Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 23: There is a gap between the ancestors and the witches, and the saints talk and laugh.

Witch clan!

Gonggong received a bolt from the blue just after he came back!

His eldest disciple was killed!

He died in the Witch Clan territory!

Because the witch clan does not have Pangu Yuanshen, although there are ancestral witches, they are inherently deficient, except that they cannot comprehend the way of heaven!

Reproduction is also extremely difficult!

Therefore, Gonggong has always cared for his eldest disciple like a son!

Now he is actually killed!

"Who did this!"

Gonggong asked, suppressing his anger.

"This is strange to say. The entire Witch Clan has searched all over and found nothing!"

Shebishi said.

"What do you do for food? Ten ancestral witches don't know who came in and killed my disciples?"

Gonggong roared.

"Okay, Gonggong, I will investigate this matter personally. The top priority now is the future of our Wu clan!"

Di Jiang, who originally planned to fail this time, became even more irritated by Gonggong's roar.

"That's right, Gonggong, it's just a disciple. If it's gone, it's gone. Now the Wu clan has important matters. Just calm down and calm down!"

Zhu Rong said from the side.

"Calm down? How can I calm down? Huh, if I had known earlier, I shouldn't have killed Yuan Feng. Yuan Feng didn't succeed, and my eldest disciple died. What a waste of emotions!"

Gonggong walked away immediately!


Di Jiang pointed at Gonggong!

Other ancestral witches also hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him!

After Gonggong returned to his tribe.

It’s really hard to calm down!

Several tribesmen who came in whispered a few words in his ears.


The whole hall shook directly.

"What did you say? Did you see clearly?"

Gonggong directly pinched one of them and asked.

"Sir, think about it. The Witch Clan is heavily guarded. Who can kill Senior Brother? Also, who has such powerful fire? I saw that figure from behind right!"

After the tribesman finished speaking, Gonggong threw him aside.

I keep thinking about it in my mind!

He is indeed the only one!

And today in the main hall, Zhu Rong actually said that he would die if he died. What was he covering up!

"Sir, I remembered that the senior brother had a conflict with people from the Zhurong tribe a few days ago, but it was settled later. Is that possible?"

"That's enough! Remember, you all, keep this in your stomach!"

Gonggong shouted loudly.

Zhu Rong, just wait for me!


In the Great Hall of the Emperor of Heaven.


Liu Ming's body was directly knocked out.

"Sir, you dare to do this to me now, it's not your turn to make the decision in heaven!"

Di Jun shouted with a livid face.

"Father, you personally promised that this time, let the demon master take charge of the army. You can't go back on your word!"

Liu Ming said stubbornly.

"You still dare to talk back, you really think I don't dare to destroy you!"

Di Jun said taking a step forward.

"The Emperor of Heaven is angry, the prince is impulsive, please let the Emperor of Heaven spare him!"

Kunpeng said hurriedly.

Hatred welled up in his eyes.

"Hey, Demon Master, this prince is incompetent!"

After returning to his main hall, Liu Ming said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter. Kunpeng understands the prince's wishes. You should take good care of your injuries! The Emperor of Heaven is also ruthless!"

Kunpeng said calmly.

There was a hint of rebellion in Liu Ming's eyes, which was caught by Kunpeng.

"Don't worry, when I ascend the throne of the Emperor of Heaven, everything I owe you will be given to you!"

Kunpeng smiled, nodded, and left!

"Are you OK!"

Di Jun's figure appeared directly next to Liu Ming.

"It's okay, Father. I'm afraid Kunpeng will be more at ease this time. He still wants to watch the drama of you and me turning against each other!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

He was protected by the innate top-grade Lingbao Qiankun Chain Armor, and besides, Di Jun only had loud thunder and light raindrops, so his power was still very light.

"I hope so. Kunpeng is very scheming, so you'd better be careful!"

Di Jun gave an instruction.

And Liu Ming also had nothing to do, preparing to practice this step through the void.

This thing is a treasure!

Very suitable for Liu Ming to plot against others!

"The nail between the Wu clan has been planted. As for the effect, we can only wait!"

Liu Ming thought secretly and immediately went into seclusion!


Zixiao Palace!

"Disciple is invited to see the Master!"

"Disciple must ask to see Master!"

Jieyin and Zhunti kneeled down at the mountain gate and said loudly.

"What is the purpose of you two coming here? I know it very well. Heaven has already approved it. You can solve it on your own!"

A word floated out in the Zixiao Palace.

When Jie Yin and Zhunti heard this, they couldn't help but look happy!

"Master, you mean we can take action?"

Jie Yin asked.

"The will of Heaven will follow the trend. As innate saints, if you take action personally, Heaven will be angry, so you can take care of yourself! Leave!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zixiao Palace suddenly disappeared.

"Master, what does this mean?"

Zhunti asked with some confusion.

Just now, he said that he would solve it by himself, and now he said that he would take action and make God angry!

"Haha, two fellow Taoists, Master's meaning is very clear!"

Suddenly, three figures appeared.

"I've met Senior Brother Taishang!"

"I've met Senior Brother Yuanshi!"

"I've met Senior Brother Tongtian!"

Sanqing appears!

"Please give me a clear explanation, Senior Brother!"

Jie Yin asked.

"Haha, two fellow Taoists, what Master means is that this can be done, but you cannot do it yourself. Don't you understand?"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Jieyin and Zhunti's expressions became a little annoyed!

What's the difference between this and not coming to see Hongjun? Isn't that what he did before.

But it has no effect!

"Three senior brothers, now that the demon clan is flourishing, I'm afraid it will be difficult for your sect to develop. How about we come together?"

Jieyin said with a smile.

"Haha, our Xuanmen is transcendent from the secular world and is not tainted by cause and effect. Everything has its own destiny. We must not violate the destiny of heaven!"

After Taishang Laojun finished speaking, Yuanshi and Tongtian also nodded.

Jieyin and Zhunti looked very ugly and turned around to leave.

It sounds nice, but you just don’t want to sit back and enjoy the benefits!

Otherwise, we are really poor in the West, so why would we be willing to bother with this matter?

"It's all a disaster! Hey!"

Taishang Laojun sighed with emotion!

"Let me see, after the two of them lead to the Lich War, we can steal part of the luck and disciples!"

Yuanshi Tianzun said with a smile.

"Not part of it, but all of it. Hum, everything in the Eastern world belongs to our Xuanmen. It doesn't hurt if the two of them work hard!"

Leader Tongtian said coldly.

"Junior Brother Tongtian, you are going too far. You should leave some for others. After all, they are busy, right?"

Yuanshi Tianzun laughed.

"Well, it's too difficult to do this thing. After all, it's hard to explain to Master, so it's better to leave some part behind!"

Taishang Laojun said softly.

"Humph, that will be easier for them!"

Sanqing disappeared directly!

Hundreds of thousands of people from the demon and witch clans seemed to have decided the outcome while they were talking and laughing.

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