Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 21 Kunpeng’s doubts and Yuanfeng’s crisis

Above the Dragon Clan.

Yuan Feng flew in the sky, and the pressure in his hands continued to move towards the deep sea.

"Zhulong, get out of here!"

Suddenly the deep sea shook!

The stormy waves are rising!

The entire deep sea is in turmoil!

"You are so unbridled that you are seeking death!"

A roar came from the deep sea!

"Be brave, you Yuanfeng, do you want to continue the dragon-phoenix war?"

Zhulong soon appeared, flanked by Yinglong, Qinglong and other dragon masters.

"Zhulong, you were the one who attacked our Phoenix clan first, you must die!"

The angry Yuan Feng spurted out a stream of flames!

Even if she thought she had fought against Zulong alone, she was not afraid, let alone Zhulong!

"Hmph, arrogant!"

The candle dragon directly transformed into its true body, and its huge dragon body contained countless laws and power and swept directly towards Yuan Feng.

Not to be outdone, Yuan Feng manifested himself, soaring into the sky, and the endless sea of ​​fire enveloped the candle dragon!

In an instant, the entire deep sea fell into turmoil!

"Okay, I didn't expect you, Zhulong, to be so powerful now. Humph, then just go with me and accompany Zulong!"

After Nirvana, Yuan Feng finally regained his strength. He hadn't been this happy for a long time, and his shots were extraordinary!

And Zhulong has been in charge of the Dragon Clan for many years, so he is naturally not an ordinary person!

No one else could intervene in the fight between the two, even Ying Long could only watch.


Zhulong's body was directly hit by the flames and fell towards the deep sea.

"Di Jiang, if you don't take action yet, how long will it take!"

Zhulong suddenly shouted!

Yuan Feng was about to chase Zhulong, but suddenly, the true form of the ancestral witch stopped him!

Immediately afterwards, Zuwu Gonggong also stood beside Di Jiang!

Behind Yuan Feng, Zhu Long and Ying Long surrounded him.

"Zhulong, it turns out you had already planned it!"

Yuan Feng didn't know where she was at this moment. This was a trap aimed at her.

"Haha, Yuanfeng, if you were half-dead, I wouldn't bother to care about you, but who told you to be reborn from nirvana? You make me very stressed!"

Zhulong said with a smile.

"Have the Witch Clan also intervened? Are you tired of living?"

Yuan Feng looked at Di Jiang and asked.

"Clan Chief Yuanfeng, now the Wu Clan and the Dragon Clan have become one body. They both prosper and suffer, so I am offended!"

Di Jiang said calmly.

In fact, he was the one who suggested this plan because the Witch Clan needed the Dragon Clan as an ally.

Therefore, the Dragon Clan cannot be restrained by the Phoenix Clan.

"Okay, it seems that my previous good intentions have been taken as a fool's liver and lungs by you. Hmm, if I had known better, I would have promised him to have an operation on you Wu Clan!"

Yuan Feng said in a low voice.

She didn't want to be tainted by the karma of the Lich and Lich clans. As a former powerful person, she naturally had some sense of the way of heaven.

But now that the Witch Clan has teamed up with the Dragon Clan to plot against her, no one cares about cause and effect, there is only endless killing!

The four quasi-sages took action directly, and although Yuanfeng was also a quasi-sage, there was still a difference between a quasi-sage and a quasi-sage.

In the hands of four people, Yuanfeng dealt with it calmly!

Actually evenly matched!

"Don't hide it anymore. Once Yuan Feng escapes, you will know the consequences!"

Di Jiang roared loudly, and the ancestral witch's real body immediately enlarged infinitely!

Zhulong and Yinglong also went all out, and Yuanfeng's pressure doubled instantly!


Demon Master Kunpeng's Hall.

Seeing Liu Ming coming, Kunpeng couldn't help but feel a thump in his heart.

This is the time to call for punishment!

"Demon Master, you have suffered. Hey, it's all my fault. I'm guilty of letting the Demon Master do this!"

Liu Ming said and held Kunpeng's arm tightly.

Kunpeng was completely confused now!

what's the situation?

"Ahem, Prince, let go and talk freely!"

Kunpeng struggled a few times and took a step back.

"Hey, it's all my fault for being playful and sneaking out. As a result, the demon master was punished. I'm sorry!"

Liu Ming looked apologetic!

Seeing how sincere Liu Ming was, it didn't look like he was lying!

Kunpeng muttered in his heart.

Could it be that he didn't know that he was the one who harmed him?

"Prince, it doesn't matter. It's because I didn't think highly of you. I'm afraid you suffered a lot in the prehistoric times!"

Kunpeng asked a question.

"Demon Master, you don't know. I just went down and ran into Zhu Rong. I was almost killed by him. Hey, it's so dangerous!"

Liu Ming patted his chest!

"Zhu Rong? How could he find you!"

Kunpeng asked, staring at Liu Ming.

"Hey, it's all my bad luck. I didn't know why I was targeted by Zhu Rong, but luckily, I ran away, haha, do you think I'm good or not!"

Liu Ming laughed.

Kunpeng put down his last guard. Apart from anything else, it seemed that he didn't doubt himself now!

"Hmph, I asked my father to pardon you as soon as I came back. I feel like you and I are the only ones who are of the same mind now. You don't know that Bai Ze and the others will complain to my father when they come back, saying that I was reckless and made them suffer so much. , how dangerous it is!”

Liu Ming was a little aggrieved.

"Haha, Prince, please sit down, Bai Ze and the others are doing this for your own good too!"

Kunpeng smiled and asked Liu Ming to take a seat.

"Shit, they just look down on me. Huh, I have comprehended the Zhoutian Xingdou Formation and killed the great witch Kuafu. I am weaker than them. They just can't see how good I am. They are jealous, purely jealous!"

Speaking of the emotional part, Liu Ming even slapped the chair hard!

"Prince, what you said makes me feel a little bit. Indeed, people like Bai Ze are a little jealous of talents. Think about my previous treatment, hey, don't mention it!"

Kunpeng said sadly.

"Don't worry, Demon Master, I've seen it clearly this time. Only you can be trusted. I let them confuse you and misunderstood you before, huh!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he winked at Kunpeng sincerely.

"Prince, don't worry. If you have anything to say in the future, I will definitely help you, Kunpeng!"

Kunpeng said with a smile.

Liu Ming nodded.

"Okay, since you can trust me, I'll ask Emperor Father to restore your rights. Hum, we can't let them control the heaven!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he rushed away without waiting for Kunpeng to react.

Kunpeng squinted his eyes and kept thinking.

Doesn’t this prince claim to be a genius?

Why has the attitude changed so drastically now!

Soon, the Emperor’s will came!

Demon master Kunpeng is in charge of the training of the 365 demon clans in Heaven!

"Haha, it seems that although the prince is very talented, he is still a child after all. He is young and energetic. The more talented he is, the less he can tolerate the slightest doubt or disrespect from others! I'm afraid this is arrogance!"

Kunpeng secretly said with a smile.

In this case, I will assist the genius prince!

After all, it is much easier to control the prince who has no hair than to deal with Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi.

Immortal volcano.

Phoenix tribe territory!

Huo Feng, Luan Feng, and Bai Feng kept walking around.

Although their strength is not good, they have learned how to scheme against others after all.

Soon, they understood that Yuan Feng's visit this time would be in danger.

"No wait, once Patriarch Yuanfeng dies, we will not be able to escape the dragon clan's pursuit. If we leave, even if we die, we will die by the Patriarch's side!"

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