Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 162: Returning to the Demon Clan, the Love between Father and Son

The news of Liu Ming's return immediately spread throughout the entire demon clan.

The top ten demon commanders, Kunpeng, and the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle were all waiting for Liu Ming to appear.

And Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi had already greeted them.

Soon, he saw Liu Ming who had just come up.

"Father, Uncle Donghuang, why are you here!"

Liu Ming asked with some confusion.

"Of course I'm here to greet you!"

Donghuang Taiyi said with a smile, and Di Jun was already looking at Liu Ming carefully.

Liu Ming walked to Di Jun's side and looked at his father, Emperor, with emotion.

I can’t remember how many times I did it, at least the two most intense times.

One time was when Zhunti had murderous intentions against him. In the end, Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi led the demon clan to directly kill Mount Sumeru in the West. The Zhoutian Star Dou Formation almost destroyed Mount Sumeru in the West.

If it hadn't been for Hongjun's intervention, which finally brought both sides to a halt, the West would be in a mess today.

But this time it was because he was besieged by the four men of Ran Deng. Di Jun once again brought the demon clan. The demon clan's Zhoutianxingdou array defeated the Yuanshi Tianzun. The Supreme Laojun took over and led the four saints.

If Hongjun hadn't taken action this time because of his own Chaos Slash, I'm afraid the final outcome would have been that the demon race would have been destroyed by the Four Saints.

It can be said that it is more thrilling every time!

But Di Jun and the other demon clan members did not complain because of themselves.

I don’t blame myself either!

This feeling moved Liu Ming a little.

Although it was his mediation that freed the demon clan from the Lich calamity, the demon clan's kindness towards him was enough now.

"Father, I'm back!"

Liu Ming looked at Di Jun and saluted and said.

Di Jun smiled slightly and patted Liu Ming's shoulder.

"Okay, just come back!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, the group of people surrounded Liu Ming and returned to the Demon Court Hall.

"Thank you for your help!"

Liu Ming looked at Kunpeng, and the top ten demon commanders saluted directly.

Kunpeng and the top ten demon commanders hurriedly saluted Liu Ming.

"Prince, why are you saying this? I, the prince of the demon clan, is being plotted against. If the demon clan cannot avenge the prince, then it would be better to fight with the witch clan in the first place and both sides will lose!"

Bai Ze said with a smile.

Liu Ming nodded, now the demon clan is of one mind.

After everyone exchanged pleasantries, Kunpeng and the top ten demon commanders left in a wise manner.

They knew that Di Jun and Liu Ming had something to say.

"Why did Hongjun take you away?"

After everyone left, Di Jun asked hurriedly.

Liu Ming smiled helplessly and explained Hongjun's purpose.

After Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi heard this, their expressions suddenly changed.

None of them knew that Liu Ming had such a skill.

And Liu Ming didn't tell anyone about all the Chaos Slash he had. It wasn't that he didn't believe the two of them, but if the two of them knew it, they would only add trouble and danger in vain. It was better for only one person to know about it.

"No wonder, that's how it is. So it was the Chaos Slash that you used to force Yuanshi Tianzun back with one move! I have to say, it's really powerful!"

Donghuang Taiyi asked.

Liu Ming nodded.

Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at each other. They couldn't imagine that Liu Ming actually had such a skill.

It seems that Liu Ming didn't tell them something!

But since Liu Ming didn't say anything, he must have his reasons.

"This technique is really powerful. Even Daozu Hongjun couldn't help it. The last purpose of going around in circles was to get his technique. It's really a strange thing!"

Di Jun said angrily.

"Haha, that's natural. That technique doesn't follow the laws of heaven. I'm afraid it's a Dao technique. It's natural for Hongjun to be tempted!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

Di Jun nodded after hearing this.

How can it be vulgar things that can attract Hongjun's attention!

"So, now you have entrusted your soul to the way of heaven!"

Di Jun asked.

Liu Ming nodded.

"Forget it, at least you will improve your realm by relying on the way of heaven. It has been so long, you have been in retreat several times, and your realm has not improved at all. I think you ask for a lot, and I don't care about it, but you have to remember that everything can only be done according to your ability. However, don’t aim too high, or you will end up harming yourself in the end!”

This is the first time that Di Jun has given Liu Ming so many instructions.

Liu Ming nodded after hearing this.

In fact, now he feels as if he has entered a misunderstanding, thinking that he can directly transcend the control of heaven with his Hongmeng Hegemony and Chaos Slash.

But now he understands that in the wilderness, under the rule of Heaven, how can you escape from Heaven? If Heaven hadn't noticed it, or if he was lucky, he might have been dealt with by Heaven long ago with his little strength.

You might be able to avoid Hongjun's prying eyes in the prehistoric times, but you can never hide from the way of heaven!

It's just that he may not have touched the bottom line of Heaven's law yet. If Liu Ming continues to go on in a muddleheaded way, Heaven's will will punish him sooner or later!

This time he was taken away by Hongjun. Although Hongjun did not want to bear the consequences of robbing others of his skills, it was also a kind of compensation and reflection for Liu Ming!

It made him understand that he was on an extremely dangerous path.

"Since you have got what you want in Zixiao Palace this time, and you have gained a lot, that is the best. As for the skills, hehehe, Daozu likes it, so it doesn't matter if he leaves, but you must be careful, this It’s better to use the exercises as much as possible, so as not to cause more trouble!”

Donghuang Taiyi looked at Liu Ming and gave some instructions.

"That's right, although this technique is overbearing, and I, the demon clan, are not afraid of trouble, after all, if Hongjun can move his face, there is no guarantee that other people will not have any thoughts. Now this heavenly saint has reached the point of being shameless. Well, you’d better be careful about everything!”

Di Jun, I was a little worried and asked again.

Liu Ming nodded deeply.

Di Jun was right, today's heavenly saints have reached the point where they are doing everything possible, being despicable and shameless.

I am afraid that it is precisely because of this that Tiandao and Hongjun are dissatisfied.

The decree was issued directly, and the saint can no longer take action now!

He also gave small punishments to the other five saints except the Tongtian Cult Leader.

Presumably they don't dare to act recklessly anymore.

It can be regarded as a relatively fair environment.

But this time, Nuwa was implicated.

Originally, she had the smallest power, and the luck that the Wa Palace had finally gathered was knocked down by half by Hongjun.

This made Liu Ming feel a little guilty and embarrassed.

It seems that I will have to find a way to make up for it in the future.

"Father, after what happened this time, I think we should rearrange some things about the demon clan!"

Liu Ming suddenly looked up at Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

After hearing this, the two of them pricked up their ears and waited for Liu Ming's next words.

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