After hearing Huang Feihu's anger, Zhou Ji just smiled.

"Haha, my subordinates are laughing at the king. Now that the lady and Concubine Huang have been killed, the king is still hesitant and unwilling to avenge his beloved. If he had known that a real man is standing in the world, what is his family if he can't protect him? Man, the reason why the king is so worried is probably because of his current position and glory. Also, by tomorrow, word will spread throughout the whole business. In order to please the king, the king offered his wife. Isn’t it really ridiculous! Haha!"

After Zhou Ji finished speaking, Huang Feihu became furious, pulled out his sword and slashed at him.

But Jianfeng stopped on Zhou Ji's neck. On the other hand, Zhou Ji looked calm and calm, as if he knew Huang Feihu would not kill him.


Wucheng King Huang Feihu pointed at Zhou Ji and trembled all over.

Then, Wucheng King Huang Feihu slashed his sword directly at the table.

"Huang Feibao, Huang Feibiao, Huang Ming, and Zhou Ji, please gather your soldiers immediately. I am going to ask him clearly!"

After Huang Feihu finished speaking, Huang Feibao and others went out directly to mobilize the troops.

Soon, Huang Feihu came to the palace with his troops.

When King Zhou heard this, he put on his armor and went out with his own weapons.

"Huang Feihu, are you going to rebel? Okay, you are a highly respected minister and have been crowned king, but now you want to kill the king? Huang Feihu, you are so brave!"

King Zhou scolded him while riding on his horse.

At this moment, Huang Feihu was filled with infinite anger.

"I, Huang Feihu, ensured that you ascended to the throne and fought for you in all directions. Not to mention the credit, there was also hard work. Now that you have occupied the country and have three thousand beauties in the harem, you are still coveting my wife and forcing her to commit suicide. , and even forced his own concubine, my sister, to death. You are really stupid to the extreme. Now, I, Huang Feihu, have severed all ties with you, and from now on I will no longer recognize you as the king!"

After Huang Feihu finished speaking, King Zhou directly slapped his horse and killed him.

The five-color sacred cow under Huang Feihu's crotch also sensed its master's intention and rushed out directly.

If nothing else, this King Zhou still had some strength, and he wielded the weapons in his hands with great force.

Although he and Daji had spent all day in debauchery over the years, and his body was a little weak, his skills at hand did not seem to have deteriorated much.

Huang Feihu fought with King Zhou for several rounds, but he couldn't resist anymore.

Huang Feibao and others behind him took a look and killed them together.

King Zhou also had generals beside him. Yin Po was defeated and Lei Kai and the others joined directly.

After dozens of rounds of fighting, Zhou Ji came directly to Huang Feihu.

"Brother, we can't fight anymore. This Chaoge belongs to King Zhou. More and more people will come later. It's time for us to leave!"

After Zhou Ji finished speaking, Huang Feihu nodded.

He immediately forced King Zhou back and shouted loudly.


Then he left the palace with his own troops.

"Chase me and leave no one behind!"

King Zhou gave the order directly.

But how could Yin Pobai and the others be the match for Huang Feihu and others? They hurriedly and slowly allowed Huang Feihu to leave Chaoge City, and the guards of Chaoge City were all beheaded with a knife.

Seeing Huang Feihu run away, Yin Pobai and the two could not help but feel helpless, so they had no choice but to go back and report back to King Zhou.

At this moment, all the officials heard the news and were talking about it with each other.

Later, it gradually became clear that King Zhou had actually reached such a level of debauchery.

The people even closed their doors tightly and did not dare to go out.

After Huang Feihu escaped. Running all the way.

"Brother, where are we going?"

Huang Feibao asked.

After Huang Feihu thought for a while, he looked directly in the direction of Xiqi.

"Xiqi Jichang is my good friend. Although Ji Chang has passed away, Ji Fa has succeeded to the throne. Now is the time to employ people, so we went to Xiqi, thinking that Xiqi can accommodate us!"

Huang Feihu thought for a while and said.

Then the group of people headed towards Xiqi.

King Zhou was helpless when he heard that Huang Feihu had run away.

Now no one in his hands can catch up with Huang Feihu.

On this day, it happened that Wen Zhong had put down the rebellion in the East China Sea and led his troops back to the court.

He had just entered Chaoge and felt something strange about Chaoge.

He hurried to the main hall and looked at several ministers and asked.

When Wen Zhong heard this, he couldn't help being shocked, Huang Feihu rebelled?

This is a big deal!

After Wen Zhong found out the whole story, he became furious.

This must be King Zhou's own mischief and forced Huang Feihu to rebel!

Wen Zhong went to the harem and scolded King Zhou directly, and King Zhou also argued with reason.

"Grand Master, not to mention that this has nothing to do with this king at all, but it does. He, Huang Feihu, is a minister. Could it be that he rebelled after receiving some commission? In this way, Huang Feihu had a rebellion in his heart!"

After King Zhou finished speaking, Wen Zhong was speechless for a while.

After leaving the palace, Wen Zhong led his men and horses to chase him out.

He directly used his magic power to summon all the general officers nearby.

"Is there any trace of Huang Feihu?"

Wen Zhong asked.

Everyone shook their heads.

"We have guarded the pass. If Huang Feihu is discovered, he must be stopped by me and let me know. Do you understand?"

After making arrangements, Wen Zhong left.

At this moment, Liu Ming, who was in Xiqi, suddenly looked up and felt some changes in the way of heaven.

"Haha, I'm afraid someone has come to vote for Xiqi! It's really a good thing!"

After Liu Ming just finished speaking, Jiang Ziya approached him.

"The prince also discovered that the way of heaven has changed. Haha, it must be a good thing for me, Xiqi, this time!"

After Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Liu Ming snorted coldly.

"This prince wants to go out and take a look!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, Jiang Ziya also followed behind.

"You want to go too? Then you go, I won't go!"

Liu Ming looked at Jiang Ziya and said.

When Jiang Ziya heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little angry. Liu Ming was just bullying him for not having the strength.

"I am here to see His Highness the Crown Prince. I want to come..."

Before Jiang Ziya finished speaking, Liu Ming and Yang Jian suddenly disappeared.

Jiang Ziya stomped his own foot, just regretting that he had no strength!

Otherwise, how could he suffer such humiliation?

Liu Ming and Yang Jian headed directly towards Chaoge.

They had discovered in the void that nearby passes had been fortified, obviously prepared to guard against someone.

"Master. Is Chaoge going to be attacked? Why is the pass so tense!"

Yang Jian asked.

"Probably not. If someone attacks Chaoge, it's impossible for us in Xiqi not to receive news. Now it seems that someone has betrayed Chaoge!"

Liu Ming looked around thoughtfully and said.

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