Just when Liu Ming and Zhen Yuanzi were discussing the way of heaven, heaven had already dispatched troops and generals.

This time Haotian personally took the heavenly soldiers and generals to go down to Wuzhuang Temple in the prehistoric era to find Zhen Yuanzi.

Then Haotian sent someone to notify the Dragon King of the Four Seas and asked them to personally bring people to assist.

"The Emperor of Heaven is ready!"

The guard from Heaven came over and said.

Haotian nodded.

He is waiting for Yaochi to come back.

Yaochi has already gone to Sanqing and wants Sanqing to send people to help. Haotian thinks that Sanqing will not let go of such a good opportunity!

After all, after killing Zhen Yuanzi, Sanqing will benefit from it, right?

Although the saint cannot take action due to the will of Taozu, he can still send some disciples.

I think Sanqing Yuqingyuli will also send people to help him.

Just after Haotian waited for a long time, Yaochi came back.

She returned with only a few servants.

Haotian hurriedly walked over and felt a little bad when he saw Yaochi alone.

"Why did you come back alone? Could it be that you came after being a disciple of Sanqing?"

Haotian asked hurriedly.

I saw Yaochi shaking his head.

Haotian's face turned a little ugly.

"What do they mean?"

"Heavenly Emperor, Sanqing is unwilling to take action. The Supreme Sage said that he has no manpower and will not participate. However, I have not seen Yuanshi Tianzun. The Antarctic Immortal has said that now everyone in Yuxu Palace is meditating. This is Yuanshi Tianzun. According to the decree, no one can leave Yuxu Palace!"

Yaochi sighed as he spoke.

"What about Biyou Palace? They have many disciples, so sending a few of them will not be a problem!"

Haotian asked with some anticipation.

And Yaochi let out an even more speechless sigh.

"Emperor of Heaven, Biyou Palace, hey, they refused to send anyone, and they also said that Heaven has nothing to do with them!"

After Yaochi finished speaking, Haotian was stunned for a moment, and his heart was filled with despair.

"The Emperor of Heaven, the Dragon King of the Four Seas sent people to tell you that the current strength of the Four Seas is so low that it will be useless to send people here, so I ask the Emperor of Heaven to understand!"

The manpower sent all over the world came back, and the news they brought back gave Haotian an even bigger blow.

Even the Dragon King of the Four Seas didn’t send anyone here.

Why fight Zhen Yuanzi!

"What a Dragon King of the Four Seas, what a good one for me to understand. They are all traitors, traitors!"

The angry Haotian split his Heavenly Emperor's throne into two halves with a single strike of his sword.

"Okay, if you don't come, I will go alone. If anyone comes, the heavenly soldiers and generals will follow me!"

Haotian ordered directly.

As a result, everyone in the entire heaven was whispering to each other!

Haotian saw it and understood immediately.

"You also want to betray me, right? You don't want to go either, yes or no!"

Haotian's questioning made everyone feel helpless.

"Emperor of Heaven, our Heavenly Court is not strong enough now, and without the assistance of other forces, we may not be able to deal with the Great Immortal Zhen Yuanzi. Emperor of Heaven, how about we take a long-term approach!"

Those who were more courageous just spoke to Haotian directly.

In anger, Haotian slashed it with his sword.

In an instant, the person who just spoke lost his life.

Now the whole heaven was in panic.

Haotian actually attacked one of his own people.

Yaochi on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

"Emperor of Heaven, that's enough. Let's end this matter. We really should take a long-term approach. You all should stand down!"

After Yaochi finished speaking, everyone left in a hurry.

So as not to be used as a target for venting by Haotian.

The current Emperor of Heaven is probably a little crazy!

Haotian watched everyone leave, and the confidence he had built up in his heart was completely shattered in an instant.

The whole person was like a deflated balloon, without any confidence.

"Now our Heavenly Court may not have any prestige. Yaochi, we have failed!"

Haotian was the only one in Yaochi in Heaven at this moment, so he let go of his thoughts and said what was in his heart.

"Hey, it's not your fault, Haotian. In fact, we have nothing to do with Heavenly Court reaching this stage today. It's just that the current situation in this ancient world is complicated, and you and I can't do anything about it. Whether it's the Sanqing, the West, or the Monster Clan, We can't afford to offend him, and even the forces like Zhen Yuanzi can't surrender, so now we have no choice but to go find Dao Ancestor and see what he says!"

Yaochi thought for a while and said helplessly.

After hearing this, the loss and confusion in Haotian's eyes became more serious.

Going to Daozu Hongjun means they can only admit one thing, that is, they lost.

Total failure.

But now there is no other way except to find Dao Ancestor.

"Yaochi, you are right. Now we have no other choice but to go to Zixiao Palace to plead guilty!"

After Haotian finished speaking, he looked at Yaochi.

"In that case, let's go. We have to go sooner or later, so it's better to go early!"

After Yaochi finished speaking, Haotian nodded, and the two of them left Tianting and headed straight for Yujing Mountain.

After Liu Ming and Zhen Yuanzi said goodbye to Wuzhuang Temple, they took the golden-winged roc eagle and left.

This time Liu Ming's destination is the Guanjiang estuary!

Liu Ming wants to find someone.

Soon, Liu Ming found out the place at Guanjiangkou.

At Guanjiangkou, a young man was working at home when he suddenly saw someone coming.

As soon as he walked out, he saw someone coming.

Covered in green Taoist robes, with white hair and beard, he looked at him with a smile on his face.

"I dare to ask the old god what he is doing!"

The young man asked with some confusion.

Although he only has the cultivation level of an immortal now, the mana and realm of the old man in front of him are far higher than his. How could he not feel it?

"Haha, that's right. You really have good heels and extraordinary qualifications. It's rare for someone to have such a talent in the world. You must be Yang Jian! I am the real person of Yuding from Yuxu Palace!"

Master Yuding glanced at the young man with a smile.

This young man is Yang Jian.

"Old immortal, I am Yang Jian. I didn't expect that the old immortal is actually the real person of Yuding in Yuxu Palace. Yang Jian has met the real person!"

Yang Jian hurriedly saluted.

Who among the ancient practitioners knows the saints such as Sanqing?

The real person of Yuding in Yuxu Palace is one of the twelve golden immortals.

Naturally, Yang Jian did not dare to neglect.

"It's easy to say that it is fate that you are practicing here now. I am here today to accept you as my disciple and teach you the Taoism so that you will have great fortune and great opportunities in the future. Are you willing?"

Master Yuding said straight to the point.

Yang Jian was suddenly surprised, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

This Master Yuding actually came to him just to take him as his disciple.

This made Yang Jian feel a little uneasy.

"Yang Jian, what are you waiting for for such an opportunity? The poor Taoist Emperor Yuan Shi Tianzun sat down with the Twelve Golden Immortals to accept you as his disciple. He will definitely make you achieve infinite achievements. Think about it, there are many spiritual treasures in Yuxu Palace, and there are many ways to practice them. Don’t even mention it, if you don’t agree yet, how long will it take?”

Master Yuding saw that Yang Jian was hesitant and urged him directly.

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