In terms of strength, Huang Tianhua is still inferior to Yang Jian.

After all, in terms of talent, Yang Jian is much better than him, and Yang Jian was trained by Liu Ming.

"Huang Tianhua, you just saved your father, which is a sign of filial piety. I don't know the same as you, but you'd better step back from this matter. It has nothing to do with you. Who am I, you ask? I am the prince of the demon clan!"

Liu Ming looked at Huang Tianhua and said.

When Huang Tianhua heard this, his expression suddenly changed. He had never seen the power of the Demon Clan Prince, but he had heard of it! This is a great person from the beginning!

How can I provoke it myself?

"Tianhua, step back!"

True Lord Qingxu Daode protected Huang Tianhua behind him.

"Prince, what should you do? Now that you have become a human supervising god, there is no relationship between you and me. This time, I followed the way of heaven and saved Huang Feihu. I didn't offend you, did I?"

Qingxu Daodezhen looked at Liu Ming and said.

When Liu Ming heard this, he thought about it and realized that he had indeed not offended himself.

But just because I’m not offended now doesn’t mean I wasn’t offended before!

"Haha, Qingxu, you don't need to say anything. This time we met, I want to have a good argument with you. You harmed my apprentice, the monkey, who is still sleeping now. Do you think I am avenging this grudge? I won’t repay it either!”

Liu Ming looked at Qingxu Daode and said directly.

The space law that he had not used for a long time had already been sacrificed in his hand.

Lord Qingxu Daodezhen on the side became a little angry when he saw Liu Ming's posture.

This Liu Ming looked like he was going to fight him!

At this moment, Qingxu Daode Zhenjun also became defensive in his hands.

As a Twelve Golden Immortal, Liu Ming had been humiliated thousands of years ago.

Later it was settled.

This time Liu Ming came to him to avenge his apprentice, so he was afraid it would be difficult to be kind.

True Monarch Qingxu Daode took out his magic weapon.

He knew that Liu Ming had treasure money, so naturally he did not dare to use his weapons and magic weapons, so he took out the Hunyuan Banner and the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan!

Liu Ming snorted coldly. Although he had not reached the level of a quasi-sage, his strength and combat power had long been the same as that of a quasi-sage. He even had no pressure to deal with Qingxu Daodezhenjun.

As soon as the space suppression came out, the God-killing Spear was instantly in his hand.

If you bring out weapons and magic weapons, I will use the treasure-dropping money to kill you. If you bring out magic weapons, I will suppress you with the God-killing Spear.

True Monarch Qingxu Daode knew at this moment that it was impossible to fight, so he directly shook the Hunyuan Banner in his hand, and the color of the world suddenly changed.

Yang Jian directly felt the suppression of death, and he hurriedly took out his three-pointed two-edged knife to resist.

Liu Ming waved his hand to protect Yang Jian, and the God-killing Spear in his hand pierced the air directly.

The entire void instantly turned into a suppressed and solemn atmosphere.

Liu Ming kept controlling the God-killing Spear in his hand, and the peak of the spear frequently flashed bursts of cold light.

Threads of cold light have enveloped True Monarch Qingxu Daode.

The Hunyuan Banner in the hands of True Monarch Qingxu Daode had been suppressed, but he had no choice but to use the Five Fires and Seven Birds Fan to fan it directly.

Liu Ming sneered, and the God-killing Spear in his hand showed its power again. Just when he was about to attack, Liu Ming suddenly withdrew his offensive.

The whole person calmed down.

This made True Lord Qingxu Daode a little surprised, how could he stop fighting so well!

"Prince of the demon clan, what do you mean?"

Qingxu Daodezhen looked at Liu Ming and asked.

"Let's go, I'm just joking with you today, haha!"

After Liu Ming finished speaking, he laughed. Qingxu Daode Zhenjun couldn't help but feel a little angry.

You started fighting with yourself for no reason, and now you're not fighting anymore. You can really do whatever you want!

But since Liu Ming stopped fighting, True Lord Qingxu Daode was naturally happy and left directly with Huang Tianhua.

"Hey, you stay and watch over Huang Feihu and the others. If there is any difficulty, you can help appropriately. I will come as soon as I can!"

Liu Ming left directly after finishing speaking.

Yang Jian seemed to be confused as a two-foot-old monk, but since Liu Ming said so, he had no choice but to do it.

After Yang Jian left, Liu Ming disappeared directly.

In the void.

Liu Ming just showed up and gave a helpless smile.

"I've seen Saint Nuwa!"

Liu Ming looked directly at the figure in front of him and said.

"I don't dare. His Highness the Prince of the Monster Clan is so majestic. Why should he salute me?"

Nuwa said coldly.

When Liu Ming heard this, something was wrong! Wasn’t this Saint Nuwa always very kind to me before?

"Sage Nuwa, what do you mean? I have not offended you!"

Liu Ming said a little aggrieved.

"You didn't offend me, but do you know that if Pindao hadn't suppressed you just now, you would have been punished by heaven? If you really want to die, fine, just don't be so reckless next time!"

Nuwa said angrily.

"Here, let me teach Qingxu Moral True Lord Tiandao a lesson. Why does Tiandao care about me? This is not just idle time!"

Liu Ming said dissatisfied.

"Haha, teach me a lesson? You just had murderous intent in the God-killing Spear. You wanted to kill him, right? I know you hated him for hurting the monkey, but as I said, the monkey waited until the opportunity came. You will wake up, so why do you have to do this? Do you know that if a person on the list of gods is disturbed by external forces and dies, the law of heaven will be angry!"

Nuwa said with some dissatisfaction.

Liu Ming understood as soon as he heard it.

Nowadays, Jie Jiao and Chan Jiao are both the ones who have been punished by the gods. I really can't move!

"It's not like I didn't think of this just now. If I had, I wouldn't be like this!"

Liu Ming said softly.

"Humph, you have always been blind and arrogant. I don't care what you were like in the past. Now you have entrusted your soul to the way of heaven. In addition, you are now being conferred upon the gods to measure the calamity. You have been sent by the Tao Ancestor to supervise you. Do you know that your If your words and deeds dare to change the destiny of the Gods, you will face a double blow from Heaven and Dao Ancestors!"

Nuwa almost roared at Liu Ming.

Liu Ming couldn't help but take two steps back.

Can't afford to offend, can't afford to offend!

"Well, I was wrong. I won't dare to do it anymore. That's alright. I was a little angry just now. This Qingxu Daode Zhenjun really needs to be dealt with!"

Liu Ming muttered.

"Hmph, do you have to do it yourself if you want to deal with someone? Are you a fool? I'm so angry, I should have known that you would be punished by heaven!"

After Nuwa finished speaking, she snorted.

"Haha, Saint Nuwa, are you willing to give up on that?"

Liu Ming asked teasingly.

Sure enough, when Nuwa heard this, her face suddenly became a little weird, and then she became a little angry.

"Hmph, you dare to tease Pindao, do you want me to deal with you?"

Nuwa looked at Liu Ming and said.

"Don't dare, don't dare!"

Liu Ming quickly begged Nuwa for mercy.

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