When Master Taiyi saw someone hitting him, he was about to take out his magic weapon, but when he saw it, it was Liu Ming!

"Hmph, why, do you, the prince of the demon clan, also want to participate in Pindao's affairs?"

Master Taiyi said coldly, but he was already on guard in his heart.

When Liu Ming saw Taiyi Zhenren, he withdrew his God-killing Spear.

"Oh, it's you! Haha, I thought who was being presumptuous, and I was going to teach him a lesson, but I didn't expect it was you!"

Liu Ming said with a smile.

Seeing Liu Ming's behavior, Master Taiyi took the opportunity to increase the power of his Nine Dragon Divine Fire Shield and directly refine Shi Ji.

Master Taiyi felt a little more relieved now.

"Prince, I need to leave first!"

Master Taiyi didn't want to get entangled with Liu Ming, so he was ready to leave.

As a result, Liu Ming nodded and left? Hehe, you Taiyi Zhenren can’t leave!

Just as Master Taiyi set off, several streaks of light flashed across the sky.

Taoist Duobao, Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit appeared.

Someone from Jiejiao is here.

"Bold Taiyi, you dare to kill my disciple Jie Jiao. Do you think that Jie Jiao, who is staying behind closed doors now, can let you bully me like this?"

After Duobao finished speaking, the three people directly surrounded Master Taiyi.

"What? Kill the person who intercepted your teaching, haha, Duobao, you don't have to spit on him!"

Master Taiyi said with some disdain.

Now that Shiji has been refined by himself, there is no evidence.

"Humph, who else could it be if not you?"

Duobao said as he took out his magic weapon.

"I misunderstood. Look, there is not only me here, but also the prince of the demon clan. Could it be him!"

Master Taiyi suddenly had an idea.

Nana Zha, who was on the side, looked at Master Taiyi in surprise.

"Master, it's obviously..."

"Shut up and stay back!"

Master Taiyi directly interrupted Nezha's words.

Liu Ming suddenly laughed.

"Haha, Taiyi! Taiyi, you are really shameless! You said that this prince did it. You are slandering me. Okay, fellow Taoist Duobao, please step back and wait for me and my wife. B, let’s have a good chat!”

Liu Ming looked at Duobao and said, with murderous intent already in his eyes.

"Prince, I don't need to take action. This Taiyi must die in the hands of our Jiejiao. Taiyi, you don't have to quibble or frame others. It's you. A wisp of Shi Ji's breath has come to Biyou Palace to tell all the causes and consequences of the matter. How long will it take you to die?"

After Duobao finished speaking, he took action directly.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit were not idle either. The three of them went directly towards Master Taiyi.

At this moment, Liu Ming pulled Nezha over.

"Little guy, do you think your master is a little shameless?"

Liu Ming asked.

After hearing this, Nezha nodded slowly.

"It seems a little shameless. One person does the work and the other takes responsibility? What are you afraid of!"

Nezha said with some dissatisfaction.

At this moment, the three people's siege on Taiyi Zhenren has reached fever pitch, and Taiyi Zhenren can no longer resist it.

"Ah, Master, save me!"

After Taiyi Zhenren received Duobao's blow, he shouted directly.

Duobao directly killed him again, he was bound to kill Taiyi Zhenren.

At this moment, a dazzling light suddenly shot out of the void.

Suddenly the entire battle was forced to stop.

"You are not cultivating in Biyou Palace, facing the calamity of the Conferred Gods, and you actually went down the mountain privately to kill my disciples of Yuxu Palace. Do you think that I don't dare to kill you? Humph, then you are wrong, let me destroy you!"

Yuanshi Tianzun fell directly from the sky, and a powerful force in his hand directly hit Duobao and the others.

How could the three of them withstand the attack of the saint Yuanshi Tianzun? Just when their faces changed drastically, the three of them suddenly disappeared.

When the three of them landed again, there was one more person in front of them, Lord Tongtian!

Liu Ming couldn't help but curled his lips a little. His own little push had triggered a confrontation between the two saints!

This is too awesome!

"Yuanshi Tianzun, what do you want to do? Kill my disciples, haha, you should kill one to show me!"

Leader Tongtian said coldly.

"Master, Shi Ji is dead. He died in the hands of Master Taiyi. She just came here with a breath and said that she was practicing peacefully. As a result, Master Taiyi's apprentice killed her disciple, and Master Taiyi was killing him. She, Shi Ji has already been killed by the time the disciples arrive!"

Duobao hurriedly said in the ear of Master Tongtian.

When Master Tongtian heard this, his face became gloomy. He had just asked Yuanshi Tianzun to kill one of them, but what the hell, he had already killed them all!

It’s such a slap in the face, a slap in the face!

The leader of Tongtian Cult immediately captured Taiyi Zhenren.

How could Yuanshi Tianzun tolerate his disciples being bullied by Tongtian Cult Leader, so he directly took over Taiyi Zhenren.

This completely angered the leader of Tongtian.

"Hmph, it seems that you want to protect your disciple. You killed Pindao's disciple and you still admit your mistake. It seems that your Yuxu Palace is not a good thing. How can you have the face to talk to me, Yuanshi Tianzun, from Biyou Palace? Take my move!"

Leader Tongtian said calmly. Suddenly, he raised his hand, and Saint Principle killed him directly.

And Yuanshi Tianzun was not to be outdone, and took action based on his own supreme Taoism and law.

Although the fight between the two was calm and even a little unremarkable, Liu Ming looked a little frightened.

The two saints' laws are simply too overbearing!

Awesome, awesome!

After a battle between Yuanshi Tianzun and Tongtian Cult Leader, they gradually became angry.

Naturally, he no longer held back when taking action, and went directly to the top of the void. The power of the saint's law and the law of heaven were flying in the sky. Liu Ming, Taiyi and others had to use their own breath and mana to resist the saint's fight. impact.

The fight between the two became more and more fierce, and not long after, a stream of light passed by, and Taishang Laojun also came.

"Stop it, you all stop it!"

Taishang Laojun said.

But Yuanshi Tianzun stopped, but Master Tongtian did not stop, which made Taishang Laojun a little angry.

"Tongtian, I tell you to stop!"

Taishang Laojun said.

"Hmph, it's okay to stop. Kill Taiyi now and save my disciple's life. Otherwise, he will be there without me today, and I will be without him!"

Tongtian Cult Master said that he took action again, and Taishang Laojun immediately blushed and turned pale.

Leader Tongtian doesn’t even listen to him now!

It was so naked that I didn’t give him any face.

Senior Brother Xuanmen is actually not taken seriously!

Taishang Laojun went straight to kill Tongtian Cult Leader in anger, and Yuanshi Tianzun saw a good opportunity and joined forces with Taishang Laojun to take action.

"Tsk tsk, there used to be two great saints, but now they have become three great saints. It's so awesome. Haha, it's a little inappropriate for you to be so aggressive!"

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