Cao Bao's exclamation did not call his men, but they ran away even more desperately.

Especially those three people had already disappeared without a trace.


Zhen Yuanzi shouted loudly, and Qiankun in his sleeves instantly loaded all the remaining people including Cao Bao into it.

Only those three people had run away.

In Wuzhuang Temple, Zhen Yuanzi directly took back the world in his sleeves.

"Hmph, a mere little person dares to look down on my Wuzhuang Temple and die!"

With a thought in Zhen Yuanzi's mind, Cao Bao and the others who were carrying Qiankun in his sleeves instantly disappeared into nothing.

It simply disappeared into ashes and ceased to exist.

Cao Bao never thought that he would be finished like this.

Before, he was still longing for a better life, especially in the Four Seas Dragon Palace. Cao Bao simply felt that his life had reached its peak.

As a result, he came to Wuzhuang Temple without any chance of death, but he was unexpectedly killed by Zhen Yuanzi.

"Master, if you kill them, will it bring blame from the Emperor of Heaven?"

The boy asked worriedly.

"Hmph, just a small person, if you kill him, you will kill him. Could it be that the Emperor of Heaven can still blame Pindao for this matter? Hmph, if it weren't for the sake of Pindao's second brother, the prince of the demon clan, even Pindao and Haotian would disdain him. obey!"

After Zhen Yuanzi finished speaking coldly, he returned directly to his Wuzhuang Temple.

Fire Cloud Palace.

The golden-winged roc eagle brought Liu Ming here directly.

Liu Ming looked around curiously.

The birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, the fairy spirit is ethereal, and bursts of spiritual energy are floating everywhere.

Yes, this is a good place.

It seems that Taishang Laojun is also interested in giving them a good dojo for the Three Saints of Fire Cloud Palace.

Liu Ming walked inside with the golden-winged roc eagle.

When they walked inside, they saw another unique scene.

A palace stood in the middle.

The three characters "Huoyun Palace" are full of the aura of a saint.

It seems that this is the formation law engraved by Taishang Laojun himself.

"The prince of the demon clan pays a visit to the Three Saints of Fire Cloud Palace!"

Liu Ming suddenly said something to Huoyun Palace.

At this moment, in the Huoyun Palace, the Emperor Fuxi, the Earth Emperor Shennong, and the Human Emperor Xuanyuan suddenly had strange expressions on their faces after hearing Liu Ming's voice.

Soon, Fuxi sighed, what is supposed to come will always come!

"Take it easy, you two, I'll go out and take a look!"

Fuxi said as he stood up and walked out.

"Wait a minute, the demon prince is here. If the two of us don't go out, it would be a bit disrespectful, so let's go together!"

After Shennong finished speaking, he walked out with Xuanyuan.

As soon as the three people appeared, Liu Ming had already seen them.

"The prince of the demon clan is here, the fire cloud palace is full of glory, please, prince!"

Fuxi looked at Liu Ming with mixed feelings, but he still invited Liu Ming into the hall according to etiquette.

Liu Ming nodded and walked in.

After everyone sat down, Liu Ming glanced at Gannong and Xuanyuan.

He had never seen these two people.

However, Liu Ming has seen clearly that these two people are indeed people with great luck. They have a lot of luck and even have the aura of merit.

It seems that these two people have also made their own contributions to the human race.

"Shen Nong, Xuanyuan, this is the first time this prince has met you two, but you two can also have great merits in revitalizing the human race, yes!"

Liu Ming said.

After the two heard this, they thanked Liu Ming.

However, the two of them didn't know why Liu Ming came suddenly. Only Fuxi knew it.

He knew that Liu Ming came for him.

But it’s hard to say it now.

After the four of them chatted for a while, Liu Ming glanced at Fu Xi.

"Haha, Fuxi, I have something to talk to you about!"

Liu Ming said suddenly.

Fuxi nodded!

When Shennong and Xuanyuan took a look, they realized that Liu came here for Fuxi and had nothing to do with them.

The two of them also realized what was going on and slowly exited the hall.

Only Liu Ming and Fu Xi were left.

"Prince, I..."

Fuxi felt a little nervous when he saw Liu Ming staring at him. He opened his mouth but didn't know what to say.

"Haha, Fuxi, what do you want to say? Do you want to say you're sorry for me, sorry for the demon clan, or say you're incompetent!"

Liu Ming asked.

When Fuxi heard this, his expression became a little complicated.

"Actually, you are wrong, Fuxi. To tell you the truth, since I went to the human race last time and discovered Taishang Laojun's layout, I have already predicted the current situation of the three of you. Haha, you don't have to doubt it. I have my own plans. My method is precisely because of this, I have not interfered in the affairs of the human race, and have always allowed the development of the human race. Otherwise, I would have intervened long ago, so what about his Taishang Laojun?"

After Liu Mingyi finished speaking, Fuxi became a little confused.

But most of the inner tension has been eliminated.

Because you can tell from Liu Ming's words both inside and outside, Liu Ming doesn't blame himself.

But what Liu Ming said confused him. How could Liu Ming know the current situation of the three of them.

Naturally, Liu Ming would not tell him that he knew everything since he had traveled through time.

"Fuxi, I went to see Sage Nuwa. She told me about you and your inner worries and guilt. In fact, I don't need Sage Nuwa to tell me. I understand that I will also come to see you. !”

Liu Ming said calmly.

Fuxi also slowly relaxed a little.

"My father and I made you die in the war between the lich and the human race because of your catastrophe of reincarnation. In fact, you have completed your love for the demon race. You blew yourself up and took away Di Jiang, leaving the witch race leaderless. , this is your contribution to the demon clan!"

Liu Ming said.

"Prince, hey, you and the Demon Emperor asked me to reincarnate in the human race, so that the human race could help the demon race. But now, besides doing nothing, I gave up the human race and was stolen by the Supreme Saint! I feel guilty. ah!"

Fuxi's face darkened as he spoke.

Liu Ming stood up, walked up to Fuxi, and patted him on the shoulder.

"You are wrong. You have no guilt. You have no control over the human race. I have already said that when Taishang Laojun intervened in the human race, I already understood the outcome, so I didn't care. This is also a problem for you. Chances are, I am naturally willing to help you. It doesn’t matter whether the demon clan has help from the human race now, do you understand?”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Fuxi looked at him and nodded slowly.

"That's right. You are now the Three Saints of Fire Cloud Palace and the Emperor Fuxi. Your current identity only represents yourself and has nothing to do with the demon clan. You have experienced the catastrophe of reincarnation. There is no karma between you and the demon clan. You No more worries!”

Liu Ming's words made Fuxi gradually feel relieved.

He was worried that Liu Ming would blame him, but now it seemed that Liu Ming did not blame him, which made Fuxi feel relieved.

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