Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 171: Not giving face to the Emperor of Heaven

Haotian no longer cares about so much at this moment.

Getting your own face back is the most important thing.

"Come here, gather the heavenly soldiers and generals for me and go to Wuzhuang Temple!"

Haotian shouted loudly.

Yaochi frowned and stopped him directly.

“Emperor Heaven, it’s best that we don’t take action on this matter ourselves.”

After Yaochi finished speaking, Haotian glanced at him.

"God, I think we should do this..."

After Yaochi said something in Haotian's ear, Haotian's face suddenly turned into a smile.

"Haha, the Queen Mother is really my emperor's military advisor. Yes, yes, this is a good idea. I will send someone to find him right now!"

Haotian said with a smile.

Liu Ming, who had left Huoyun Palace, was walking on the wild land.

Now that he already knows that the next calamity is coming, he should make arrangements carefully.

Not to mention anything else, it would be good to grab some awesome disciples from Sanqing in advance, so that you can attack Sanqing and improve your own strength.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly thought of someone.

"Gold Wings, let's go to the human race!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle was about to take off when a shout suddenly came from the air.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

Liu Ming glanced sideways and saw a person flying quickly.

"Your Highness the Crown Prince!"

The man looked at Liu Ming and saluted hurriedly.

"Who are you and what do you want from me?"

Liu Ming asked.

"Your Highness, the Emperor of Heaven has ordered you to enter the Emperor's Hall to discuss important matters!"

The man said hurriedly.

Liu Ming frowned after hearing this, Haotian was looking for him?

It's really so weird, why are you looking for me?

Huh, you still have the nerve to find yourself. When you were besieged by the Four Saints, you are still nominally a member of the Heavenly Court, but Haotian didn't even show your face, obviously he didn't want to care about his life or death.

"I still have something to do. You go back and tell the Emperor of Heaven. When I am free, I will naturally go to him!"

Liu Ming waved his hand.

When the man saw that Liu Ming was unwilling to go back, he became anxious.

The Emperor of Heaven has an order to find the demon prince!

"Your Highness, please take pity on me. If the Emperor of Heaven knew that I saw you and didn't invite you back to Heaven, he would probably kill me!"

The man looked at Liu Ming pitifully.

Liu Ming suddenly felt helpless, that's all, let's meet that ruthless and unjust Haotian kid!


Liu Ming flew in directly on the golden-winged roc eagle. When he passed by the Nantian Gate, he didn't let the golden wings let him down, and flew directly to the Tianting Hall, in front of Haotian.

Haotian received the news and knew that Liu Ming was coming, so he waited with Yaochi. As a result, he saw the golden-winged roc eagle flying in with its wings waving like it covered the sky and the sun.

The waving of the wings made the whole heaven flutter and a group of people turned on their backs.

"Golden Wings, okay, we're here!"

Liu Ming sat on the back of the golden-winged roc and said calmly.

After listening to Liu Ming's words, the golden-winged roc eagle stopped.

At this moment, the faces of Haotian and Yaochi were no longer ugly.

Liu Ming actually rushed directly to the Heavenly Court, passed through the Nantianmen without notification, and did not get off his mount. He was simply contemptuous of them.

Contempt the majesty of the Emperor of Heaven and the prestige of Heaven!

"Prince of the demon clan, you are so majestic!"

Haotian suddenly scolded in dissatisfaction.

On the other hand, Liu Ming simply ignored him and looked at the golden-winged roc eagle.

"Don't be so reckless in the future. Why don't you stop when you're already at the place? Look at this, it's going to scare all of you fellow Taoists. Next time you get here, you'll stop. Do you understand?"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the Golden-winged Dapeng Eagle nodded hurriedly.

Haotian was about to explode.

Liu Ming actually wanted to come in directly like this next time.

That's too much!

"Prince of the demon clan, haha, I haven't seen you for a long time. Now it seems that you have achieved your destiny. Yes, congratulations!"

Seeing that Haotian was about to have an attack, Yaochi spoke first.

"The Queen Mother was joking. Haha, if she hadn't been lucky, she would have been killed tens of millions of years ago. Why would she say congratulations? But in order to save me, my demon clan was harmed, hey!"

Liu Ming said calmly!

After hearing this, Yaochi raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

Liu Ming's words were all about the demon clan saving him, which was because Tianting didn't show any expression.

But Heavenly Court dare not express it. You have offended the four great saints. Who dares to come forward?

"Haha, you must be lucky if you survive a disaster. You are already a little high-spirited now. However, I think the prince has forgotten the rules of heaven. How could he come to the hall without getting off his mount? You should pay more attention next time!"

Yaochi gave Liu Ming a beating.

But Liu Ming didn't pay attention to her sarcasm.

"I don't know, Queen Mother, but after the last war, she developed a problem. She just doesn't like to walk on the ground, so she just wants to sit on the back of the golden-winged roc eagle every day, and she is used to it. If the Queen Mother and the Emperor of Heaven think it's inappropriate..."

Liu Ming paused as he spoke, while Haotian and Queen Mother were waiting for his next words.

Haotian thought to himself that since you feel something is wrong, you should pay more attention next time!

"If it's not appropriate, then just don't ask me to come to heaven in the future. Haha, what a big deal!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Haotian suddenly felt angry, and Yaochi was also a little dissatisfied.

Liu Ming's visit this time was completely different from before. In his eyes, there was probably no heaven at all, nor the Emperor of Heaven and the Queen Mother.


Haotian pointed at Liu Ming and felt aggrieved.

"Okay, Heavenly Emperor, tell me why you came to me. I have other things to do and I don't have time to waste time in heaven!"

Liu Ming said coldly.

Now that he has entrusted his soul and heaven, he has also met Hongjun in Zixiao Palace. No matter what happens in the future, at least now Liu Ming knows that Hongjun has no intention of targeting him.

Even Hongjun was still thinking about his own Chaos Slash.

In this case, plus Haotian is ruthless and ruthless, and the calamity is coming, there is no need to give him any face.

"You, good, very good, huh, the prince of the demon clan is busy with everything, even busier than this emperor!"

Haotian could no longer describe his anger in his heart at this moment.

He once again felt the feeling of being ignored when Heaven was first established.

"Haha, the Emperor of Heaven is joking. You are busy with yours and I am busy with mine. How can I be busier than you?"

Liu Ming waved his hand and said.

Seeing that Haotian was on the verge of an explosion, Yaochi hurriedly looked at Liu Ming and said.

"Prince of the Demon Clan, I came to you this time because a big event happened in Heaven. Did you know? Lord Cao Baoxing of Heaven was killed!"

After Yaochi finished speaking, he signaled to Haotian that business was more important.

"Cao Bao was killed? Who did it?"

Liu Ming asked in surprise, hadn't he just seen this Cao Bao himself?

Why was he killed, and he was still planning to take advantage of him!

"Killed by Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Guanzhen, huh, you know!"

Haotian said.

Zhen Yuanzi?

Cao Bao was killed by Zhen Yuanzi?

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