"Haha, okay, you have to remember your mission, which is to supervise the Conferring God Calamity for Dao Ancestor. Remember not to get too involved, and you have to use your discretion!"

Nuwa didn't press Liu Ming, she just reminded him.

Liu Ming instantly understood what Nuwa meant.

Nuwa was implicitly reminding him of the issue of siding with the Shang Dynasty!

After Nuwa finished speaking, she walked away directly.

To be honest, Liu Ming really wanted to help King Zhou. Although it could not be said to change the rise of the Zhou Dynasty, it would be good to allow the Shang Dynasty to persist for a while and bring more harm to Yuanshi Tianzun's teachings.

But now it seems that it is no longer possible. He has already said that he wants to avenge Nuwa, so he can only deal with King Zhou.

Although I am only following Hongjun's order to supervise the affairs of the gods, after all, I have a status, and it is logical for me to intervene in some things.

"Hey, if God does evil, you can do it. If you do evil on your own, you will not live! King Zhou, you really make me speechless. You are so good at writing nonsense poems, you are just bullshit, and you still take back Changle to serve the king. You are really looking for death. Ah! That’s all! Just follow God’s will!”

After Liu Ming sighed with emotion, he went straight down to Guanjiangkou.

But Liu Ming didn't know that after he left, Nuwa appeared again in the void where she had just stood.

"Humph, you must know something. When Pindao told you that poem, your first reaction was helplessness instead of shock. Although your expression changed in the end, you still couldn't escape Pindao's eyes. It seems that you are more... I know a lot more than I do!"

Nuwa muttered to herself.

It was precisely because she felt that Liu Ming was a little strange and mysterious, as if there was nothing he didn't know. That's why she reminded Liu Ming about King Zhou.

She was really worried that Liu Ming would directly assist Shang Zhou because he was dissatisfied with Yuanshi Tianzun. In this way, he would be violating the will of heaven, and secondly, it would be preventing the progress of the Conferring God Tribulation. Regardless of that, it would be detrimental to Liu Ming. A hundred harms and no benefit!

Now Liu Ming must have understood his painstaking efforts and will no longer be reckless.

Liu Ming, who returned to Guanjiangkou, took Yang Jian directly to the human world.

Shang Dynasty.

Since King Zhou came back from the palace of Nuwa, he has been thinking about tea and food, and has been anxious and missing her all day long.

Later, the three thousand-year-old vixens followed Nuwa's orders and came to Chaoge.

Especially the thousand-year-old vixen, who directly possessed Su Daji and entered the harem.

In the harem, there was even more debauchery.

During this period, Liu Ming and Yang Jian had come to the world.

He and Yang Jian kept walking in Chaoge. Liu Ming's purpose was very simple, which was to take a good look at the Shang Dynasty.

"Master, there seems to be something wrong with this Shang Dynasty! Look, there is evil energy in the sky!"

Yang Jian pointed directly to the sky and said.

After Liu Ming heard this, he didn't look up.

Because without looking, he already knew that the three vixens must have gone to King Zhou's harem.

"Let's go, we should go see this huge Shang Dynasty."

Liu Ming and Yang Jian walked out directly.

The two of them had not walked far when suddenly there was a noise from all around, and the sound of horse hooves trampling came instantly.

When Liu Ming turned around, he saw a carriage approaching quickly.

"Get out of my way, everyone!"

The Shang Dynasty soldiers surrounding them were driving away the crowd.

A glint suddenly flashed in Liu Ming's eyes.

"Hmph, it's really hateful to be so domineering, just chop it with a three-pointed two-edged sword!"

Yang Jian became angry and immediately took action.

"No, now you and I are in the world of mortals. Remember not to use immortal energy to kill people indiscriminately. This is something that heaven cannot tolerate!"

Liu Ming hurriedly stopped Yang Jian.

If it is true that immortals can kill people without restraint, then how many mortals can remain in the world.

Not to mention that the law of heaven itself cannot tolerate this kind of thing, even Taishang Laojun will not let this kind of thing happen.

The Human Religion is his destiny. Now is the time when the Human Race is prosperous. If the Human Race is killed, not to mention the law of heaven, Taishang Laojun is afraid that Liu will take action directly.

What's more, now that the Conferred God Tribulation is coming, it can't be like this anymore.

This is something that taints karma.

When Yang Jian heard this, he stopped taking action.

"You wait for me, remember not to do anything reckless!"

After Liu Ming gave instructions, he disappeared directly.

Yang Jian was honest when he saw Liu Ming disappearing and just waited there!

The reason why Liu Ming disappeared was because he knew who was sitting in the carriage.

I saw him pointing his finger in the void, and the people in the carriage immediately fainted, and no one knew even if they simply stayed in the carriage.

After the woman fainted, a vague soul disappeared directly into the void.

After the soul fell into the void, his expression became gloomy.

"Who are you? You dare to coerce me to come here? Do you really not know who I am?"

The soul asked somewhat harshly.

Liu Ming snorted softly.

"Who are you? Haha, Su Daji? No, you are not, you are just a thousand-year-old vixen from Xuanyuan Tomb. Am I right?"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the soul was stunned for a moment.

"Since you know, it seems that your level is not low, so you must also know who I am working for!"

The vixen said proudly.

"Haha, of course I know that Saint Nuwa sent the three of you down, yes or no!"

Liu Ming said calmly.

"You, who are you? Why do you know these things so well!"

The vixen asked in surprise.

"Humph, I am the prince of the demon clan. Do you think a little vixen like you can escape from the eyes of this prince?"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, the vixen was dumbfounded.

The demon prince?

This is the prince who rules over their demon clan!

Although the current demon clan has lived in seclusion in the thirty-third heaven and no longer manages the heaven, it has also lost control over some demon clans and now only manages the three hundred and sixty-five demon clans.

But after all, all monsters in the wild are nominally under the control of the monster clan.

And Nuwa was once the master of the demon clan.

"The little demon has met His Highness the Crown Prince!"

The vixen was also sensible and saluted directly to Liu Ming.

"This time you followed the will of Saint Nuwa and came down to destroy the fate and empire of Shang Zhou. You should know what you should do and what you shouldn't do!"

Liu Ming asked.

When the vixen heard this, he suddenly became unhappy.

She is now a member of Nuwa. Although the prince of the demon clan does have a high status, he can't control her now!

Seeing her disapproval, Liu Ming couldn't help but snorted in his heart.

She is really a heretic of the demon clan. She doesn't understand the will of heaven and the origin of the law. She just wants to show off!

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