
Ever since Jiang Ziya became Xiqi's prime minister, he felt a little proud.

Assisting Ji Chang now will definitely bring some merit!

On this day, Jiang Ziya was sitting in the mansion, thinking that the time had come and it was time to speak to Ji Chang.

When Jiang Ziya saw Ji Chang, he couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because at this moment, there was a person sitting opposite Ji Chang, who was having a lively chat with Ji Chang.

When Jiang Ziya saw it, he couldn't help being a little dumbfounded. He knew this person. It was Liu Ming who came to Xiqi from Chaoge.

His Highness the Prince of the Prehistoric Monster Clan!

"Ziya, you're here. Haha, come on, let me introduce to you. This is my good friend and a Taoist priest with great magical powers!"

Ji Chang said hurriedly.

And Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ziya with a smile. Jiang Ziya has now become Ji Chang's prime minister, and his whole person has become much energetic!

It seems that people are really in high spirits during happy events!

"Jiang Ziya has met the Taoist priest, oh, the Taoist priest!"

Jiang Ziya almost revealed Liu Ming's identity.

And Liu Ming nodded.

"I've met Prime Minister Jiang!"

Jiang Ziya hurriedly returned the gift.

"Haha, it's a good thing today. The Taoist priest left Chaoge and came to me, Xiqi. I, Xiqi, am really blessed. Haha, come on, Ziya, sit down too!"

Ji Chang looked at the two of them and said with a smile.

Liu Ming's arrival made Ji Chang a little excited.

"Taoist priest, now Ziya has become the prime minister of Xiqi, and I think that since the Taoist priest has come to Xiqi, I want to let the Taoist priest be the grand master of Xiqi, and he will be granted the title of national preceptor, with the same title as this prince. , please don’t refuse, Taoist Master!"

Ji Chang looked at Liu Ming and said.

Liu Ming looked at Ji Chang in surprise for a moment. What a big handiwork Ji Chang made!

Let yourself be the grand master of Xiqi and the national master, with the same status as Ji Chang. This is a bit of favor!

But Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ziya and smiled a little.

I just followed the orders of Taoist Hongjun to supervise the gods and measure the calamity. I didn’t come to this world to enjoy the glory and wealth, so I can’t accept it!

"Your Majesty, I love you so much. Ping Dao is an outsider. Naturally, he doesn't want to be entangled in worldly things. Don't worry, Lord Marquis. What happened to Xiqi is Ping Dao's business. Ping Dao will definitely help you. Lord Hou, Don’t worry, even if you don’t hold this official position, Pindao will still do his best!”

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Ji Chang looked at Liu Ming with some regret.

Unexpectedly, Liu Ming refused. From this, it can be seen that Liu Ming is indeed upright and upright, and he is really an immortal, with the attitude of a man who has attained the Tao.

This made Ji Chang value Liu Ming even more.

Jiang Ziya on the side suddenly felt that he, the Prime Minister, seemed a little unsavory!

Ji Chang was treated so well as soon as he made a move. It seemed that he was really no match for Liu Ming.

However, Liu Ming refused, which still made Jiang Ziya feel a little relaxed.

After all, Yuanshi Tianzun said that he is the one who enjoys the phase in the world. If Liu Ming gets involved, I am afraid that he will be in trouble.

Now that Liu Ming has refused, it’s a good thing!

"Since the Taoist Master is not willing, I will not force it. However, in the future, the Taoist Master will be able to participate in and make decisions on all matters big and small in Xiqi. He is the same as me. This cannot be changed. The Taoist Master should not refuse anymore!"

After Ji Chang finished speaking, Liu Ming had no choice but to nod.

After the three of them sat here chatting for a while, Jiang Ziya felt a little moved.

"Prime Minister Jiang has something to say!"

Liu Ming suddenly asked.

"Haha, that's right, Lord Marquis, Taoist Priest, after I took over the current Xiqi, I have carefully studied it. The soldiers and horses are strong, and the people live and work in peace and contentment. But Lord Marquis, in other places of today's Dachang, the people are in dire straits! Hou! My heart is all over the world, I think now is the time to take action!"

Jiang Ziya said directly.

When Ji Chang heard this, he couldn't help but frown.

He knew Jiang Ziya's meaning best. This made him rebel!

But Ji Chang still had some concerns and was unwilling to sit with someone who was unfaithful, unfilial, benevolent and unjust!

"Hey, I know what you said Ziya, but everything in Xiqi is hard-won now. I don't want to involve Xiqi in the war!"

Ji Chang said with some embarrassment.

Liu Ming laughed. Jiang Ziya's intention was obvious. Ji Chang also had some ideas, but he almost didn't mean it!

"Master Marquis, Prime Minister Jiang, actually Pindao thinks that we can't kill Xiang Chaoge directly, but we can try our best and test Xiqi's strength, and we can also eliminate harm for the people!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Ji Chang and Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming with some confusion.

"The Marquis of Beibei, Chonghou Hu, has now become King Zhou's minion, harming the people everywhere. Not to mention other things, the construction of Lutai has made the entire people of Dashan and his territory miserable. In addition, this People are violent and greedy, which has aroused the public indignation of the people. Why don't we send troops to directly deal with Chonghou Hu? In this way, we have no intention of targeting King Zhou of Chaoge, but we can eliminate harm for the people of the world!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Ji Chang's eyes suddenly showed a glimmer of light.

Liu Ming's plan was exactly what he wanted, and it made him feel a little moved!

After hearing this, Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming in surprise.

Only now did Jiang Ziya understand what Guang Chengzi and Chi Jingjing were trying to persuade him. The prince of the demon race had begun to interfere in the God-Seizing Tribulation he was presiding over!

Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming defensively.

Now Liu Ming's strategy has obviously satisfied Ji Chang, and Jiang Ziya has to admit that what Liu Ming said makes sense and is the most appropriate method now.

"The Taoist priest's words awakened the dreamer! Well, it is indeed a good plan. Let's do it like this. Prime Minister Jiang, I have given you the decree. You go and mobilize the troops to attack Chonghou Hu directly. All matters will be left to you. The Taoist Priest and the Prime Minister will handle it!"

After Ji Chang finished speaking, Jiang Ziya nodded hurriedly.

Naturally, Liu Ming had no objection.

"Your Highness, the Conferred God Tribulation is about to come. Haha, I'm afraid His Highness will stay in Xiqi this time!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Liu Ming and said.

Ji Chang has left, and now there are only the two of them, so naturally Jiang Ziya has no worries.

"Haha, that's right, because you, Jiang Ziya, presided over the Conferring Gods and Measures of Tribulation, and I, under the orders of Heavenly Dao and Dao Ancestor, supervise you, so wherever you are, I, too, will be there! Do you have any objections to this? "

Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ziya with some amusement and asked.

"Don't dare, don't dare. Your Highness the Crown Prince is serious. Ziya just obeyed the master's order and came to preside over the conferring of gods to measure the calamity. Naturally, he didn't want to make any mistakes!"

Jiang Ziya said.

"Haha, don't talk about you. Even I don't dare to make a mistake. This god's calamity is the will of heaven. If something goes wrong, you and I will definitely die!"

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