
After listening to Bai Ze and Ji Meng's report in the main hall, Emperor Jun sighed.

This time we lost nearly three men and horses!

Although it is not a serious blow to Tianting, it is still a big blow.

"Emperor of Heaven, this time the Crown Prince intervened and planted the seeds of hatred for Zhu Rong and Gonggong early. Otherwise, we might end up with both the Wu Clan and the Wu Clan in harm's way!"

Bai Ze said.

Di Jun nodded.

"By the way, where is the prince? Didn't he come back from Saint Nuwa a long time ago?"

Di Jun asked.

Bai Ze and Ji Meng shook their heads.

It seems that I haven’t seen the prince!

In fact, as soon as Liu Ming came back, he went into seclusion in his own hall.

This time the merit of mending the sky is much better than the last time when Hou Tu established the Six Paths.

After all, mending the sky is related to the safety of the entire prehistoric period!

The merits will naturally be greater!

In the palace of the Prince of Heaven.

"Taiyi Golden Immortal has reached his peak!"

After refining his merits, Liu Ming felt that his cultivation had stayed at the peak of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

There is no breakthrough to Daluo Jinxian!

But Liu Ming didn't care.

Half of the merit was used by him to improve his physical strength.

The current physical defense is comparable to that of Daluo Jinxian.

No matter what time it is, there is nothing you can do if your level is not good, but resisting beating can save your life!

Witch clan territory!

The Ancestral Witch Hall was filled with lifelessness!

None of the eight people, Zhu Jiuyin, Shebishi, Xuanming, Liaoshou, Jumang, Tianwu, Qiangliang and Naz, spoke.

In just one year, only eight of the twelve ancestral witches are left!

And Ancestral Witch's tribe now has twelve tribes in total, and none of them have as many people as the previous tribe.

The Wu Clan has declined!

"Brothers, the Wu Clan cannot be destroyed in our hands!"

Xuan Ming raised his head and said.

The others looked at him listlessly.

"The Witch Clan is still counting on us, we have to cheer up!"

Xuan Ming said and stood up.

"The losses have been heavy. Even our twelve fundamental gods and evil formations are useless. We cannot gather together the twelve ancestral witches to set up the formation. What hope is there!"

Jumang shook his head.

"No, Xuan Ming is right. We should cheer up and go to the demon clan to take revenge. Hou Yi could take his place before, but now we can just find and train a few more great witches!"

After Zhu Jiuyin finished speaking, everyone regained some fighting spirit.

"Now we have to accelerate the development of the Witch Clan, otherwise the Demon Court will seize the opportunity and directly drive us out."

Xuan Ming said.

Let's go back to the Second Saint in the West. , Jieyin and Zhunti.

At this moment, the two of them were looking sad.

After finally taking advantage of Hongjun's power, he prepared to destabilize the Lich.

In the end, both sides suffer losses!

In this way, Western religion has attracted opportunities for development.

It's a pity that the battle ended in war.

The result was that the Wu clan was defeated.

The demon tribe seems to have nothing to lose.

Still firmly in control of the Eastern Heaven!

Still the largest race!

All the hard work was in vain.

"Brother, why didn't you let Ancestor Styx take action earlier! With the Dragon Clan suppressing the Phoenix Clan, and the Styx Shura Clan plus the Witch Clan, I'm afraid he won't be able to escape unscathed from the Monster Clan!"

Zhunti asked with some dissatisfaction.

It turns out that Jieyin and Zhunti actually found a helper from the Shura clan for the Wu clan.

"I originally wanted the two parties to use the Zhoutian Star Fighting Formation and the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation to hurt each other, so that there would be no need for Ancestor Styx to take action. That old guy is extremely treacherous!"

Jie Yin said angrily.

"But who would have thought that the Wu clan would be so unbearable, huh, especially those two bastards Gonggong and Zhu Rong, who actually smashed the Buzhou Mountain Pillar, and then they are busy patching up the sky, so there is no chance!"

Zhunti sighed.

Man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation!

No one expected that the Wu clan would be in internal strife!

Give the demon clan a chance!

"By the way, senior brother, have you noticed that Di Jun's Golden Crow son seems unusual!"

Quan asked.

After hearing this, Jieyin frowned and recalled everything that happened.

Although I don’t know why Gonggong and Zhu Rong started a bloody feud.

But what triggered it first was what Liu Ming said to Hou Yi!

"The matter of Hou Yi and the matter of mending the sky, now that I think about it, it seems that they all have something to do with him!"

I remembered it instantly.

"Originally, we knew the temperaments of Emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi very well, but as a result, they tolerated the Witch Clan's hunt for the Golden Crow, and we lured the Witch Clan to intercept and kill Bai Ze. Ah! It’s not like the two of them!"

Zhunti said.

"I understand. I'm afraid that the Golden Crow was behind all of this. Don't forget, Kua Fu, the great witch of the Wu clan, died in his hands. I'm afraid this guy is hiding his secrets!"

Jie Yin's murderous intent suddenly fluctuated.

When he went to see Emperor Jun and Donghuang, the Golden Crow acted somewhat calmly.

Or he took the initiative and agreed to go to war, and even asked himself for a ten-day deadline!

Then when the two of them were secretly planning, I'm afraid the Golden Crow was not idle either!

"We must find a way to get rid of that Golden Crow!"

After Jieyin finished speaking, Zhunti also nodded heavily.

As long as Liu Ming is not eradicated, the West will not prosper!

At this moment, Liu Ming didn't know that he was being remembered by two saints again.

But even if he knew, Liu Ming didn't care, because it was useless to care.

Besides, isn't he just a man with yellow hair and a bald head?

Kunpeng Hall in Heaven.

"Demon Master, you seem a little unhappy recently!"

Liu Ming felt like his own home in Kunpeng's hall.

Just lie there and take it easy.

"Haha, the prince is joking. Our demon tribe has won this time. How can I be unhappy?"

Kunpeng said with a smile.

"Really? Then give me a smile to prove that you are happy!"

Liu Ming said lazily.

"The prince is joking. Is there anything wrong with the prince?"

laugh? Laugh at your sister!

"Haha, it's okay. I just came out of seclusion and I'm a little bored. By the way, Demon Master, the Second Saint of the West seems to be a little unscrupulous. I heard that when the Taoist ancestors preached and distributed the holy titles, you were actually kicked off by Zhun Ti. It's really Hateful!"

After Liu finished speaking, Kunpeng stood up directly, exuding bursts of murderous aura.

"Prince, why bother bringing up the past! If everything is okay, Prince, please go back, I want to rest!"

Kunpeng issued an order to expel guests.

When Liu Ming heard this, he didn't provoke him any more, patted his shoulder and left.


After Liu Ming left, Kunpeng smashed his palace to pieces.

If he hadn't been kicked out by Zhunti, he would have become a saint by now. How could he be inferior to others?

Thinking that the two of them had met me secretly before, so that I could find an opportunity to harm the demon army during the war between demons and witches.

It’s just idiots talking in their dreams!

"Kunpeng, it's a good thing you didn't do anything, otherwise, huh, I wouldn't have planned to kill you!"

After Liu Ming left, he said coldly to himself.

Before the war started, he felt that something was wrong with Kunpeng. After meeting Kunpeng, Liu Ming knew.

Because there was a very faint golden light on Kunpeng's body.

It was obvious that he had been in contact with the Second Saint of the West.

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