Liu Ming looked a little stunned.

They are indeed two most powerful formations!

The power of the stars drawn by the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation is enough to destroy the earth, and the Pangu shadow surrounded by the formation is even more powerful!

The battle between two major formations!

The ground around Mount Buzhou shook, and the entire prehistoric land trembled.

Waves of exclamations came and went in the void.

Even the innate saint Sanqing looked a little ugly at this moment.

They didn't have the slightest chance of escaping from any large formation.


Taishang Laojun said so.


Yuanshi Tianzun said.

Although Master Tongtian did not speak, the shock on his face already showed his attitude.

"If only we had such a big formation!"

Only Jie Yin and Zhunti are still plotting against Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts.

"I'm lucky enough to have seen two powerful formations. Fortunately I got Hou Tu to the underworld, otherwise the Twelve Capital Heavenly Gods and Evil Formation would have been even more powerful!"

Liu Ming secretly thought in his heart.

Immediately afterwards, the big sun fire gun in his hand was directly launched!

Head towards the Witch Clan!

Pangu Xuying just lowered his head slightly and glanced at the Great Sun Fire Spear, and the entire gun body stopped moving.

"Hou Yi, when you used Kuafu to block my shot for you, let me see who you use to block it for you this time, stab me!"

Liu Ming's voice sounded a little abruptly in Buzhou Mountain.

Hou Yi, who was struggling to hold on, subconsciously took a step back.

He hurriedly looked for Liu Ming's spear.

Where is the gun shadow?

Liu Ming had already taken back the Great Sun Fire Spear!

When Hou Yi retreated, Di Jun and Donghuang Taiyi seized the opportunity and went all out to lead the formation to attack!



Pangu Xuying directly made a crisp sound.

Gradually, the entire phantom instantly fell apart, and the Twelve Capital Gods formed a great formation.


"Ah, you are a despicable and shameless person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, and he is ruining the great things of our witch clan!"

Zhu Rong looked up to the sky and roared!

The entire ancestral witch's true form directly slapped a palm, and Hou Yi, who was still in shock, was directly smashed into a pulp!

You can't die any more!

"Zhu Rong, you are so presumptuous!"

Gonggong saw Hou Yi killed with his own eyes.

Instantly furious!

Thinking about the fact that his most beloved disciple died in Zhu Rong's hands, and Hou Yi, who had a good relationship with him, also died in his hands.

For a moment, Gonggong went crazy and went straight towards Zhu Rong!

How could the furious Zhu Rong tolerate Gonggong like this?

The two of them directly fought to the death.

But the Zhoutian Star Formation is still in operation!

Lost the restraint of Pangu, the twelve-capital god evil formation.

The power of billions of stars descended directly on the Wu Clan army.

"Gonggong, Zhurong, you two bastards, stop it!"

Di Jiang's true form of the ancestral witch had been hit several times at this moment.

And while he was shouting, he was protecting his people.

The other ancestral witches were too late to take care of Zhu Rong and Gong Gong.

Under the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation, corpses of the Wu clan lay everywhere.

"It's over!"

Di Jiang was already despairing at this moment!

In the void!

Jie Yin and Zhunti are still immersed in the scene just now.

Why did the scene that was originally evenly matched now turn into a massacre of the demon clan against the witch clan?

"Quickly, inform Ancestor Minghe and act quickly. By the way, Zhunti, you go suppress Yuanfeng and let Zhulong and the others come too. Hurry!"

He said in a coherent voice.


Suddenly there was a loud noise.

Jie Yin was knocked to the ground directly.

Zhunti also stumbled and fell.

In the entire void, even Sanqing fell off his futon and mount.

This group of innate saints looked down hurriedly.

I saw the Buzhou Mountain Pillar collapse suddenly.

Huge boulders covering the sky and sun rolled down.

It turned out that Zhu Rong and Gonggong were fighting to the death. As a result, the two of them were so angry that they blew themselves up and hit Buzhou Shanzhu!

At this moment, Fuxi suddenly flew down and glanced in Nuwa's direction.

He directly killed Di Jiang with a smile on his face.

Di Jiang's entire mind was on Buzhou Mountain Pillar at the moment.

"By taking you on the road, you can be considered as giving the demon clan a final helping hand!"

After Fuxi finished speaking, he directly detonated his own cultivation!

Di Jiang fell together!

As soon as Fuxi's soul floated up, it was directly wrapped up by a gentle force in the void.

No one paid any attention to this little episode.

The deaths of Fuxi and Di Jiang could not distract everyone.

Because Buzhou Shanzhu fell!

There is no support between heaven and earth!

The water flowed backwards, the boulders rolled, and the entire prehistoric era seemed to be destroyed.

Sage Nuwa couldn't bear this scene to happen, so she turned into a stream of light and headed towards the top of Mount Buzhou.

A huge hole opened in the sky.

The power of countless stars poured down!

Nuwa fights against the stars on her own!

"Buzhou Mountain is destroyed and the sky is missing. Please help Nuwa repair the sky quickly!"

A voice sounded across the entire prehistoric sky.

Hongjun has issued a decree!

Sanqing, Jie Yin and Zhunti headed directly towards the top of Buzhou Mountain.

The six innate saints are resisting the stars!

"You have to mend the sky! You can't last long like this!"

Liu Ming stepped through the void and spoke directly into Nuwa's ear before hurriedly retreating.

My small body cannot withstand the power of the stars!

All that needs to be said has been said.

The rest is out of control.

"Master, please lend me the Qiankun Cauldron! Fellow Taoists, I need to refine colorful stones to patch the sky. Please lend me the innate materials!!"

Nuwa shouted according to Liu Ming's instruction.

Suddenly, a stream of light flashed in the sky.

The Qiankun Cauldron flew out from the Zixiao Palace in Yujing Mountain.

Sanqing, Jie Yin, and Zhunti directly took out all the innate refining materials that they had collected for many years.

Nuwa directly stimulated the refining of the Qiankun Cauldron!

But at this moment Liu Ming was long gone.

A section of the Buzhou Mountain Pillar was destroyed, and a replacement must be found to support the colorful stones!

Fortunately, Liu Ming knew all this well.

In the deep sea, there is an old turtle!

Born in the early days of the prehistoric period, he survived the great calamity of the Long-Han Dynasty.

I can’t count how long I have lived.

His limbs have experienced time and are extremely strong!

Liu Ming came to the deep sea and met the old turtle.

Liu Ming directly stated the interests!

The old turtle did not hesitate, cut off four legs and gave them to Liu Ming.

Liu Ming thought that Lao Gui understood the righteousness well, so he directly gave him a drop of the Three Lights Divine Water as a reward!

Liu Ming went directly to the top of Buzhou Mountain without stopping at all!

At this moment, Nuwa is urging the Qiankun Cauldron to refine the Sky-Mending Stone.

"Father, you and Uncle Donghuang stay here to help. The others should go back!"

Liu Ming said.

Di Jun nodded.

Bai Ze directly led the demon army back to Heaven!

Although Liu Ming's plan was involved in this battle, the demon clan also lost nearly three levels of strength.

The Wu clan was even more disastrous, with Di Jiang and Fu Xi dying together.

Zhu Rong and Gonggong fight and explode!

The great witch Houyi was killed!

Most of the other members of the Twelve Ancestral Witch Tribes were injured.

Xuan Ming struggled with the remaining troops and ran back to the Witch Clan territory.

Since then, the war between witches and witches has ended!

With Liu Ming's intervention, the tragedy of the demon clan's decline did not occur.

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