Liu Ming glanced at Yang Jian and said, "Come back to the Monster Clan with me!"

Yang Jian shook his head after hearing this.

"Master, I'd better go to Guanjiangkou. I'll go back and practice this weapon properly!"

Yang Jian said.

He was a little unfamiliar with the Monster Clan, so naturally he didn't want to go.

Liu Ming didn't insist after hearing this.

"Well, remember, if someone gives you a hard time, tell them my name!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he followed Kunpeng directly towards the thirty-third heaven.

Yang Jian naturally returned to Guanjiangkou to practice.

Thirty-third heaven.

Monster clan.

After Liu Ming and Kunpeng came back, they went directly to the Monster Clan Hall.

And Liu Ming couldn't help but look serious when he saw it.

Not only Emperor Jun, Donghuang Taiyi is here, but Bai Ze, Ji Meng, Yingzhao, Gui Che and the other ten demon commanders are also here.

"Father, what happened!"

Liu Ming asked hurriedly.

After Di Jun saw Liu Ming coming back, his expression softened a little.

"You're back, just in time. I just called everyone together to discuss it!"

Di Jun said and glanced at Bai Ze.

Bai Ze walked out.

"His Royal Highness, brothers, news just came from the Zixiao Palace. Dao Ancestor Hongjun wants me, the Demon Emperor of the Demon Clan, and Lord Donghuang to go to the Zixiao Palace in ten days!"

After Bai Ze finished speaking, everyone in the Demon Court suddenly started talking about it.

Liu Ming frowned and asked the demon clan to go to Zixiao Palace.

What are you doing?

Hongjun wouldn't be so boring, something must have happened.

"what else?"

Liu Ming asked.

"Prince, it is said that Taoist Hongjun not only asked us to go, Sanqing is also going!"

Bai Ze said.

Sanqing is also going?


Suddenly an idea popped into Liu Ming's mind.


If this thing is going to happen, it is right to let Sanqing go, but why should the demon clan go there!

This has nothing to do with the demon clan!

In addition, the demon clan finally escaped from the Lich Tribulation and got rid of the cause and effect of the Tribulation.

It stands to reason that there is no disaster anymore!

Liu Ming was thinking a lot at the moment, but Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at him without speaking or urging him.

After a long time, Liu Ming came back to his senses, but he still didn't understand why.

"Father, this matter is a bit strange! However, since Taoist Hongjun has spoken, we have to go. If I want to see it, we have to go. Let's talk about it after we go!"

Liu Ming thought for a while and said.

Since I can’t figure it out, I can only go and talk about it later.

In the past, Liu Ming would have been really worried because he couldn't figure out Hongjun's thinking.

But now, he has some understanding.

As a Taoist, Hongjun's words and deeds all follow the will of Heaven, so naturally he won't be as shameless as Sanqing!

"Well, that's all I can think of. Now that I have come back to you, I want you to take charge of the overall situation of the demon clan. After the two of us leave, the demon clan will be dominated by you, with Kunpeng and the top ten demon commanders assisting you. Do you understand? ?”

Di Jun said.

When Liu Ming heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This is to come back and prepare to accept the demon clan!

After listening to what Di Jun said, Liu Ming felt a little tragic.

No, Hongjun must gather them all together!

"Father, I think I'll go with that too! As for the demon clan, let Bai Ze and Kun Peng take care of it for a few days. I think we'll be back soon!"

Liu Ming said.

When Di Jun heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

"No, you can't go, you stay in the demon clan!"

After Di Jun finished speaking, Liu Ming smiled bitterly.

Then he waved his hand, and Bai Ze and others retreated.

Liu Ming walked to Di Jun's side.

"Father, Uncle Donghuang, this matter actually has nothing to do with us, but I don't know why Daozu called us there! So you don't have to worry, nothing will happen, and it's not against us Monster Clan!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at each other.

His eyes were full of doubts.

"Do you know what it is?"

Donghuang Taiyi asked.

Liu Ming nodded.

"Father, Uncle Donghuang, this matter must be related to this calamity in the prehistoric times!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi were shocked.

Measure the calamity!

"What are you talking about? Measuring calamities. There are calamities again in the prehistoric times. This, this!"

Di Jun was a little panicked.

He was already a little scared.

The demon clan was almost wiped out in the last calamity.

Finally, the demon clan retreated to the thirty-third heaven.

Finally, the calamity was over, and the demon clan was able to recuperate and recuperate.

This calamity has come again.

"Father, you don't have to be afraid. This calamity measurement has nothing to do with us. This is a calamity measurement for the Three Pure Ones. But I don't understand why we are asked to go. I think we just want to listen!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi looked at Liu Ming in surprise.

"You are talking about the calamity measurement of the Sanqing. This is impossible! The Sanqing is the Pangu Orthodox Sect, the Xuanmen Orthodox Sect, and is a close disciple of Taoist Hongjun. Why do they have the calamity measurement!"

Donghuang Taiyi asked.

"Haha, measuring calamity is the result of Heaven's Dao. Heaven's Dao will not exempt anyone from measuring calamity. Heaven's Dao only acts according to its own will. Now Heaven's Dao may have sensed the imbalance of Taoism, so it lowered the Calamity is measured, and Dao Ancestor is just the spokesperson of Heaven, he cannot object!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi finally calmed down.

"According to what you say, there is nothing excessive in Sanqing, except for dealing with us! It won't cause calamity!"

Di Jun asked.

"Well, dealing with us is just a fight. The key is that today's Sanqing has lost some of its essence, especially the leader Tongtian, who recruits many disciples and teaches without distinction. He has become the most powerful among the Sanqing.

It is conceivable that he has completely forgotten about the way of Taoism, so he must be subject to calamity. Taishang Laojun and Yuanshi Tianzun may have been dissatisfied with him for a long time, and now calamity has just caught the three of them. Among them, it can be regarded as a conclusion! "

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Di and Jun finally understood.

So that’s it!

Emperor Jun didn't care whether this calamity was from the Three Pure Ones or the Six Saints. He just cared about whether his demon clan was involved.

Now that it was just Sanqing's calamity, Di Jun felt relieved.

"By the way, Father, I think since Hongjun asked us to go, you two don't have to go. I'll go! I can also represent you, so that even if something happens, we won't be helpless!"

Liu Ming said suddenly.

After Di Jun thought for a moment, he shook his head.

"No, if I don't go to this matter, I'm afraid Taoist Hongjun will be dissatisfied, and you know the cause and effect of this matter, so let's do this, Donghuang, you stay in the Monster Clan, and the two of us go!"

Di Jun quickly made a decision.

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