After Yin Jiao finished speaking, Concubine Huang's face became a little helpless.

This is indeed the case!

King Zhou has sent people to surround the entire harem. These two people may not be able to escape!

Concubine Huang and Concubine Yang looked at each other and felt that this matter was a bit tricky.

If these two people are not sent out, they will be discovered sooner or later!

"Forget it, let's just wait here until we get the chance, hey!"

Concubine Huang was also a little helpless.

Liu Ming, who was in the palace at this moment, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Hey, this queen is really helpless. I have told her that asking her to give up the position of queen can avoid this problem, but she still didn't do what I said! Well, this time Yin Jiao and Yin Hong Let’s save the two of them!”

Liu Ming said and shook his head.

It's not that he has anything to do with Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, but if he doesn't save these two people, how can the ministers of Dashang be filled with righteous indignation, and how can Dashang fall apart.

This is the most important thing for promoting the major event of Conferring Gods and Measuring Tribulation.

After Liu Ming made up his mind, he transformed into a stream of light and left.

At this moment, Yin Jiao and Yin Hong in Concubine Yang's palace have calmed down their hearts. Now they can only hope that Concubine Huang can save them.

But Concubine Huang didn't know what to do either.

Liu Ming transformed into Liu Guang and came to Concubine Yang's palace.

However, he did not come in his true form, but in the form of an old man.

"Who are you? Why are you able to come here? Someone is here!"

Concubine Huang was confused when she saw Liu Ming suddenly appeared, and shouted hurriedly.

"Haha, Concubine Huang, don't panic. I don't have any ill intentions here, but for the sake of the two princes!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

When Concubine Huang heard this, she suddenly became worried, while Concubine Yang was already frightened.

"Are you sent here by the king? Could it be that the king really refuses to let these two princes go! It's true that a tiger is poisonous and cannot eat its seeds. The king must be so cruel!"

Huang Fei said angrily.

And Liu Ming laughed softly.

"The two princesses have misunderstood. I am here to escort the two princes out. The harem is now heavily guarded. If the two princes do not want to die, they must go out. Only the ministers outside can save them!"

Liu Ming said directly.

When Concubine Huang and Concubine Yang heard this, they looked at Liu Ming with some suspicion.

After all, a stranger like Liu Ming suddenly came to the harem and said that he wanted to protect the two princes, which made them a little unbelievable!

"Two princesses, if I came here not to save them, but to catch them, do you think you two can protect them? In addition, if I wanted to harm them, haha, they are dead now, how could I come so easily? This harem naturally has this ability!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

The two princesses were still very cautious, but after Liu Ming finished speaking, their expressions changed, because Liu Ming was right, if they two female concubines wanted to protect these two princes now, they would simply Impossible.

Concubine Huang was in a dilemma at this moment, and Concubine Yang had no idea.

"Two queens, let us follow him. Now we can only rely on him. He is right. If he wants to harm us two, I am afraid that it is not him who comes now, but the whole team. , old man, please take us two brothers out of the harem!"

Yin Jiao looked at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming glanced at Yin Jiao and nodded.

Although Yin Jiao was not very old, what he just said was somewhat surprising to Liu Ming.

At least Yin Jiao still has some discernment.

Huang Fei looked at Yin Jiao and had no choice but to nod.

"Well, there is no good solution now. Hey, that's all, but why are you willing to help these two princes? You are not related to them, which makes me a little confused!"

Concubine Huang looked at Liu Ming and asked with some confusion.

"To be honest, I am a foreigner. I was favored by the queen, so I came here specially because I thought the queen was in trouble. I just didn't expect that the queen was already. Alas, these two princes and I will say anything. Keep it!"

In order to make Huang Fei believe him, Liu Ming deliberately made up a lie.

When Concubine Huang heard this, she immediately relaxed her guard.

"I see, no wonder, it turns out that there is such a thing. It seems that the queen sister is kind-hearted and can form such a good relationship. You two should follow him quickly!"

Concubine Huang had now put down her guard and hurriedly looked at Yin Jiao and Yin Hong and said.

Liu Ming didn't say anything more. He waved his hand and took the two of them away.

After passing the harem gate, Liu Ming turned into a breeze and floated away.

No one saw it at all.

After arriving at the main hall, Liu Ming put the two of them down.

"Go, the ministers of Dashang are all inside, and someone will rescue you!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Yin Jiao turned around and saw that he had indeed arrived at the main hall.

This made Yin Jiao feel a little relieved. After arriving at the main hall, he could find some ministers.

Although Yin Hong was younger, Yin Hong was a little curious when he saw that Liu Ming had just brought them out of the harem easily without anyone noticing.

"Why didn't you just take us away from Chaoge and instead let us come here to find them? Isn't this unnecessary? You have the ability to rescue us from Chaoge, right?"

Yin Hong looked at Liu Ming and asked.

Liu Ming looked at Yin Hong in surprise, this little guy is interesting!

It's not that I can't save the two of them, but there are some things I can't do.

Besides, if they save the two of them, how will they trick the disciples of Yuxu Palace in the future.

Now Liu Mingcai will not do anything to make Yuxu Palace feel better.

"Listen, you two, it's not that I don't want to save you two, but even though you have suffered some persecution now, after all, you two are still the princes of Dashang, and Dashang will rely on you two to revitalize it in the future. If I take you away, do you think your father will still think of you after a few years? In addition, you have left your identity as the prince of Dashang, and how many ministers still support you, so your top priority now is Go find those ministers and ask them to help you, so that you can have a good relationship with them, understand!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, although Yin Hong didn't quite understand, Yin Jiao nodded.

"Thank you for saving the two of us from suffering. Now that we are out of danger, naturally we will not let what happened just now happen again. We are going to find the ministers and ask them to help us!"

After Yin Jiao finished speaking, he saluted Liu Ming.

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