The next day, Shang Rong took his entourage and family on the road back to his hometown.

Bigan and the others, because of their respect for Shang Rong and their good relationship, sent him ten miles away.

"My lords, please just say goodbye. It's time for me to leave!"

Shang Rong looked at everyone and said.

"Sir! With your departure, the Great Merchant General has lost his backbone. We also don't know who we should discuss with in the future!"

Bigan said sadly.

Shang Rong laughed.

"You don't have to be like this. Dashang can leave anyone, and I am no exception. Besides, you all know the current situation very well. Hey, I really have no energy and am tired, so I have to leave. Please take care of yourself. !”

After Shang Rong finished speaking, he looked at Bigan.

"You also have a strong temper, and there are some things you can't do. Just don't force it, haha, let's go!"

7 Shang Rong got on the carriage and left directly.

After Bigan and others watched Shang Rong leave, they also returned to Chaoge.

From then on, without the restraint of Shang Rong, King Zhou was like a bird flying, almost unscrupulous. Especially under Daji's temptation, the two of them had been having fun in the harem all day long, no matter what the court was. Things in the middle.

And looking at the cannon-burned copper pillar standing there, the civil and military officials didn't care what they said.

After all, no one wants to be tied to a cannon!

In the harem, Queen Jiang felt a little uncomfortable listening to the vocal music and jokes from Shouxian Palace every day.

As a queen, she had never enjoyed such favor from King Zhou!

In addition, King Zhou has not been in court for nearly a month, and Queen Jiang has heard the complaints and dissatisfaction of ministers outside.

"Hey, Your Majesty has really gone too far now. Isn't it possible that the freshness hasn't worn off yet? I also went to persuade him."

Queen Jiang secretly said to herself that she was taking her maids to go to King Zhou.

As soon as I arrived at Shouxian Palace, I heard the sounds of frolicking inside.

Queen Jiang felt angry. King Zhou and Daji had gone too far.

He just entered the Shouxian Palace directly without letting the servants pass the news.

King Zhou, who was watching Daji dance, was in a very happy mood. When he saw Queen Jiang barging in, his expression changed. However, she was still his queen after all, so King Zhou was not easy to get angry.

"Haha, the queen is here. It just so happens that I am enjoying Concubine Su's dance. Come on, come together and enjoy it with me!"

After King Zhou finished speaking, Queen Jiang walked over directly and sat next to King Zhou.

And King Zhou directly asked Daji to continue dancing!

King Zhou gradually looked at Daji's graceful figure and became a little immersed in it. He originally wanted to look back to see if the queen was shocked, but when he turned around, he saw that Queen Jiang's face was calm and she didn't even look at Daji. Dancing, this made King Zhou feel confused.

"Queen, this Queen Su's dance is very pleasing to my eyes after seeing it. Could it be that it can't catch my eye? Why is the Queen so indifferent? Why, the Queen has a better dance. Please give it to me later. Let’s take a dance and see!”

King Zhou looked directly at Queen Jiang and said.

When Queen Jiang heard this, she was immediately displeased. How could she, a majestic queen, the master of the harem, the mother of a country, and the daughter of Dong Bohou, dance shamelessly like a dancer?

King Zhou is humiliating him!

"Your Majesty, as a queen in the harem, I naturally don't know how to dance. How can I be as versatile as Concubine Su? Haha, this dance is also interesting. Compared with that dancer, she is just as generous!"

Queen Jiang said directly.

When King Zhou heard this, he glared at her, said nothing more, and just enjoyed the dance.

"Your Majesty, now that you have not been to court for a long time, I think it is time to calm down and take care of the government affairs!"

Queen Jiang looked at the leisurely King Zhou and said directly.

King Zhou waved his hand and said nothing.

"Your Majesty, I have no choice but to say more. Now Your Majesty is immersed in Concubine Su, surrounded by wine and sex all day long, but the ministers outside are already a little anxious and worried!

Your Majesty, as the saying goes, a ruler should get rid of slanderers, stay away from lust and temptation, and focus only on government affairs. But now, Your Majesty has completely given up on these things. This is very inappropriate! "

Queen Jiang said in King Zhou's ear.

King Zhou, who was in a good mood, couldn't help but feel a little angry when he heard that Queen Jiang was like this.

"Okay, I am in a good mood today. Since you are here, it would be great if you could accompany me and enjoy Concubine Su's dance. If not, just go back. It's really disappointing!"

King Zhou said dissatisfied.

King Zhou waved his hand directly, which made Queen Jiang feel a little unwilling.

"Your Majesty, now you are addicted to wine and sex, neglecting government affairs, only caring about your own enjoyment, listening to slander, and killing loyal ministers in the court. This has made the entire big businessman angry. Now you are unrepentant and watch the country be ruined every day. I am afraid that your great king, your Shang Dynasty, will not be able to protect your family’s entertainment. I am saying this today in the hope that your Majesty will wake up!"

After Queen Jiang finished speaking, she walked away directly.

Queen Jiang's voice when she scolded King Zhou was a little too loud, so everyone basically heard it.

Daji and the others also stopped dancing and looked at King Zhou quietly.

At this moment, King Zhou held the wine bowl in his hand and threw it towards the ground.

Only a loud bang was heard!

The entire Shouxian Palace was suddenly silent.

"What a queen, what a queen! How dare you accuse me like this? If it weren't for the fact that she is the queen and Jiang Huanchu's face, I would definitely kill her."

King Zhou yelled directly at Queen Jiang's back.

"Huh, I'm so angry. Daji, keep dancing for me. I'm in a bad mood now. You dance for me, keep on!"

King Zhou shouted loudly.

When Daji looked at it, a hint of coldness flashed in her eyes.

You let your queen scold you, but you asked me to dance for you to relieve your boredom. If you had the ability, you would kill your queen!

Hum, there is no backing for bullying me, right?

Daji suddenly knelt on the ground.

"Your Majesty, it's not that I don't want to dance for you, I don't dare! The queen just said that this dance will bring ruin to the country and the family. If I continue to dance, I'm afraid they will not only call me a demon concubine, but also They would say that I am a person who has ruined my family and my country. If this happens, I will not be able to live anymore. I will be a witch who has ruined my family and my country and brought disaster to the people! Woohoo!"

Daji burst into tears suddenly, and the entire Shouxian Palace fell into silence.

King Zhou's face was livid, and he slowly walked up to Daji.

"The king favors you. It's useless what others say. Hmph, get up!"

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