to build a memorial arch!

"Haha, I think you know it well. Do you think it's appropriate for you to have such a skill alone? This kind of skill is not tolerated by heaven. You should tell Pin Dao and let Pin Dao resolve it!"

Hongjun said calmly, with a hint of coercion in his tone.

And Liu Ming suddenly felt that the suppression he was receiving was getting stronger and stronger, and it was not the suppression of external spiritual power.

Moreover, the suppression of the soul within the body is the suppression of heaven.

This is the disadvantage of entrusting one's soul to heaven.

Helpless Liu Ming stretched out his hand, and a ray of light shot out, and many law symbols suddenly appeared in the entire Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun looked back, the sparkle in his eyes getting brighter and brighter!

Gradually, Hongjun's expression returned to calm, and he wiped out all the symbols with a wave of his hand.

"Yes, this Chaos Slash is indeed not tolerated by heaven. It seems that this is a technique spread in Chaos. What else?"

Hongjun himself understood it after a little thought.

"No, Dao Ancestor, I have gained so much. You don't know, it is very difficult to practice. It took me tens of millions of years to be able to use the Kaitian move, and I can only use it once. I want to use it for the third time. The second time will be the ending of last time!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Hongjun's eyes flashed with cold light and he stared directly at him.

Liu Ming had a calm face and did not dodge when facing Hongjun. Instead, he showed a sincere smile.

After a long time, Hongjun took his eyes away from Liu Ming.

He walked back to his futon step by step.

"This is not the whole story. I'm afraid there is still a part of this technique, and what you get is incomplete!"

Hongjun said slowly.

"Ah, this is incomplete? No way, Dao Ancestor, this thing that is so difficult to cultivate is still incomplete. How difficult would it be if it were complete! Tsk, but I don't remember it anymore, there are only so many!"

Liu Ming looked at Hongjun with a shocked expression.

Of course it's incomplete. Uncle, I will give you two unique styles, but I won't give you the world-destroying ones that follow!

It's just that Liu Ming wouldn't dare to show such expressions and thoughts even if he was beaten to death.

Who knows if Hongjun will see through what he is thinking.

"It seems that there is still a part of this technique that has not been found. Also, how can such a technique be tolerated by the law of heaven? Naturally it will not be spread widely!"

Hongjun has no choice at this moment, but it is good to have some.

"Okay, you just entrusted the soul of Heavenly Dao, and there is plenty of spiritual energy in Zixiao Palace. You can practice here for a while! If you have any questions, you can ask Pindao! I can give you some guidance!"

Hongjun looked at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming didn't object when he heard it. He couldn't leave anyway, so he just practiced.

Last time, I was exhausted and fell into a coma because I used the Chaos Slashing Sky Style twice.

It took tens of millions of years to recover!

Now is the time to practice well.

I just took this opportunity to study the Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang.

Liu Ming sat down cross-legged and entered the practice directly.

At this moment, Hongjun looked at Liu Ming and slowly closed his eyes.

The entire Zixiao Palace became extremely quiet and peaceful!

Time flies by like a flash, and millions of years have passed in the blink of an eye.

Since Liu Ming went into seclusion, no news has come out. Gradually, people in the wild can no longer remember such a person.

And now in the Bajing Palace!

Taishang Laojun is sitting in the middle, and the three people below are listening to Taishang Laojun's explanation of Taoism.

These three people sit upright and bow their heads!

The luck and merit emanating from these three people are very strong.

Taishang Laojun gradually looked at the three of them.

"Do you three already understand?"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, the three of them opened their eyes.

"The Supreme Saint, I understand!"

The first person said.

Taishang Laojun nodded.

"Fuxi, you are the emperor, so you are naturally gifted. Haha, the human race is on the rise. Over tens of millions of years, the human race has condensed its destiny to a certain scale. The three of you are indispensable!"

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