Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 176: Accepting Yang Jian as a disciple, Hongjun becomes enlightened

When Yang Jian heard that Liu Ming was so straightforward, he was shocked.

He didn't expect that he would become the most popular person now!

Master Yuding of Yuxu Palace came and wanted to accept him as his disciple, and the demon prince’s intention was clear.

Also accept him as your disciple.

Yang Jian is in a dilemma now.

If he follows Master Yuding, he will definitely offend the demon prince.

But if you follow the demon prince, you will definitely offend Master Yuding again.

No matter who it is, he can't afford to offend him!

Liu Ming didn't speak, just looked at Yang Jian. He felt that Yang Jian should be given time to think on his own.

Yang Jian was thinking non-stop at this moment, weighing the pros and cons.

But still no decision has been made.

Liu Ming glanced at Yang Jian and understood in his heart that he couldn't decide between the two.

"Yang Jian, let me tell you a story!"

Liu Ming then told him everything he had experienced along the way.

Fight against the Witch Clan, and finally fight against the Four Saints...

Gradually, Liu Ming told all his deeds.

Yang Jian didn't speak after listening to Liu Ming's account.

The two of them just stood next to each other!

After a long time, Yang Jian's eyes were filled with determination.

"I have also heard about His Highness the Crown Prince's deeds, but I never thought that His Highness the Crown Prince's story would be so wonderful and so dangerous. I, Yang Jian, admire him!"

Yang Jian suddenly said.

Liu Ming couldn't help but smile when he heard this. Yang Jian had already made his choice.

"Haha, you've already decided, right?"

Liu Ming asked.

"Yes, Yang Jian has met the master!"

Yang Jian knelt directly in front of Liu Ming.

Liu Mingyi stretched out his hand and lifted him up.

"Haha, okay, since you have worshiped me as your teacher, I will naturally not treat you badly. Let's go back to your residence and I will teach you the method of cultivation!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he and Yang Jian walked back.

Liu Ming put all the skills he could use in front of Yang Jian.

The Sutra of the Sun, Stepping Through the Void, Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang, Seventy-two Transformations of Earthly Evil, etc.

Except for Hongmeng Tyrant Body and Chaos Slash, the others were given to Yang Jian.

It's not that Liu Ming is hiding his secrets, but that Hongmeng Hegemon doesn't know how to teach it to others now.

After the system was given to him, he started to practice and advance on his own.

Not under Liu Ming’s control!

Although Chaos Slash can be said to be one of the most powerful techniques in the world, Liu Ming cannot give it to Yang Jian because giving it to him would harm him.

You must know that this technique has been targeted by Hongjun.

If Yang Jian is found to have Chaos Slash, not only Yang Jian but also Liu Ming will be in danger.

"Master, this Taiyang Sutra is the most powerful and most yang energy from the ancient times. It has very strict requirements on heels and bloodlines. I don't have this kind of bloodline, so I can't practice!"

Yang Jian shook his head as he spoke.

"Well, it doesn't matter, you can choose something else!"

Liu Ming naturally knew that the Sun Sutra could only be practiced by his three-legged Golden Crow.

"I want to try the rest!"

Yang Jian said suddenly.

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

This Yang Jian doesn't look like a greedy person. Now that he wants it, he must have the confidence.

"Okay, I'll give it all to you. You can practice. I forgot to tell you something. I also figured out these techniques myself, so I don't know how to teach you. You can only rely on yourself!"

Liu Ming said a little embarrassed.

He wasn't lying, but he really didn't know how to teach others.

When Yang Jian heard this, he suddenly smiled bitterly.

My master seems a little unreliable!

However, since this is already the case and you have become a disciple, you cannot change it and you can only study it yourself.

Yang Jian started practicing here.

The bored Liu Ming had nothing to do, so he guarded Yang Jian from the side, which was regarded as protecting Yang Jian.

Seeing that Yang Jian was so smart, Liu Ming was somewhat pleased.

If Yang Jian follows Master Yuding, he will enter into calamity later.

At this moment, Liu Ming pulled him out of the calamity.

Yujing Mountain.

Zixiao Palace!

Hongjun suddenly raised his hand, and suddenly the entire Zixiao Palace was in turmoil.

It took a long time to calm down.

Hongjun's face became a little surprised.

"Haha, I see, this Chaos Slash really seems to have been passed down from there. Yes, it really has the original power!"

Hongjun muttered to himself.

Suddenly the jade dish of creation lit up.

Hongjun looked up and suddenly became a little surprised.

As the changes in the way of heaven were more and more clearly displayed on the jade plate of creation, Hongjun gradually withdrew his gaze.

"The general trend and the way of heaven are revealed. It seems to be no different from what I thought. It seems that this time he just doesn't want to and can't. Xuanmen is now a mixed bag, and it has to be purified!"

Hongjun said and walked off his futon.

Nowadays, there are already rifts between the Three Purities. In addition, there are many disciples under the Tongtian Cult Master, and there are many people. They all focus on magic and neglect the method.

They don't pay much attention to Xuanmen Taoism, and even worse, they don't even practice it.

However, Leader Tongtian only cares about the increase in numbers and strength, but does not care about the inheritance of Xuanmen Taoism.

Over time, Xuanmen's fortune has gradually changed.

Although Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun support Xuanmen Taoism, Tongtian Cult Master himself accounts for half of it.

Therefore, his influence on Xuanmen is still huge.

Biyou Palace, the leader of Tongtian Cult, is the interception sect, which means intercepting the luck and Taoism of heaven and earth.

Now he doesn't care about Taoism at all.

This has a great impact on Xuanmen.

"It seems that even Heaven can't tolerate this change, so it has issued such guidance. Xuanmen cannot continue like this. Even if it has some influence, it cannot ruin Pindao's major event!"

Hongjun looked into the distance with a somewhat calm expression.

At this moment, Hongjun's expression suddenly changed.

"Taozu, Haotian, Yaochi, please see me!"

"Taozu, Haotian, Yaochi, please see me!"

Two shouts suddenly rang out from Yujingshan.

There was a hint of urgency and disappointment in his tone.

After hearing this, Hongjun sighed, and suddenly his expression became enlightened.

He dodged directly onto his futon.

"You two come in!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Zixiao Palace appeared in front of the two of them instantly, and the palace door opened.

When Haotian and Yaochi saw it, they couldn't help but feel a little happy. It was quite easy to ask for an audience with Dao Ancestor this time.

So the two of them walked directly into Zixiao Palace.

Haotian and Yaochi saw Hongjun sitting upright above them and hurriedly walked over.

"Disciple Haotian pays homage to Taoist Ancestor!"

"Disciple Yaochi pays homage to the Taoist ancestor!"

The two of them looked at Hongjun and saluted hurriedly.

"Get up, why are you two here!"

Hongjun asked calmly.

Haotian was seen kneeling directly on the ground.

"Taozu, this disciple is incompetent!"

Haotian burst into tears immediately!

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