Honghuang: I, the Great Golden Crow, rectify the name of the demon clan

Chapter 288 Naturally willing to share the benefits

After Jie Yin thought for a moment, he spoke.

"Senior brother, what you said is true and very tempting, but after all, there is the matter of conferring gods and measuring tribulations and the Tongtian leader. If he doesn't agree, it won't be easy to handle!"

Jie Yin asked.

"Haha, you are wrong. Yuxu Palace is in charge of conferring gods to measure tribulations. His Tongtian Biyou Palace is only experiencing tribulations. Who has the right to make irresponsible remarks? Besides, don't worry, Senior Brother Taishang Laojun is also in charge. I will agree, so what are you afraid of? There are a lot of benefits! And you only need to bring Zhunti and the two to help when Tongtian launches the Immortal-Slaying Sword Formation!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, Jieyin nodded without thinking.

"Don't worry, Senior Brother Yuanshi, for the success of this calamity, the two of us in the West will do our best to support Senior Brother. Then we have agreed that if the Tongtian Cult Leader sends out the Immortal Killing Sword Formation, Zhunti and I will take action. This point Senior brother, please rest assured. Besides, I will avoid the opportunity given by senior brother, and I have my own intentions for the sake of the West!"

After Jie Yin finished speaking, Yuanshi Tianzun burst out laughing, and Jie Yin also laughed.

"Okay, then we've made an agreement, hehe, come on, welcome Junior Brother, why don't you and I have a few drinks today!"

After Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, he took Jie Yin to eat, drink and have fun.

At this moment, the leader of Tongtian Cult didn’t even know that he had been restricted.

After returning to Biyou Palace, he summoned his disciples.

Although this Shi Ji was not a very powerful disciple in his Biyou Palace, he was still a member of the Biyou Palace after all. Now that he was actually killed, it was a slap in the face.

"Master, that child was pushed out by Yuanshi Tianzun as a scapegoat. Hmm, who doesn't know, it must have been Taiyi Zhenren who killed Shi Ji. He should have been allowed to open the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Shield in the first place, and Shi Ji's true form would surely have been discovered. Xuanhuang stubborn stone, that is conclusive evidence!"

Duobao looked at Tongtian Cult Leader and said angrily.

And the eyes of Tongtian Cult Leader kept turning.

"You're telling me, how could I not know? Humph, although that kid has some strength, he is far from good enough to kill Shi Ji!"

Leader Tongtian snorted coldly.

This made Duobao a little confused.

"Well, Master, since you know, why don't you just kill Taiyi for fun!"

"You don't understand. Yuanshi Tianzun and Taishang Laojun are already fighting to protect Taiyi. If they really kill Taiyi, huh, I can only use the Zhuxian Sword Formation to suppress them, but you have to know , the Zhuxian Sword Formation is not so easy to use, if this matter involves Dao Ancestor, it will be difficult to handle!"

Leader Tongtian shook his head. Originally, this time the Conferring God Tribulation was said to be for Sanqing and Xuanmen, but it was actually aimed at his Biyou Palace.

Tongtian naturally knows this. If a battle between saints is triggered and the Zhuxian Sword Formation is used, if it causes turmoil in the way of heaven and destroys the calamity of the gods, I am afraid Hongjun will be very angry!

I'm afraid I'll be punished then.

"Let this be like this. You don't have to worry about it anymore. Just remember this hatred. If you have a chance to talk about it in the future, listen up. You are not allowed to go down the mountain without permission. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Leader Tongtian warned everyone again.

At least this time, although Yuanshi Tianzun was a little shameless, he still gave Tongtian face. At least he publicly pushed out Nezha, who had caused Shi Ji to be killed, and then the leader of Tongtian suddenly figured it out.

The demon prince Liu Ming wanted to protect Nezha, and the Tongtian Sect wanted to kill him. Yuanshi Tianzun killed two birds with one stone!

If Tongtian takes action, he will definitely offend Liu Ming in the end. If he offends Liu Ming, he offends the demon clan. On a normal day, he would be offended. But now that the Fengshen Calamity Tribulation is coming against him in Biyou Palace, it can be less. An opponent who offends one less force is also mitigating the crisis for oneself.

So when Liu Ming proposed to let Nezha commit suicide, Tongtian agreed. Liu Ming wanted to make his own plans. Anyway, it was not his Biyou Palace who could kill him. Even if Liu Ming had hatred, at least he would not continue to die.

So Master Tongtian let Nezha go for the last time, otherwise he would not have allowed Nezha's soul to be taken away by Liu Ming.

Big businessman.

In Chaoge City.

After Liu Ming came back, he went to Youli. When he saw that there was nothing unusual about Ji Chang, he was relieved. A lot of things happened for Nezha during this trip.

"It's been seven years, and it's time for you, Lord Xibo, to return. Haha, becoming a god and measuring calamity will bring prosperity, so look forward to it!"

Liu Ming looked at Ji Chang, who was closing his eyes and concentrating in Youli, and said to himself.

So Liu Ming didn't go back to the palace, but just found a place in Youli. He wanted to plan for the next thing. This time he returned to Honghuang, just as Nuwa said, he almost caused trouble again!

But Liu Ming didn't know that Jiang Ziya, whom he had always wanted to find, was now in Chaoge City.

Because he could not wait for Ji Chang to come back, and later learned that Ji Chang was detained in Chaoge City, he mustered up the courage to come directly to Chaoge.

Before Jiang Ziya went to the Kunlun Mountains, he had been living in this world. However, forty years later, after he came down from the mountain, he no longer knew many people.

Returning to Chaoge this time, Jiang Ziya was looking for a safe place when he met an old friend.

An old man, he met Jiang Ziya before he went up the mountain, and they had a good relationship with him. Later, after the two got to know each other, Jiang Ziya lived in his house.

Jiang Ziya finally found a place to stay in Chaoge. Later, the man even helped him marry a wife.

This made Jiang Ziya a little helpless. He claimed that he was the immortal of Kunlun Mountain. Although he was just an ordinary person who stayed in Kunlun Mountain and had nothing to do with the immortals, he was also an outsider. How could he suffer the consequences of the world of mortals? bond.

However, it was hard to refuse the kindness of his friends, so Jiang Ziya had no choice but to marry a woman, Ma!

In fact, it was Jiang Ziya who did the fortune-telling for himself. He knew that this was something that he could not escape, the cause and effect in the first place.

As a result, after getting married, Jiang Ziya's thoughts were all on how to preside over the Conferred God War, and he was not in the mood to pay attention to Ma.

He thought it would be great to marry a woman who could cook, wash and do the chores that gave him a headache.

So I didn't get distracted, and I didn't accompany Ma to have fun.

Gradually, Mrs. Ma became dissatisfied. She didn't know that Jiang Ziya still had such great ambitions. She just thought that Jiang Ziya was ignorant and lazy.

I couldn't help but blame Jiang Ziya's friends, because he was the one who pulled the strings for the mediators and told Jiang Ziya how good he was. In the end, although his appearance was okay, why wasn't he good? A man living a good life is useless.

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