Liu Ming naturally saw Jiang Ziya looking at him.

"King Wu Cheng, you know what magic this Guifang has!"

Liu Ming suddenly asked.

"Taoist Master, Zhang Guifang is a very evil man. He has practiced a kind of magic from somewhere. If you fight him and he knows your name, he will shout directly, "Who is it?" He fell off his horse and was captured!"

After Huang Feihu finished speaking, everyone couldn't help but look at Huang Feihu with some doubts. Isn't this a fantasy?

Jiang Ziya was also shocked when he heard this.

"King Wu Cheng, is this really true? If this is true, then isn't Zhang Guifang a bit powerful?"

Jiang Ziya said in shock.

"Yes, it is indeed the case. So I advise everyone, when you fight Zhang Guifang again, you must not tell him his name, otherwise no matter who it is, he will be left behind!"

After Huang Feihu finished speaking, everyone was a little doubtful.

At this moment, someone came to report that Zhang Guifang's army had arrived in Xiqi.

"Prime Minister, please take someone to see it!"

Ji Fa said.

Jiang Ziya got the order and walked out directly.

Liu Ming thought for a while and stood up.

"I'll go take a look too!"

When Ji Fa heard this, he nodded hurriedly. With Liu Ming sitting in charge, he thought he was fine.

And the two sides are already facing each other.

Zhang Guifang has a general under his command, Feng Lin!

"General, let me see how strong this Xiqi is?"

Feng Lin said.

Zhang Guifang nodded.

Feng Lin killed him directly.

When Jiang Ziya saw someone coming out, he asked everyone who would challenge them.

It is said that there was a man Ji Shuqian, the son of Ji Chang.

After hearing what Huang Feihu said, Qi Qi felt a little disdainful and immediately went out to kill him.

"You are Zhang Guifang. Come quickly and die!"

Ji Shuqian pointed directly at Feng Lin and shouted.

"I am General Zhang's deputy, Feng Lin. I am wise enough to hand over Huang Feihu as soon as possible. Otherwise, don't blame my army for charging directly into Xiqi and taking Ji Fa directly to Chaoge!"

Feng Lin said directly.

When Uncle Ji heard this, he waved his long gun and killed him.

How dare a mere lieutenant be so arrogant.

The two fought directly for more than ten rounds.

Uncle Ji's marksmanship was also very powerful. He killed Feng Lin so hard that he was unable to resist. Without paying attention, he was stabbed in the thigh.

Feng Lin turned around and ran away.

And Uncle Ji gave chase.

Feng Lin was also a left-handed sorcerer. He muttered words, opened his mouth in an instant, and a stream of black smoke came out.

The black smoke dissipated instantly and turned into a big net. A huge red bead appeared in the net and hit Uncle Ji directly.

Ji Shuqian was unprepared and was hit directly in the face, and Feng Lin chopped off his head with a wave of his hand.

It's pitiful that Ji Chang's son was killed like this.

After Feng Lin killed someone, Xiqi's army was suddenly shaken.

Before Guifang took action, he lost one person on his side, Ji Chang's son and Ji Fa's brother!

Jiang Ziya's face turned ugly at this moment. This was a bad start!

He actually killed all Ji Fa's brothers!

How can I explain this to Ji Fa?

Jiang Ziya looked at everyone with some distress, but everyone in Xiqi was also at a loss now.

"The current plan is to send people to test again, otherwise all the previous efforts will be wasted!"

Jiang Ziya immediately made up his mind.

Zhang Guifang couldn't help but sneer when he saw several of his generals displayed in an instant.

How many people still want to stop me?

"Jiang Ziya, you are so brave. You actually dare to lead Xiqi soldiers to fight against the king's army. Are you ready to rebel in Xiqi?"

Zhang Guifang looked at Jiang Ziya and scolded him.

Jiang Ziya laughed instead.

"Zhang Guifang, the matter has come to this. What's the use of talking more? Haha, you know that now you Chaoge have sent troops to conquer several times. Do you think Xiqi can still sit there motionless? ? You are really funny!"

Jiang Ziya looked at Zhang Guifang and said.

At this moment, Xiqi's army was already fighting with Zhang Guifang's army.

When Zhang Guifang saw Huang Feihu next to him, he immediately clapped his horse and charged forward.

This time his purpose is also for Huang Feihu. Chao Lei and his two men surrendered to Xiqi, and now he has come to capture Huang Feihu before he can do anything!

Zhang Guifang directly stabbed Huang Feihu with the spear in her hand. Huang Feihu took a look and directly activated the five-color sacred cow to rush over.

The two of them fought each other.

On the other side, Feng Lin also took action, and happened to meet Nangong Shi!

Nangong Shi was a powerful general in Xiqi, and the spear in his hand directly hit Feng Lin, making him unable to resist.

Feng Lin had just been stabbed in the thigh by Uncle Ji, and he had difficulty moving.

This time he was facing Nangong Shi again, and he gradually couldn't hold it any longer, but Feng Lin had no fear at all. He turned around and left. Just when Nangong Shi was about to pursue him, Feng Lin repeated his old trick, mumbling words again, and soon A large net formed by black smoke soon enveloped Nangong Shi, and the red bead in the net took action again, knocking Nangong Shi down.

Nangong Shi was immediately captured after being knocked off his horse.

On the other side, Zhang Guifang and Huang Feihu were also fighting hard, but Huang Feihu was still more powerful.

The spear in Huang Feihu's hand kept striking out, and bits and pieces of cold light shrouded the entire Zhang Guifang in the spear point.

Zhang Guifang looked at it and sneered.

"Huang Feihu, how long will it take for you to fall off your horse?"

After a loud shout, Huang Feihu's eyes blurred and he fell off his horse.

He fell to the ground and was directly tied up by a group of people who rushed up.

Zhou Ji on the side saw that Huang Feihu was captured and killed him directly.

When Zhang Guifang saw it, she also smiled. Another one is here to die!

"Zhou Ji, if you don't fall off the horse yet, how long will it take?"

Before Zhou Ji could take action, he fell off the horse just like Huang Feihu.

Zhang Guifang captured both Huang Feihu and Zhou Ji with one move, while on the other side, Feng Lin had also captured Nangong Shi.

Now Xiqi's side has lost four generals, one died and three were captured.

Regardless of whether they are dead or captured, they all have a high status in Xiqi!

As a result, Xiqi's losses were too great!

Although Jiang Ziya hates Zhang Guifang a little bit at the moment, he has no good solution now.

Zhang Guifang is too evil. If this continues, it will be useless no matter how many people are sent, they will all be captured by Zhang Guifang!

At this moment, everyone in Xiqi truly understood what Huang Feihu said. This piece of Guifang really has a strange magic!

In desperation, Jiang Ziya had no choice but to avoid the limelight.

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