Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 253: The Assassin Follows the Order of the Queen

King Zhou's expression suddenly changed, and he grabbed it directly beside him, but this time he didn't bring his sword with him at all.

This made King Zhou panic. This time he came out with only a few servants and four or five guards.

If this thief is powerful, I might be in some danger!

At this moment, King Zhou also directly turned over and got off his Luan Jia.

But at this moment, the assassin didn't make any move.

He just looked at King Zhou coldly.

"Foolish Lord, I followed the order of my mistress and came here specifically to kill you here. You are foolish and ignorant, and you have harmed loyal people. You should have died long ago!"

The assassin said and stepped forward again.

King Zhou had already made preparations and took the weapons directly from the guards, and the guards and chamberlains had already surrounded him.

After fighting for several rounds, King Zhou threw the weapon in his hand directly and hit the assassin's leg. In an instant, the guards rushed him forward and pinned him down to subdue him.

King Zhou was still a little excited at the moment and wanted to step forward to see the assassin clearly, but the chamberlain stopped him.

"Your Majesty, let us escort you to the main hall quickly. After all, if a few more assassins come out, we won't be able to resist them!"

As soon as the servant said this, King Zhou nodded hurriedly, yes, it was time to leave.

Returning to the main hall, after King Zhou told what happened to him just now, the whole hall was in an uproar.

"Huang Feihu, capture him for me. Bigan, you are responsible for interrogating him!"

King Zhou said coldly.

Later, Huang Feihu hurriedly sent someone to capture the assassin. Just in case, Huang Feihu also sent a large number of additional forbidden troops to search the palace carefully.

After the assassin was brought, everyone seemed to have never seen him before!

Huang Feihu looked at Lu Xiong and asked.

"Who was on duty at the palace last night, and why could they let this assassin sneak into my palace?"

When Lu Xiong heard this, he suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

"The general was on duty at the end of last night, but no one came in all night! Could it be that his followers came from the main hall?"

Lu Xiong said with some doubts.

Huang Feihu glanced at the assassin on the ground, "I guess so, huh, this assassin doesn't have any advanced skills. I guess if he sneaked in last night, you should be able to find out, Your Majesty, the assassin has been brought here and can be interrogated!"

After Huang Feihu finished speaking, King Zhou glanced at Bigan.

Bigan hurried over.

He looked at the assassin Bigan and asked a few questions, but the assassin remained silent.

This made Bigan a little helpless.

When King Zhou saw it, he couldn't help but feel angry. This assassin seemed to be looking forward to death!

"Fei Zhong, come here and interrogate me!"

King Zhou directly named Fei Zhong, and Fei Zhong nodded and stepped forward directly.

"Come here, take this assassin out and kill him!"

Fei Zhong said directly. When everyone heard this, they knew that Fei Zhong was making a trick!

Sure enough, after being taken out, Fei Zhong came back not long after.

This is also a calculation designed by Fei Zhong, so naturally it is very simple to know.

After returning to King Zhou's hall, Fei Zhong looked at King Zhou with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

King Zhou suddenly became angry.

"Tell me, could it be that you didn't get any results from the interrogation?"

King Zhou asked.

Fei Zhong shook his head.

"I dare not say it! Your Majesty!"

Fei Zhong shook his head directly.

King Zhou looked at him anxiously.

Now King Zhou just wants to know who wants to kill him!

"Your Majesty, the interrogation of that minister has been completed. After threatening him to kill him directly, he has confessed. He said he is from Donglu, and the man's name is Jiang Huan!"

After Fei Zhong finished speaking, he stopped directly.

Donglu, Jiang Huan?

Suddenly the entire hall was filled with an atmosphere of silence.

The atmosphere became a little strange, even Huang Feihu and Bigan looked serious.

"Okay, I understand, I understand. The assassin who just assassinated me said something. He said he was under the orders of his mistress. Have you ever asked clearly whose order he was under?"

As soon as King Zhou said this, the entire hall suddenly let out an exclamation of surprise.

Donglu, whose surname is Jiang, is under the orders of his mistress. I am afraid he is directly pointing out something!

Sure enough, after Fei Zhong heard what King Zhou said, an imperceptible smile appeared on his lips.

"Your Majesty, assassin Jiang Huan said that he was ordered by his mistress, who was the queen. He said that the queen asked him to kill the king, and then let, let..."

Fei Zhong paused a few times as he spoke deliberately.

"What? Tell me!"

King Zhou shouted loudly.

"Let Dong Bohou become the king of Dashang!"

After Fei Zhong finished speaking, Huang Feihu and Bigan's expressions changed drastically.

King Zhou was so angry that he almost fainted.

"Okay, okay, such a wolf-hearted thing actually wants to kill herself and let her father take the throne. Haha, okay, okay, someone, bring me that bitch of the queen!"

King Zhou shouted loudly.

Seeing this, Huang Feihu took a step forward.

"Your Majesty, I think there is something strange. I have also seen this assassin just now. In terms of martial arts, he is probably not as good as my own soldiers. This Dongbohou is sitting on the land of Donglu. In addition, Dongbohou Jiang Huanchu There are too many men with extraordinary strength, some of whom are even as good as the ministers. If Dong Bohou is really so rebellious, wouldn't he have a better chance of winning by sending a few men with superb martial arts skills to the palace? The assassin said something offensive. , even the king can capture him!"

After Huang Feihu finished speaking, King Zhou showed a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Huang Feihu was right. This was also the reason why he attacked the assassin when he encountered him, because the assassin's martial arts were very average!

King Zhou is still aware of Dong Bohou's strength. If he really sent out a few of his generals, in today's situation, King Zhou would have been chopped into pieces.

"Your Majesty, the queen has always been kind and has a high prestige in the harem. In addition, what King Wu Cheng said is quite reasonable. I'm afraid there is some misunderstanding or someone's deliberate calculation!"

Yang Ren, the superior doctor, came out directly and said.

After hearing what they said, King Zhou nodded.

"Well, since the assassin said he was sent by the queen, and what you two said is reasonable, come here, tell Concubine Huang, and ask her to ask the king and the queen what's going on! "

King Zhou said directly.

After hearing this, the chamberlain went directly to deliver the order.

When Fei Zhong heard this, his expression changed. There was something wrong with this plan!

Originally, the queen was supposed to be brought directly to the confrontation, but she was directly killed by King Zhou in a rage.

But now something has changed. Fei Zhong took advantage of the fact that no one was paying attention and said something in You Hun's ear. You Hun nodded gently and exited the hall.

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