After Jie Yin scolded him, Kong Xuan left slowly.

"Humph, you are really arrogant, you don't even care about calamity!"

Jie Yin said with a gloomy face.

"Yes, of the two helpers we teach in the West today, one is arrogant and doesn't take anything seriously, just wanting to show how powerful he is, while the other, huh, is afraid of everything and wants to do anything. You have thought clearly, and if there is no benefit at all, you are simply unmoved! It is really hateful!"

Zhunti continued the conversation.

Jie Yin naturally knew that Zhunti was talking about the mosquito Taoist who was always scheming.

Ever since he came to Western Sect, this mosquito Taoist has been cautious in everything, for fear that he might do something wrong. This is nothing, but the key point is that this mosquito Taoist is simply too cautious.

You have to think clearly about whether anything will harm you before you can make a decision.

This is also the reason why he and Kong Xuan have always been at odds with each other.

They both looked down on each other, so the only thing left was that the two of them had direct hatred.

"Well, both of them have their own advantages and disadvantages. We are now in the midst of employing people, so there is no need to talk about these anymore. It is better to plan carefully how we can use this god to measure calamity to gain benefits in the future!"

After Jieyin finished speaking, Zhunti nodded.

Now this is the biggest thing, everything else is trivial.

This time the Conferred God Tribulation is coming, Sanqing, as the protagonist of the Tribulation, naturally has his own thoughts.

The two Western Saints Jie Yin and Zhunti also did not miss this opportunity.

The remaining Saint Nuwa has already completed the prelude to the catastrophe of the Conferred Gods under the instructions of Taoist Hongjun.

It is said that the Sanqing Xuanmen measures the calamity, but no matter whether they are active or passive, no one of the six saints in the prehistoric era can escape from the calamity.

Just like the last Lich Tribulation, if the Witch Clan and the Monster Clan were allowed to fight, the result would not be that a few saints, including Hongjun, were in charge of the direction.

The purpose is very clear, just to win over the prehistoric destiny.

And this time it is naturally the same.

However, this time the calamity was chosen in the human Shang Dynasty, the land of mortals.

Therefore, the prehistoric era is much calmer, because many great forces in the prehistoric era are waiting to see what happens.

Shang Dynasty.


After Liu Ming came back from the void and found Yang Jian, the two of them wandered around Chaoge aimlessly.

Liu Ming knew that King Zhou of Shang was not a prodigal, nor was he that foolish and unprincipled.

For the entire Shang Dynasty, it still made some contributions.

After all, being able to become the head of a dynasty is not a fool after all!

The only thing that makes him immortal is that he is a little arrogant and even dares to blaspheme Nuwa.

Of course, this is just an opportunity. The real reason is just this calamity. The saints in the prehistoric era saw this place right.

If you want to use this Shang Dynasty to cause calamity, King Zhou will naturally be unable to stop it.

Now coupled with Daji's temptation and arrangement, I am afraid that King Zhou will have no choice but to squander the luck that the Shang Dynasty has accumulated over the past few hundred years and go downhill.

To be honest, Liu Ming really wanted to help him before. Liu Ming really wanted to see the outcome of the Shang-Zhou conflict and the final victory of the Shang Dynasty.

Let Yuanshi Tianzun also experience this feeling of failure.

But after Nuwa reminded him, Liu Ming understood that if he changed his fate against the will of heaven, he would not have to wait until the Shang Dynasty won, and Hongjun would naturally deal with him on behalf of heaven.

Not to mention Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun.

After all, Liu Ming's idea just now was to drive them to a dead end, so why don't the two of them join forces to deal with Liu Ming!

Go with the flow, this is Nuwa's reminder and warning to Liu Ming.

Although Liu Ming didn't know whether this was what Nuwa meant, or whether Hongjun was using Nuwa's words to remind him.

Liu Ming didn't dare to think about it now.

Now the right way is to accelerate the decline of the Shang Dynasty.

It is also the will of heaven!

After Liu Ming figured it out, he took Yang Jian to search in Chaoge.

He was looking for Jiang Ziya. After all, this time Jiang Ziya was presiding over the Great Tribulation of the Gods instead of Yuanshi Tianzun.

Liu Ming's duty is to supervise him.

Nowadays, it is impossible to find how Jiang Ziya can supervise.

Liu Ming let go of his spiritual consciousness and enveloped the entire Chaoge, but after a long time, he found nothing.

Liu Ming couldn't help but feel a little depressed. Could it be that Jiang Ziya could escape his search?

It shouldn’t be!

Didn’t you say that Jiang Ziya is useless?

How could he escape from the search of his majestic Luo Jinxian.

Liu Ming did not give up and released his spiritual consciousness again. This time he searched very carefully, but still found nothing.

This made him a little confused.

Could it be that Jiang Ziya got some treasure from Yuanshi Tianzun and covered his aura so that he couldn't find it no matter what?

Liu Ming thought about it and it was possible!

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun could let Jiang Ziya preside over the canonization of the gods, so it was impossible not to give him some good things.

Since I can’t find it, I can’t just wander around every day!

Suddenly, Liu Ming had an idea. Why not go to the Chaoge Palace to see what this King Zhou who dared to blaspheme Nuwa was.

After making up his mind, Liu Ming took Yang Jian out.

In fact, Liu Ming simply didn't know where Jiang Ziya had covered his aura, but that he simply had no cultivation at all.

It can be said that I have spent decades in Kunlun Mountain in vain. The advantage is that I am nourished by the immortal energy and my life span is longer.

That's all!

Imagine that there is no difference between Jiang Ziya and ordinary mortals. At most, he is more spiritual than ordinary people. There are so many such people in the world, how can Liu Ming distinguish them through his own consciousness.

At this moment, Jiang Ziya was indeed in Chaoge, and in a country house not far from Chaoge City.

He was looking at the sky with somewhat empty eyes now.

When he first came to Chaoge, he originally came with the mission of Yuanshi Tianzun, but he came earlier than Liu Ming. As a result, he also encountered the same problem as Liu Ming and didn't know where to start.

What's worse than Liu Ming is that he has no cultivation and is just an ordinary old man.

Although there is a magic whip in his hand and the apricot-yellow flag in the center, there are still four different things.

But the problem is that the magic whip can only hit the gods and act as a deterrent, and the central Wuji apricot yellow flag is not to mention a defensive treasure. Those four figures can't just ride through the city every day!

If that was the case, it is estimated that Jiang Ziya was soon caught by King Zhou's troops, snatched him away and gave him to King Zhou.

At that time, if Si Xiang is angered and directly displays his power, many people in Chaoge will suffer.

This goes against his original intention and mission at the moment.

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